ECN13000 — Arzorath the Mandrake

#bale #hair #white #whitehair #dark_eldar #fire #saw #sawedgesword #balefire #edge #eldar #glimmer #mandrake #steel #sword #tribaltattoo #aeldari #drukhari #arzorath #glimmersteel
Published: 2019-01-04 06:11:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 1477; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 4
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Description A towering dark mysterious figure, Arzorath is at times known as the Frost Stalker or the Chilling Shade due to leaving footprints off frost wherever he goes, is a Madrake from the Drukhari race. A mysterious "Boogeyman" of the corrupted sadistic aeldari that thrive on the pain of many, he is often employed as a mercenary and assassin, he often accepts slaves as a trade off for his services however he much prefers some more exotic things that he often requests such as "The Warmth of a Soft Moan", very few know what he ever means by such a thing but anyone wanting his services will happily agree with this price.
Using the mystical Balefire cold flames that Mandrakes are well known for, Arzorath also uses two glimmersteel blades, one in the form of vicious sickle and the other in the form of a large saw-edged sword. The markings on his body are said to be as cold as his own soul irradiating an aura of coldness that matches his very own unforgiving lack of mercy as he leaps out of shadows to butcher his prey, worse case scenario he drags them in to the shadows with him, while a grin forms on the sadistic Mandrake's otherwise featureless face.

A Mandrake OC that I had formulated when I took sometime reading about this guy. These creatures are rather fascinating.

Arzorath (C) ECN13000  
Drukhari Mandrake (C) Warhammer 40.000; Games-Workshop
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Comments: 2

SkeletonEmbers [2019-01-04 18:04:22 +0000 UTC]

He looks good, but I think you should have made the length of his skirt thing longer, because it looks like his legs were cut off just below the knee. ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ECN13000 In reply to SkeletonEmbers [2019-01-04 19:40:05 +0000 UTC]

True, Heh, imagine that he is still emerging from the shadows. :U

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