EmilyStepp — Archer and Dragon

Published: 2013-02-05 20:58:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 1077; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Description Concept I made for the indie video game Project Vahaos. Click on this link [link] and help Project Vahaos rise in popularity, every click honestly helps. And check out more concepts and models while you're there.
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Comments: 2

will2power71 [2013-02-05 21:08:49 +0000 UTC]






I like the colors and the subject well enough, but there's something that throws the picture off to me and that's perspective. When I look at the figures, everything for the most part looks okay, except for the fact that she's got her bow cocked and she's looking at the dragon and not down the shaft of the arrow.

When I look at the figures, everything looks fine. When I look at the trees is when the image falls apart in my mind. For some reason, they just don't seem to give a sense of perspective. They look too small in comparison to the figures and the seem placed like fence posts instead of looking like they're scattered around. As a result, I get no sense of depth in the picture. I was never very good at drawing trees, but you seem to have it down --just need to arrange them in such a way that they give you that sense of depth and a sense of the terrain. Otherwise, I think everything looks great!

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EmilyStepp In reply to will2power71 [2013-02-05 21:14:47 +0000 UTC]

yeah I was using the background and more of a "welp I better put something back here" than as a real scene. I know that it probably doesn't come across, but I wanted her to seem like she was caught off guard by the dragon. Thank you for the critique I took so long just filling in the characters in this I "couldn't see the forest for the trees" so to speak haha.

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