enigmatia — BS - Round 3 - Prelude: Page 4

Published: 2010-09-04 00:10:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 2558; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 14
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Recognise these two? They're now employed by Zort as little Sniffers. To blood-hound Lox, ya know? 'Coz they're crazy!

They're supposed to be storming through that little doorway opposite of the stage (where Lox entered the room), but in a more EXPLOSIVE way! Still looks.. flat :/ Help me?

    Zort is on a hoverboard thing. This is how it looks and what it looks like in schematic [link]
    It doesn't move. It just hovers. He's got those two girls on a leash now, get it? It makes a low voooooooooom noise.


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Invader Zim © Jhonen Vasquez
Zig by *Cecilie013
Lox, those two crazies and Zort by ~enigmatia

Ugh, finally finished this. Probably the page that took the longest to do. And is STILL looks stupid!
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Comments: 51

Nikrain [2010-10-17 17:22:32 +0000 UTC]

This isn't explosive enough? Are you kidding me!? XD They might as well have just blown up the doorway the way they're charging in there
I think the best part is that the two crazies (as they shall be referred to now XD) are literally jumping out of their panel here. It really seems to add an element of chaos if nothing fits quite right XD
I love the expressions on everybody! The crazies look, well, insane, Zort is still trying to look cool (but his hoverboard just makes him look like a lazy bum), and Lox and Zig are obviously freaking out XD I love it!
I really like the angle you have going on Zort there..but something about it seems just a tad off..0_o Even though he's "above us" on a hoverboard, he still seems a bit too angled there.. as thought hes leaning back a bit too much.. Maybe he's just trying to reel the crazies in though? So he has to lean back..IDK XD That and something about the shape of his..dare I say it..crotch section ( UGH) looks weird.

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enigmatia In reply to Nikrain [2010-10-29 23:32:13 +0000 UTC]

Idunno! XD it's an artist thing- when you make it yourself, see every part of it in the process of creation, it just doesn't feel so good to you anymore.
Hey, those two don't come with any other name, why not

I like to take that part with Zort as not just a fail-attempt to be cool, but to take a laugh at cliche action scenes in movies where the dude with the sunglasses crashes through the Store window with 80's sunglasses
Gosh then I must totally f'ing fail in that department Not that I look around there too often when I see from that perspective I tried to go about it like they do in IZ, but eh.. yeah

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Nikrain In reply to enigmatia [2010-11-07 20:26:19 +0000 UTC]

That's very true! I feel that way all the time about things I draw/write/whatever XD You're your own worst critic after all!

lol I know what you mean..it's just awkward to draw. And the IZ ones look awkward on their own..they're too square-esque

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PaperclipPlatypus [2010-09-21 01:22:48 +0000 UTC]

wicked. they look hungry, maybe some raw flesh will do the trick?

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enigmatia In reply to PaperclipPlatypus [2010-09-21 12:47:55 +0000 UTC]

Maybe! Poor little devils haven't had a feed for a while!

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littlecheese [2010-09-10 02:11:07 +0000 UTC]

fffffff...there on leashes..kinky XD
no but this is interesting here XD

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enigmatia In reply to littlecheese [2010-09-11 03:59:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes D: Explosive too.

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littlecheese In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-28 08:28:55 +0000 UTC]


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MileniaKitsuvee [2010-09-09 23:15:29 +0000 UTC]

haha, I love their expressions in this page. XD

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enigmatia In reply to MileniaKitsuvee [2010-09-11 03:58:15 +0000 UTC]

So.. rabid With Irken Rabies

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MileniaKitsuvee In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-11 08:10:46 +0000 UTC]

It's wonderful!

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Stef-Cannon-3886 [2010-09-08 01:55:10 +0000 UTC]

Haha, love the drool coming out! No peace for Lox!

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enigmatia In reply to Stef-Cannon-3886 [2010-09-11 03:55:40 +0000 UTC]

Some people just salivate naturally like that when they see some things First hand experience.
And none, whatsover Maybe he should have not gotten in trouble with the Elites in the first place!

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InvaderSaik [2010-09-07 11:16:06 +0000 UTC]


Those blue and red effects really pop it out XD I should get me some 3D goggles. Or, ya know, just steal those nifty shades of Zort's and convert 'em. By the way, the way you've worked the viewers perception of the angle we're seeing Zort is cool beans ;D

Boy, Lox's exclaimation just puts the icing on the cake XD

I think the thing that's just offsetting the overall outward action are the poses on those two crazies. The one on the right's front leg kinda kills the perspective and motion with that pointed toe. Not many people land their toe first, and though it also looks like she's more in the process of putting weight on that leg, it's too foward from the body to really indicate the change in weight distribution. Try walking around a bit, or running- you'll notice that most of the time that your front foot is flat, your body is almost completely above it. Her hands could also pop out of the page a bit more.
But, okay, I lied about the one on the left, that pose is pretty good XD Had you going there, right?

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enigmatia In reply to InvaderSaik [2010-10-05 09:47:07 +0000 UTC]

You can actually make pictures 3D.. and that wouldn't be a bad idea for a picture idea
And you can make them1 XD I never tried. Though I still have a pair of them, which I kept from a movie theatre (They were supposed to be returned but almost nobody returned them anyway.. heck XD) I'm glad the angle works, it looks to me it really helps convey the looming height and powerfulness of him.

XD Life sucks when your only workable problem solver is your own two feet and an open exit.

Aw, I could probably get away with it and pretend she's prancing in ecstasy? Naw, this wasn't my intention - they were both supposed to be stampeding in, and I totally get what you mean. I learned a lot about running poses from *DefectiveFal who does some really great work at them. She makes big mention of the distance of the legs for a good running pose, and nothing of the feet from what I remember. That could just be automatic for her.
Anyway, I gave it a go (I actually did this ages ago when I first read your message ) and I think I get the momentum of it. For a couple days I worked on stances and feet in general. One of my recent pics had it way out front and out for show, so it's been a thing on my mind now.

....And I did. Good thing I left this for so long to contemplate the methodology of your trick. That was sooooo very evil of you

It's always better have a visual aid then just be told what to fix. Thanks for that (:

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SaintHeartwing [2010-09-04 23:13:43 +0000 UTC]

I shall make NO comment on how twisted it is for him to have two insane-looking women searching for Lox, though I'd-

Oh, who am I kidding. This is twisted. It's like he's a pimp and they're his ho's. YECH. Though you'd think he'd be a bit surprised to see the 8-foot-tall demonic woman standing by her own dead body. Can't wait to see what happens next!

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enigmatia In reply to SaintHeartwing [2010-09-15 01:00:10 +0000 UTC]

I doubt they'd be in the prostitution business, if they had any in Irk

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BeastboyJinx [2010-09-04 14:06:07 +0000 UTC]

Poor Lox xD He's going to get eaten alive by those fangirls

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enigmatia In reply to BeastboyJinx [2010-09-15 00:23:41 +0000 UTC]

Not eaten! Taken care of

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BeastboyJinx In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-15 16:38:34 +0000 UTC]

I can't tell if thats worse or not

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The--Twins [2010-09-04 08:06:57 +0000 UTC]



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enigmatia In reply to The--Twins [2010-09-15 11:15:07 +0000 UTC]

And explodey! And RED! D8
Thank so much! <3

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The-Laughing-Lunatic [2010-09-04 06:53:41 +0000 UTC]

Haha, you could say they're Lox fangirls! I know I'd call them that . Very dynamic when I saw this I thought it was a cover of a new comic you were doing until I read the title and description. It's attention grabbing and dark but it does not seem to have interrupted the mood of the original scene like a normal crash-in entrance. I think those dynamic lines you used when Zig was fighting Lox in the other round would have suited.

Other than that the colour seems striking and Zort's sunglasses are very awesome. Makes him cooler than he already is I have to say!

Oh Lox, the reason is because of your faux-gentleman charm, it's hard to find a nice guy these days . Even if he is only a temporary nice guy.

It also seems that Zig has been interrupted from her very important 'Why Lox will burn in Hell for Eternity' speech . Lovely work as always! You improve with every picture I see whether it is in one way or another

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enigmatia In reply to The-Laughing-Lunatic [2010-09-26 12:54:05 +0000 UTC]

Have you seen my opponent's comic so far? I could say I'm a fangirl of the adorableness in that one!
..Oh, ha, I never made my comic covers look so exciting This doesn't have one yet either.. maybe one day!
Thank you! The motion lines would have been good though, ugh I don't think I can go back to the working file anymore anyway. Next time

Those glasses.. so cliche, so stupid - they were a MUST-HAVE for Zort

Yeah, the Armada lacks of gentlemen completely last time I heard, this false attitude seems the best it can get for now!

My personal goal, you just described simple. Always improve from my last major piece. Never stop! Never so abruptly like Zig there either

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The-Laughing-Lunatic In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-30 11:08:43 +0000 UTC]

Actually I have not.

It proves difficult to make a comic cover exciting enough to grab people's attentions, so scrap that and just get straight to the comic!

Of course!

Oh yes Zim being an incredibly large example .

So true, so true .

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LollipopInMyHair [2010-09-04 03:37:49 +0000 UTC]

Hubba whaaaa? What sick twist of events. Lox is in so much trouble, Zort's probably gonna eat him. 0_o

I certainly don't think it's flat, I love glowy, reddy stuff. It fills the page with ... SPECTACULORICIOUSNESSFULLNESS!

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enigmatia In reply to LollipopInMyHair [2010-09-04 08:08:43 +0000 UTC]

This is where I finally get to use the expression "Stuck between a rock and a hard place"! All poor Lox wants is to be left alone to silently grieve.. or shake off that death he caused.
Zort.. mmhmm.. I think he's got his job more in mind - making sure Lox dies fairly in BS and get back to his old, more relaxing job, of commanding.. and stuff

Ooh, just how they're running, it doesn't look like they're moving so much; more like the background is moving Gotta move on though - 4/25 pages completed and I'm behind schedule!

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LollipopInMyHair In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-07 01:51:19 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm, but Zort may get hungry, we'd better salt and pepper Lox just in case. Why a schedule, I don't have one and well... Yes, it's better to have a schedule.

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Yoru-chan49 [2010-09-04 02:39:51 +0000 UTC]

Wow, This is too funny!
I feel a little bad for Lox, I'm a fan of him but not crazy for him like these two (Or am I?)

I wasn't expecting this..I thought Lox kicked a chair at Zig and was gonna make a break for it. But this is more awesome!! Keep it up! XD

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enigmatia In reply to Yoru-chan49 [2010-09-04 08:03:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Naw, the invention of those two was just express how crazy some people can get for the lamest of people. Lox, is one of them. Wouldn't expect anyone to be THAT nuts for a fan character of a show

Ooohh, you thought it was Lox's foot? Well that foot was ambiguous! Though Lox's feet have stumpier ends - these gal's boots go to points But hell, I wouldn't expect anyone to know, no

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Yeakuaf [2010-09-04 01:19:37 +0000 UTC]

The clue for the next page is a picture of the massive particle accelerator thing?
Or, wait, am I incredibly wrong on that?

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enigmatia In reply to Yeakuaf [2010-09-04 08:01:19 +0000 UTC]

Yesssssss One hell of an awesome machine. Large Hadron Collider.
If you can tell what's going in that link that would be cool. Otherwise I'd feel like the only person who laughs about stuff like that :[

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Yeakuaf In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-04 23:42:30 +0000 UTC]

Yes, and very useful.
Oh, um, the fact that it's huge and looks really complicated and there's one little guy working on it?

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enigmatia In reply to Yeakuaf [2010-09-05 00:54:35 +0000 UTC]

And I scared some students in my Grade 9 Japanese class! I told them on the day they were making those ion's collide about the chance

But I guess I really didn't explain myself well with it.. the Next Page actually at the moment links to [link] - not my actual comic page no. I mean't to say, what would you think is going on in that picture. I put the clue for those who didn't know what room that was related to.
I was really hoping that there was someone out there who watched the Live news coverage of what was going on in the Particle Accelerator that day. Because they had live camera footage of the control room. I was stalking the forums for the accelerator and someone took a screenshot of the Control room about 1 minute before they launched the experiment, and edit it in PS...
I dunno if you heard about it, but they said that the particle accelerator had a 1 in a million chance or something that it would form a black hole and do this [link] Information which I scared Grade 9 kids with

That meltdown picture.. yeah

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Yeakuaf In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-05 02:58:52 +0000 UTC]

Oh! Okay. Somehow I didn't see that other picture.
Oh, yeah. I heard of that black hole chance. Well, at least they knew what they were doing.

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enigmatia In reply to Yeakuaf [2010-09-05 08:25:53 +0000 UTC]

Naw that's fine. It's just that now I've been linking every Next page to a stupidly-named website (and now) a picture of some sort, so I hoped people would catch on.
Yuh. I was so totally anticipating something totally awesome to happen... and it was really just a speck on the monitor. I forgot what they said they learned from it though

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Yeakuaf In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-05 09:18:04 +0000 UTC]

I think they used it to learn how the laws they knew worked on small particles and to understand more about other laws in the universe.

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zincode [2010-09-04 00:54:53 +0000 UTC]

oh my this is hardcore >

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enigmatia In reply to zincode [2010-09-04 00:59:09 +0000 UTC]

Haha, hardcore fangirls, totally >D

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zincode In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-04 01:02:02 +0000 UTC]

>D YEAAA HARD COOORREEEEE *pants exsplode in hardcore maner*

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zincode In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-04 01:01:16 +0000 UTC]

>D SO HARD CORE *pants exsplode in a hardcore maner* YEAAAAAAAAA *headbang*

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enigmatia In reply to zincode [2010-09-26 03:40:06 +0000 UTC]

Man, I'd hate to see ya at a hardcore music concert! XD There will be pieces of Maci everywhere!

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zincode In reply to enigmatia [2010-10-02 21:41:34 +0000 UTC]

its a pretty horid site its so scary cus im all like THIS BE LIKE HARD CO*BOOOOMMMM*

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Invaderfangirli101 [2010-09-04 00:17:02 +0000 UTC]

lolzXDDDDDDDD that's epically funny i like those too>3333 epic light shading too

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enigmatia In reply to Invaderfangirli101 [2010-09-04 00:21:34 +0000 UTC]

I like 'em too They made a good couple to throw in the background - why not throw them in the spotlight for a change?

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Invaderfangirli101 In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-04 18:11:44 +0000 UTC]

lolz so trueX3333 and ur welcome

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zincuddlefish [2010-09-04 00:14:34 +0000 UTC]


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redmetz [2010-09-04 00:13:49 +0000 UTC]


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enigmatia In reply to redmetz [2010-09-04 00:29:36 +0000 UTC]

Do they? Haha, thanks

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redmetz In reply to enigmatia [2010-09-04 00:33:57 +0000 UTC]

yesh they does XD ur welcome!

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