erik-red — MMIII tribute- Hardman

Published: 2007-09-20 16:23:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 686; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 15
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And that's the last of the robot masters!^^

I changed his armor a bit.. his helmet looks a lot better now... and I purposefully gave him neither ear things nor a nose... and I got rid of whatever that thing coming out of his ass was... he was pretty fun to draw!^^

I also gave him a hydrolic pump thing-a-mer-bob... not sure if that's what it is... but once he stomps on the ground sumo style, the top piece will fall and the pressure will cause the ground to quake

well... other than shooting his fists and jumping on you, I also gave him the ability to stomp the ground and cause earthquakes (like gutsman) and he can create shockwaves which will travel across the ground!

his "upgraded" robot master name is Seismicman... at first I thought of naming him quakerman... but he doesn't have the hat for it...

oh... and though I didn't mention it for any of the other pics, I've been using texture overlays, which I just recently figured out about!^^
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Comments: 7

SuperMarthAndRoy64DS [2008-02-28 10:21:09 +0000 UTC]

There is like, NO Hard Man art on dA!... Or maybe I didn't look hard enough...

Whatever. He's pretty overlooked. Probably because there's nothing flashy that stands out about the guy, as opposed to "I CUT THINGS BY THROWIN MAH SIZZORZ" or "lol i r ninja" that the kids seem to think is cool nowadays... but his stage music is cool, and I'll give him credit for those ANNOYING honey bee robots... Almost as bad as the birds on Crash Man's stage, from what I remember... -_-;

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erik-red In reply to SuperMarthAndRoy64DS [2008-02-28 17:34:38 +0000 UTC]

well, there's all that and...well... his name is Hardman, you can't expect him to have all too many fans now can you?

and sorry to say this, but out of the MM3 soundtrack, his stages music was my least favorite... that and his power really sucked... I mean, I think the only one I hated more than hard knuckle was gemini laser...-_-;

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SuperMarthAndRoy64DS In reply to erik-red [2008-02-28 20:32:35 +0000 UTC]

Well... Gemini Laser IS useful for killing that darn spider when you revisit Spark Man's stage... but I can't beat the Doc Robots at all... v_v;

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erik-red In reply to SuperMarthAndRoy64DS [2008-02-28 22:19:18 +0000 UTC]

shadow blade is better though (it shoots up and diagonally)

the Doc robots are a cinch, so long as you have their weaknesses...

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LightDemonCodeH [2007-09-21 03:51:51 +0000 UTC]

That thing on his rear was the exit hole for the air, otherwise he would explode.
He is a Pile Driver.
It was dual purpose. It would launch him into the air and then be the exhaust port for when he hit his head.

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erik-red In reply to LightDemonCodeH [2007-09-21 18:35:42 +0000 UTC]

let's just say it's on the bottom of his feet now...

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LightDemonCodeH In reply to erik-red [2007-09-22 03:22:31 +0000 UTC]

That makes more sense and makes him less weird.

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