Ezio1-3 — Grimloch Academy: Eve the Undine

#eve #monster #monstergirl #undine #water
Published: 2020-06-11 23:57:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 967; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 0
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Description Another OC I made for Grimloch Academy, by    www.deviantart.com/tman5636 .
Age: 17
Eve is an undine, a water-based being. She used to live in a lake alone since she didn't know who her parents were or where she came from, and it was very lonely, until one day she was discovered by Dario Grimloch, who took her back to Grimloch Academy. She at first was distrusting towards the other students since she hadn't seen anyone but wild animals all her life, though a few other students tried to make friends with her. She was soon approched by a golem named Adam who tried to get her to open up, since he used to be lonely himself. His kindness made her open up, and they fell in love, and can often be found together doing many things, though she is kind of annoyed by the fact that Adam is afraid of water. Eve is very smart, and after a while of learning at Grimloch Academy, she becomes technically gifted, loving to find out how technology works. 

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Comments: 2

juliano15 [2020-08-15 21:52:26 +0000 UTC]

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Ezio1-3 In reply to juliano15 [2020-08-16 00:38:27 +0000 UTC]

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