Comments: 14
AkioAria26 [2012-07-24 21:59:59 +0000 UTC]
poor Chikorita
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Galiexb [2012-07-23 04:33:31 +0000 UTC]
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MegaLCRO [2012-07-22 02:35:37 +0000 UTC]
Oh, Fus Ro Dangit, NO!
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Galactic-Rainbow In reply to MegaLCRO [2012-07-22 02:37:35 +0000 UTC]
ARGH I just realized that Kyurem could have used Hyper Voice instead of Draco Meteor to smash that ice--
Eh, I think Draco Meteor is more effective, especially since he's dealing with a half Ghost-type here.
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MegaLCRO In reply to Galactic-Rainbow [2012-07-22 02:45:44 +0000 UTC]
I agree...It's easier to imagine a bunch of meteors shattering a block of ice than it is to imagine sound waves doing the same thing.
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gigapokemon [2012-07-22 00:55:41 +0000 UTC]
The plot twisted so much that I had to do a double take! Chikorita turns evil and Amy stays good...for now.
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TheEeveeWarrior [2012-07-21 22:38:57 +0000 UTC]
Okay, in all seriousness, this is a VERY interesting way to end a character's life. Great job once again, Amy! Oh, and congrats on not going crazy yourself.
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Galactic-Rainbow In reply to TheEeveeWarrior [2012-07-22 02:02:44 +0000 UTC]
Who said I was going to go crazy?
Or were you referring to Frillish-Amy? If so, then you were probably thinking that the logical thing would be to make them BOTH crazy. But nope! Their personalities are different enough so that one would go crazy and the other wouldn't, and Grovyle helped cement that difference since he was way more important to Amy than Chikorita.
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TheEeveeWarrior In reply to Galactic-Rainbow [2012-07-22 13:36:50 +0000 UTC]
I was talking about Frillish-Amy. Aaaaaand your explanation makes sense.
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Galactic-Rainbow In reply to pokemonmanic3595 [2012-07-21 22:08:36 +0000 UTC]
I know, right? This wasn't even in the original story map, but a random thought I had that I realized could hammer home Grovyle's decision in the next part, so I had to incorporate it.
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CODhunter12 [2012-07-21 21:36:27 +0000 UTC]
O0O ohh god *faints*
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leafpool12 [2012-07-21 21:13:45 +0000 UTC]
wow thats just wow T-T nice job amy so sad though
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