EmilisBorealis — Armeni

Published: 2015-11-21 09:53:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 751; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Pandanzeia is a space opera following the queer female crew of the flagship of the Star Navy, the SNS Pandanzeia, through their personal stories and mission to explore, research and defend. 

Pandanzeia is a multiple plotline character-focused story about exploration, adventure, action, lesbian romance, optimism and positivity.


The Head Psychiatrist :: LT Armeni Kuva

Yeah so I kind of threw in one last characters to my character pile while doing the last of the portraits

Armeni Kuva is her name, and she's the head psychiatrist aboard the Pandanzeia.

And psychiatry, in the Pandanzeia universe, is far different and technologically advanced than today - there's still the regular talking and psychology of course - but in addition they have a number of machines and gizmos (nicknamed "brain machines" by some) that can very precisely and effectively tap into and fiddle with hormones and electric impulses of the neurological system and in that way treat psychological ailments and traumas more directly and far more effectively. Armeni is a psychiatrist which in this timeframe generally means she's especially trained and involved in the use of these machines (psychologists would be more like psychologists of today - they focus more on the talking and supporting).

Anyway. Armeni herself is a 32 year old amean woman and a single mother of a 12 year old son. Her child lives with and is taken care of by Armeni's own mother, her child's grandmother, when Armeni is away, and Armeni too lives in her mother's house ever since the child's father and Armeni's ex-partner left them.

>> Full Cast <<

Update 30/11/2017: New redesigned nose! +redrawn eyelids

Update 16/07/2017: New species design!

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Comments: 2

Raenafyn [2015-11-22 07:17:17 +0000 UTC]

Great design!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmilisBorealis In reply to Raenafyn [2015-11-23 21:53:18 +0000 UTC]


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