Frohickey — Seaplane Lost 2

Published: 2011-01-04 16:22:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 1155; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 25
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Description As you may have noticed, I'm rather enamoured of this particular camo pattern.
This is another watercolour version of this: [link]
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Comments: 10

SOS101 [2011-01-05 07:00:28 +0000 UTC]

Nice again.

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Peebo-Thulhu [2011-01-04 18:31:12 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I actually recognise the plane upon which this is based.

An all metal reconnaissance affair that was the terror of the allied planes that were tasked with trying to shoot it down. Since the metal construction made it rasonably resistant to the .303 machine guns that were brought to bear and that the rear gunner actually had a full 360 deg field of fire. I do believe the gunner could even point the weapon 'over the side' hence straight down and effectively strafe ground targets!.

Much cheers to you and yours.

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Frohickey In reply to Peebo-Thulhu [2011-01-04 23:00:38 +0000 UTC]

I based it on this: [link]

I have a card model of this and I really liked the look. I didn't know it was a metal plane. Have you tried building paper models? Here's where I get them: [link]

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Peebo-Thulhu In reply to Frohickey [2011-01-05 03:25:20 +0000 UTC]

Interesting. The plane I was thinking of was of the German/Prussian side.

Your picture link looks more Italian. He hee! Great minds thinking alike?

Also, awesome paper mini's site.

Much cheers to you and yours.

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Frohickey In reply to Peebo-Thulhu [2011-01-12 04:29:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. If you try any of the card models, let me know how they turned out.

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Peebo-Thulhu In reply to Frohickey [2011-01-12 08:14:27 +0000 UTC]

I soooo want to!

The paper Hotens are just so AWESOME! I want to buy a set, enlarge with a scanner/printer and go to town!

Makes me wish I knew even a little about radio controlled models...

making a big one out of cardboard and electric motors....*dreams*...

Much cheers to you and yours.

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Frohickey In reply to Peebo-Thulhu [2011-01-12 22:01:07 +0000 UTC]

You should get on of those RC helicopters; they;re very inexpensive and fairly easy to fly.
The indoor ones are infrared control as opposed to radio. They do make outside types that are radio controlled, though.

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Peebo-Thulhu In reply to Frohickey [2011-01-13 19:37:15 +0000 UTC]

Heh, have bought one. The poor cheap thing is so unbalanced that it spins its rotors and falls over...

Maybe I'll save up and buy a 'less' cheap one next time...?

Much cheers to you and yours.

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Doc000 [2011-01-04 16:52:27 +0000 UTC]

I like these type of images. They remind me of a lot of the early stuff in Heavy Metal magazine.

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Frohickey In reply to Doc000 [2011-01-04 23:01:16 +0000 UTC]

That's very kind of you to say. I've been a big fan of those early Heavy metals.

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