FoxBluereaver — Quest for the Power - Ash

Published: 2009-03-28 02:11:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 2685; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 30
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More Pokémon fanart. I'm having Ash use this costume in my fic "Pokémon: Quest for the Power". I hope doesn't mind I "borrowed" the hairstyle she made of him as a teenager/adult, but it looks so great, I just needed it

I guess can give you a small advance of my fic here. After Ash returns home from Sinnoh, he spends a year making an intensive training at Pallet Town in order to prepare himself for future journeys. He re-challenges the Indigo League and wins, becoming the champion of Kanto. One year later, he enters the competition again, this time to defend his title. A trainer from a foreign region (yours truly) makes it to the final and battles him, but Ash narrowly wins and mantains his title of champion. A few days later, they meet up again on the road to Pallet Town, and after speaking for a bit, Ash ges invited to take on a Pokémon challenge at that region (which I've named Korei), which he gladly accepts. Ah, just for the record, Ash is 17 at the time the story begins.

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Más fanart de Pokémon. Haré que Ash use este atuendo en mi fic "Pokémon: Quest for the Power". Espero que a no le importe que "tome prestado" el estilo de cabello que le puso como adolescente/adulto, pero es que se ve tan genial, que lo necesitaba

Creo que les puedo dar un pequeño avance de mi fic aquí. Luego que Ash retorna de Sinnoh, pasa un año haciendo un entrenamiento intensivo en Pueblo Paleta como preparación para futuros viajes. Vuelve a desafiar la Liga Indigo y gana, coronándose campeón de Kanto. Un año después, vuelve a entrar a la competencia, esta vez para defender su título. Un entrenador de otra región (su servidor) llega a la final y se le enfrenta, pero Ash apenas logra ganarle y mantener su título de campeón. Unos días después, se encuentran de nuevo en el camino hacia Pueblo Paleta, y luego de hablar un rato, a Ash lo invitan a participar en un desafío Pokémon en la región (la cual he llamado Korei), que gustoso acepta. Ah, solo para que sepan, Ash tiene 17 años al inicio de la historia.

Ash & Pikachu are (c) to Satoshi Tajiri & Nintendo.
Artwork is (c) to
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Comments: 39

magic135 [2010-02-08 22:55:37 +0000 UTC]

go ash. your the hero.

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mzhamma [2009-05-28 20:12:51 +0000 UTC]

Ash looks really cool in this picture. I can only imagine what his Pokemon must look like.

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FoxBluereaver In reply to mzhamma [2009-05-28 20:14:24 +0000 UTC]

No need to imagine. Actually, I'm gonna post some pics of the Pokémon he will catch. Thanks.

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mzhamma In reply to FoxBluereaver [2009-05-28 20:19:34 +0000 UTC]

Cool and you're very welcome!

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Elixen [2009-04-27 23:56:30 +0000 UTC]

Me imaginaba que sin gorra se veria algo raro, pero tienes razon le quedo bien el hairstyle y su atuendo quedo mejor de lo que me lo imagine (tengo facultades limitadas en ese aspecto XP)
como nota a Pikachu la falto el pelo cafe de la base de la cola

-Current Battle Stamps-

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FoxBluereaver In reply to Elixen [2009-04-28 16:50:41 +0000 UTC]

Jeje, pues como que sí, verdad? Su gorra es lo que más lo identifica. Aunque, yo cuando era pequeño también me gustaba usar gorra igual que él, y al ir creciendo lo dejé, es como poner un poco de mí en él, si me entiendes. Gracias por comentar, ah, y por señalarme lo de Pikachu, se me escapó ese detallito.

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Elixen In reply to FoxBluereaver [2009-05-01 18:38:43 +0000 UTC]

Si claro, te entiendo ^^
y de nada

-Current Battle Stamps-

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PaladinArtea [2009-04-02 16:55:21 +0000 UTC]

nice background story to go with this one buddy

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FoxBluereaver In reply to PaladinArtea [2009-04-03 18:51:01 +0000 UTC]


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LuckyNumber-Thirteen [2009-03-31 12:59:29 +0000 UTC]

again: just see the comment on the surfer misty pic. great job.

i love your pikachu. its very stylized

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FoxBluereaver In reply to LuckyNumber-Thirteen [2009-03-31 16:19:01 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot.

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LinktloZelda [2009-03-30 23:26:33 +0000 UTC]

Se ve muy bien =3
Me dan ganas de leer tu fic ¿ya lo publicaste aún no? o.o
La ropa de Ash quedó muy bien ^^

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FoxBluereaver In reply to LinktloZelda [2009-03-31 15:20:45 +0000 UTC]

Sí, ya publiqué el primer cap (la primera parte al menos, lo tuve que cortar en dos para ganar tiempo ) Muchas gracias.

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LinktloZelda In reply to FoxBluereaver [2009-04-01 03:03:25 +0000 UTC]

Entonces, ahora que vienen vacaciones lo leeré =3

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MajinLu [2009-03-30 12:28:33 +0000 UTC]

I dont mind xD

I love Ash's outfit <3

And... fanfic *-* I love pokemon 'grow up' fanfics /o/

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FoxBluereaver In reply to MajinLu [2009-03-30 16:56:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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Reylf [2009-03-30 02:14:02 +0000 UTC]

el cabello es lo mas genial :'DDD!
Despues de mil años de pokemon no seria mala idea ver a Ash un poquito mas mayor xD

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FoxBluereaver In reply to Reylf [2009-03-30 16:29:41 +0000 UTC]

Pienso igual. Y no solo a él, sino también a los demás. Gracias ^^

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Reylf In reply to FoxBluereaver [2009-04-04 00:03:27 +0000 UTC]

De nada ^^

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Ghirox [2009-03-29 03:55:22 +0000 UTC]

te quedo muy padre, esa genial XD

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FoxBluereaver In reply to Ghirox [2009-03-29 16:08:35 +0000 UTC]

Gracias ^^

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Ghirox In reply to FoxBluereaver [2009-03-30 06:27:46 +0000 UTC]

de nada

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Star-Ninja [2009-03-28 23:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Man, I wish they'd make Ash older like you do... So hot. X3

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FoxBluereaver In reply to Star-Ninja [2009-03-28 23:08:00 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, thanks. Yeah, I wish they did as well. Not just with him, but also with Misty and the others.

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Star-Ninja In reply to FoxBluereaver [2009-03-28 23:11:38 +0000 UTC]

I agree. ^^

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Ailish-Lollipop [2009-03-28 21:35:48 +0000 UTC]

Simplemente, genial x3

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FoxBluereaver In reply to Ailish-Lollipop [2009-03-28 23:02:41 +0000 UTC]

Gracias ^^

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Ailish-Lollipop In reply to FoxBluereaver [2009-03-28 23:28:18 +0000 UTC]

de nada! ^^

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0-w-VaLe-Chan-w-0 [2009-03-28 02:48:04 +0000 UTC]

Sí, ese estilo de cabello se ve muy genial :3

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FoxBluereaver In reply to 0-w-VaLe-Chan-w-0 [2009-03-28 02:49:39 +0000 UTC]

Lo sé. Le da un aspecto de chico rebelde, que le queda por su naturaleza

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oni-link-x [2009-03-28 02:26:48 +0000 UTC]

ah cute

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FoxBluereaver In reply to oni-link-x [2009-03-28 02:27:55 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, gracias.

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magic135 In reply to FoxBluereaver [2009-12-04 06:12:03 +0000 UTC]

you go boy

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FoxBluereaver In reply to magic135 [2009-12-04 12:52:12 +0000 UTC]


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magic135 In reply to FoxBluereaver [2009-12-06 06:41:32 +0000 UTC]

never mind. good job on ash

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VoltronZ1 [2009-03-28 02:14:15 +0000 UTC]

"Pokémon: Quest for the Power" huh. Really awesome.

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FoxBluereaver In reply to VoltronZ1 [2009-03-28 02:25:07 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. By the way, the title "Quest for the Power" actually has a special meaning. I'm planning on doing something good with it. Perhaps you can guess.

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wildrook [2009-03-28 02:12:36 +0000 UTC]


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FoxBluereaver In reply to wildrook [2009-03-28 02:24:18 +0000 UTC]


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