Ethereal-Mind — Hooky

Published: 2004-09-16 06:18:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 2684; Favourites: 62; Downloads: 522
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Description Hmm...what to say...
i really meant to post this before the end of the summer, but eh..im only about 4 days late!
Finally this maybe the most creative thing i've drawn seeing as how the setting for everything else ive drawn was kinda limited to wire-poles and city scapes (which are good as well.)
The composition was really driving me nuts in the beginning. I started with drawing the kid in the very front and moved my way backwards through the crowd on the left hand side, and the last thing i drew were the weird hook-like hilltops.

Once i got the main angle, the rest was just a matter of colouring and inking in the crowd.
(P.S: look at the people near the back! They're just beige coloured spheres with green dots!) Also, im not sure if the "logo" here kinda ruins the balance of the image but you know me, i have to title everything!
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Comments: 47

Time-For-Sleep [2006-02-01 22:54:53 +0000 UTC]

Another of your pictures I just love.
I get such a kick out of the colors and the misty look to the background, and everything that's going on in the foreground! Gotta love the facial expressions!

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Loa4eVER [2005-06-06 16:29:21 +0000 UTC]

Nice one, good prespective and so much expressions of that people.

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BludonutKing [2005-05-23 20:13:50 +0000 UTC]

I love it, very awesome stuff.

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glitterplague [2005-05-20 16:04:21 +0000 UTC]

they nearly all have green eyes.. wow.
I wish i had green eyes

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Saschaette [2005-05-02 23:07:56 +0000 UTC]

reminds me of a korn cd cover almost, i think you know which one i am refering too, i dont remember the title however, nice work i like it

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ShadeDeMonesko [2005-05-01 06:01:40 +0000 UTC]

OMG! This is SO cool

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hokuto [2005-04-28 00:50:59 +0000 UTC]

o.o Holy crap, so many people - I FEAR. Damn it must have taken forever.

That is kind of creepy how they're ALL green-eyed. XD

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auryn [2005-04-27 21:35:28 +0000 UTC]

This is an awesome picture, it's really obvious how much work went into it. But everyone having green eyes is freaking me out! Like...zombies, or a large inbred family.
But I'm sure there's a story there.

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flaminfae [2004-11-16 03:19:48 +0000 UTC]

why i severyones eyes green?!!!


i love this!!!!! i swear you are god of awesomeness!!! <3

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Ethereal-Mind In reply to flaminfae [2004-11-16 17:05:47 +0000 UTC]

ha ha ha! maybe because whatever they're looking at is green in colour? i dunno!
i wish i had this deep philosophical reason for why everyones eyes are green but i just did it cause i thought it would look cool and plus its kinda creepy!

thanks for the comment thingy!

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flaminfae In reply to Ethereal-Mind [2004-11-16 21:19:38 +0000 UTC]

lol green rules theres the answer xD


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Ethereal-Mind [2004-10-13 18:34:02 +0000 UTC]

sorry, i DID type that last night before going to bed but yes...artistic ability iISNT inherited, but learned and gained over time and hard work.

I hate people who say: "ohh i knew i would be drawing since the day i was born!"
and usually when you look at their stuff it isnt all that great for someone whos implied drawing their whole life.
Art is more than just hard work alone cause i've meet some people who try their hardest and spend ALOT of time working but just never get anywhere...cause its more than just hard work that'll make someone talented i guess...i think art has to do with detication and individual style. its not enough to draw good, but to stand out as well, cause you anyone can be GOOD, but if your stuff looks just like the next guy trying to do the WOG style, then your not really trying to define yourself individually. (okay prove me wrong if you think im full of shit.)
and i shouldnt be talking all big right now.....cause well im one to talk,

although i know i draw GOOD....compared to all the other amazing artists out there, im NOTHING special.

so thats just something i gotta improve on i guess.

P.S: change your avatar jackass!

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pureghetto In reply to Ethereal-Mind [2004-10-16 01:04:39 +0000 UTC]

yep...it doesn't work. I officially think DA sucks

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pureghetto In reply to Ethereal-Mind [2004-10-16 01:03:55 +0000 UTC]

I'll change it when I find something meaningful. Otherwise I'll just copy yours just to be an ass.

And now for a row of smilies with various links of doom:

eegee"> ureghetto&r=f">< img src="https://www.pureghetto.phlezk.com/PG _Smilies/cow8.gif" border="0" title="Dancing Cow!" />

If the above does not work I DON'T GIVE A SHIT HAHA WHAT NOW?

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pureghetto [2004-10-12 21:23:50 +0000 UTC]

Shit I forgot you even existed, much less checked up on you. Some thoughts:

- Everybody has green eyes, but no "easter egg" red eyed monster (person) or anything cliche? I may be over-reacting/analysing, but it gives me the impression you're getting serious when it comes to art (not that you weren't before, but I remember when you would put scattered areas of interest everywhere).

- Nice to see headphones again -- were they based on anything?

- Character designs: particularly the black haired kid and the kid looking off to the right (behind the one with the tie) -- were they based on prior art pieces or not?

- The guy wearing the 'sorting hat' -- I like how it matches the background landscape.

- The guy at the 'top left' looks like he's about to fall over, no matter how I imagine his body.

- All the people in the foreground have 2-D bodies.

"And....I'm spent"

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Ethereal-Mind In reply to pureghetto [2004-10-13 00:38:40 +0000 UTC]

ha ha!! there you are!! i actually forgot you actually go on this damn thing but yes...

no red eyes, cause i think its waaay to cliche to like do everything green and add one tiny red thing for contrast, which is such a giveaway so no no red eyes.
And trust me, im ALWAYS serious when it comes to art, like very serious! but yeah compared to before where i would slack off and manage 1 page a MONTH is a huge diffrence from before.

Headphones are based on two things, the ones i have at home, (i think you saw them) and Yoh's headphones from Shaman King.
umm..most of the characters in theis piece arent based on anything specific from the past except for the headphones guy who resembles Kaitchi, and the kid at the very front who resembles Eko. (the ones from my August comic)
the sorting hat guy was a sorta last minute decision and i wanted to change it but i realized i had inked at at the time too! (look i typed "at" twice!)
yes everyone is 2-D looking cause of my lack of persectival knoweldge....but im trying alot of new stuff with curvy angles and fish-eye styles....ill show you next time you come home again.


P.S: nice avatar jackass!

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pureghetto In reply to Ethereal-Mind [2004-10-13 02:53:08 +0000 UTC]

"nice avatar jackass!"

I know it turned you on, you pervert

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Ethereal-Mind In reply to pureghetto [2004-10-13 04:43:58 +0000 UTC]

ha ha! you wish retard!

i betcha you must get ALOT of notes from horny guys thinking your avatar is what you look like,
and then they wanna make you their online bitch,
but you being the cock-tease you are, tell them no, cause you already have a walking sack of testosterone which you call your boyfriend,
and they get all jealous and cyber stalk you, and private chat request on MSN.

yup yup yup!

change your avatar you sick fuck! you cant play being a bitch forever..!

nah im just messing with you mike, your alright....

P.S: change your fucking avatar jackass, its disgusting!

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Ethereal-Mind In reply to Ethereal-Mind [2004-10-13 04:54:26 +0000 UTC]

oh yeah, just in case anyone whos reading this is confused about why im starting to type with swear words,

the person above is my older brother mike...yes, check out his page because unlike me, he never inherited the artistic side of our family, but check his page out anyways!

you wont not, not regret it!

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pureghetto In reply to Ethereal-Mind [2004-10-13 05:11:19 +0000 UTC]

Yes because two screenshots of old desktops is amazing. And dear God yes, people actually think I'm an ex Playboy model/crappy actress.

And fuck, you implied artistic ability is inherited. Fucktard. I swear in your DA. Fuck fuck shit ass cock

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ojos-de-un-anglo [2004-10-02 22:40:58 +0000 UTC]

this is so good i love it

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Moomoomoomoo [2004-09-28 19:32:36 +0000 UTC]

really great picc!! the hooked hills things are so fitting (?) for this pic!! and with electric poles and wires~~ hehehahaha~~ ooo and their noses are really eye-catching, they were about the first things i saw~~ xDDDD;;; and and everyone has green eyes!! yea!!

awesome pic!! >u<

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tryverb [2004-09-22 20:49:04 +0000 UTC]

I like the background the best

and the green eyes, thats pretty awesome

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akindo [2004-09-22 03:11:16 +0000 UTC]

*points*... oo look at all those ppl with green eyes o.o... COOL~ ^^v

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XxanxietyxX [2004-09-19 21:30:02 +0000 UTC]

hehehe i love it. it looks really good! the little twirly things remind me of the nightmare before Christmas. this is good stuff man

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Forsaken-SakuraAngel [2004-09-19 14:35:48 +0000 UTC]

WOW, thats really awsome, great job!

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A-Spec [2004-09-19 14:29:03 +0000 UTC]

thats pretty awesome love all the individual facial expressions, and outifts. The only thing i think is a bit awkward is the fact that eveyones eyes are green, but thats probably something contributing towards a deeper meaning i cant quite see just yet .....brilliant work

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midnightpeppermint [2004-09-19 13:17:38 +0000 UTC]

So much detail @_@ You're really good at markering~ and how do you have patience to draw so many people on one piece of paper!? It would take me days and an exploded head to do that.
And hey, the hills do kinda remind me of Nightmare Before Chrismas XD I love it~

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kenny-red [2004-09-18 03:06:52 +0000 UTC]

They all have green eyes! Wow, that's so cool, I wish everyone I knew had green eyes (including me) ... ^_^

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kenny-red In reply to kenny-red [2004-09-19 04:40:13 +0000 UTC]

Harry Potter has green eyes with black hair... but green eyes with red hair is the best, green and red go really good together.

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Ethereal-Mind In reply to kenny-red [2004-09-19 03:47:53 +0000 UTC]

Yes me too!
well blue eyes more like it, but still green would be realy great, but then ehhh...... green eyes with blonde hair or green eyes with copper hair maybe...but green eyes with black hair???


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MakotoShinki [2004-09-17 14:42:05 +0000 UTC]

hmm.. a harsh decisions for me now..
i like this drawing, except maybe the eyes scare me a bit..
though i kinda see Kaitchi & Eko here too.. or rather..
people who kinda resemble them.

btw, can i use ur last EK drawing for the club avatar?
ill try to make it look nice.. hehe..

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Ethereal-Mind In reply to MakotoShinki [2004-09-19 03:57:37 +0000 UTC]

ehhh for sure you can use the last eko-kaitchi drawing for an avatar, and the new one you did for the club looks great! although why does the picture frame around only the hands? hmmmm....

This has nothing to do with the battery comic, i just wanted to do something sort of creative but yes, i guess i cant get away from drawing eko and kaitchi look-a-likes! especially eko's jacket/windbreaker cause its just so damn easy to draw!

and yes i know you'll make the club avatar thingy look good Makoto....or at least i HOPE so! ......no...you will.

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RawrKijett [2004-09-17 02:00:07 +0000 UTC]

awesome, looks like it took some time though, very nice overall. :3

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DoubleDragonHex [2004-09-17 01:20:08 +0000 UTC]

Very good job.
I like how all the kids green eyes stand out.
The brackground reminds me of Nightmare Before Christmas.
Keep up the good work

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mumpo [2004-09-17 00:09:05 +0000 UTC]

OMG.... I hate you for being so good.

(that's a compliment) Awesome detail, love the colouring and expecially the background~ Fav! Btw, love the people in the back, they're so funny XD

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SleeplessGamerChick [2004-09-16 21:55:42 +0000 UTC]

ahh its soooo great! this must have took quite some time to finish!

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sasurin [2004-09-16 21:36:07 +0000 UTC]

hey~ you finally got to finish this picture!!! >_<
i think it turned out really well!-as always.
and yeah..i think it would look better without the logo!
what a wierd place..did you thought about what's inside those buildings?O_O

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rairen [2004-09-16 15:13:23 +0000 UTC]

wow XDD this is great! I don't think I've ever seen so many green-eyed people, but XD *laughs hilarously at the little green eyed people in the way back with lost expressions* XDD they're so cute to look at XD

the hills in the back remind me of The Nightmare Before Christmas.. xD I really like the color scheme in this too XD GREAT JOB once again XD!

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cutegirl [2004-09-16 14:55:14 +0000 UTC]

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, veary cool >< I like it nice job E-M

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purpleorchid [2004-09-16 11:18:41 +0000 UTC]

wow! nice! thats soo cool! the crowds...the balance... nice!

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wyldflowa [2004-09-16 10:01:45 +0000 UTC]

That's so cool... O_O

I dunno what else to say but it's just awesome...

*saves and makes into desktop - if you don't mind*

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Ethereal-Mind In reply to wyldflowa [2004-09-16 13:51:00 +0000 UTC]

your making this into a desktop! sure, no prob that is....if you can, cause for me sizing images are the frikking worst.

but yes thanks and everything. Im at school right now!

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animegher [2004-09-16 08:17:53 +0000 UTC]

o.o wow so many individual faces on this, so cool. great coloring too! WOW!

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Paul-Ortego [2004-09-16 07:21:25 +0000 UTC]

Wow... The detail and movement here is just incredible... The spirals sort of draw you into the picture, at that. Your eyes follow the curves... And of course, you have to look at every one of those kids, to see what they look like. Fantastic work! Was this made with markers?

On an unrelated-yet-related note, for some reason, this looks like something that could go on a Korn or System of a Down shirt. Cool stuff.

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Static0080 [2004-09-16 06:24:17 +0000 UTC]

Awesome as usual, and this time there are no things to point out. Very nice.

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Spicey-Stewed-Donut [2004-09-16 06:23:20 +0000 UTC]

wow, lucky i got on when i did, i get dibs on first comment very nice i say i say i do i do... i especially love how each individual's face is different from the others'... and of course, another exceptional coloring job... well done old chap

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