GDeNofa — The Lion, Dog, and the Sheep by-nc-nd
Published: 2011-01-16 03:40:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 397; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 3
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Description The Mountain Lion, the Dog and the Sheep

One day a mountain lion was by a low stream taking a drink. On the other side of the stream, a dog came by for a drink as well. The puma was startled at first, but the dog gave a warm smile and nodded his head, showing her there was no need for alarm. The mountain lion nodded back and both resumed to quench their thirst.

A few moments later, a pair of sheep along with a lamb were walking up in the stream cooling their hooves. They wanted to get back on land but paused when they saw the mountain lion on the left side of the stream and the dog on the right.

The sheep were unsure which side to walk on. The mountain lion eyed them dangerously. But the dog wagged his tail while moving aside, suggesting to come up on the right side.

The little lamb bleated cheerfully and trotted towards the happy dog. But the adult sheep baaed as his mother rushed in front of him.

"Don't go near that animal!" the ewe yelled at her son.

"Why mother? He looks very nice," questioned the young lamb.

"That is what he wants you to believe," said his father, "I've been told stories otherwise!"

The sheep whispered to their son. The little lamb looked up at the dog and quickly went behind his mother, trembling. The dog sat down, whined and put his head down.

To the mountain lion's surprise, the sheep trio trotted up land on the left side. HER side. They gave the large she cat a quick glance and headed back to their farm.

The puma called out to the saddened dog, "Stupid sheep! Don't they know I am more of a threat then you are?"

"Apparently they are more suspicious of me then of you," replied the sad dog.

"What did you do that made those animals so afraid of you?"

The dog looked back at the sheep in the distance. "I didn't do anything to them.. They're afraid of what they think I might do."

"Are those beasts insane! I am a wild predator, but yet they fear you more?"

"Sadly yes."

"That's quite foolish on their part! Why would the sheep risk taking their chances with a lion rather then a dog?"

The canine stood up. He had his tail between his legs in shame. "Because of the type of dog I am."

The mountain lion tilted her long tail quizzically. "I don't understand.."

The dog paused and gave a long sigh, "I'm a Pit Bull."

Dog breeds were irrelevant to the puma. She shrugged. "Nonsense! Regardless on appearance, inside and out, dogs are just dogs."

"I wish others knew that too," replied the dog wishfully.

For the first time in her life, the large feline felt compassion towards a canine.

"From what I have observed from you is that you seem to be a gentle dog,"  she remarked sincerely.

"I am," replied the dog with a sad smile, "But because of my breed, my gentleness doesn't matter.."

The dog began to whimper, "It, never matters."

This made the mountain lion quite angry.

"Those foolish sheep!" she growled, "They were lucky I fell upon a deer this morning, otherwise I would of preyed on them the second their hooves touched the ground!"  

The puma then gave a fanged smile, stretching her claws.. "Then again, that yearling was rather small. I think I'll make a run for an early lunch.."

With that said, the mountain lion charged at the sheep, giving them the run of their lives.

       Speculations can make others ignorant to true danger
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Comments: 17

KenaiiWolf [2011-07-14 01:14:03 +0000 UTC]

I love this <3 It's so true. I'll be talking about pitbulls and how sweet they are and I'll get a reply like "There was a LION named Christian that was friendly too, but that doesn't mean Lions are safe." Or "There are friendly Boa constrictors too but that doesn't mean they're safe." It's so stupid

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GDeNofa In reply to KenaiiWolf [2011-07-14 01:40:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. But there's a big dif... boas and Christian are WILD animals. Pitbulls are people loving dogs and if there's a pit bull that is aggressive towards humans, then there is a very good reason that dog hates them...

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KenaiiWolf In reply to GDeNofa [2011-07-14 02:29:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah Ik It annoys me when people compare Pits to WILD ANIMALS xD It's So retarded

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GDeNofa In reply to KenaiiWolf [2011-07-14 12:52:58 +0000 UTC]

My one pittie adores children. And he would risk his life to save a child!

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KenaiiWolf In reply to GDeNofa [2011-07-14 21:43:22 +0000 UTC]

I'm not surprised ^^ Pits are amazing dogs for kids and yet stupid people call the 'Child Eaters' and 'Infant Killers', Those idiots have obviously never met a well socialised pittie.

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GDeNofa In reply to KenaiiWolf [2011-07-14 23:47:58 +0000 UTC]

Even dogs that have been hell come back loving people even more. My dog Molly was abused with fighting before adoption. She has scars all over her face and legs and she is the most gentle dogs I ever had. She visited a nursing home on the holidays dressed as Mrs Santa!

If you can tell in the fable, the sheep represent people... just going by rumors and bad hype these dogs get, and completely oblivious to the lioness eying them as lunch.

I wrote another fable where a Dobie/Rottie dog gets insulted by a cocker spaniel but later shows that the big "Scary" dog is more gentle then the spaniel.

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MDTartist83 [2011-04-16 18:34:23 +0000 UTC]

Great story here. Nice morals two.

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GDeNofa In reply to MDTartist83 [2011-04-16 20:13:39 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! As you can see I hate BSL and dog prejudice over towards certain breeds!

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MDTartist83 In reply to GDeNofa [2011-04-16 20:44:44 +0000 UTC]

Same here. Certain dog breeds recieve a lot of negativity even today.

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insomniacawake [2011-02-28 17:30:45 +0000 UTC]

cute story! the moral was good too. nicely written.

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GDeNofa In reply to insomniacawake [2011-02-28 17:44:00 +0000 UTC]

Thanks (-:

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XfangheartX [2011-01-24 07:35:22 +0000 UTC]

I agree with that moral.

A Pit Bull may just save someone's life one day!

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GDeNofa In reply to XfangheartX [2011-01-24 19:23:40 +0000 UTC]

A few already have if you read some of the articles online (:

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dobergirl102 [2011-01-16 04:20:01 +0000 UTC]

Well, that broke my heart a little. Just that line "Well, I'm a Pit Bull." Geez.

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GDeNofa In reply to dobergirl102 [2011-01-16 04:35:31 +0000 UTC]

Yeah that line alone makes you want to hug that pittie!

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Julayla-64 [2011-01-16 04:19:09 +0000 UTC]

Man, what a story. Good Aesop-like tale.

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GDeNofa In reply to Julayla-64 [2011-01-16 04:34:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. The sheep as you probably know represent ignorant people that listen to others without seeing the good in someone from the heart point of view, thus why so many of these good dogs get abused or neglected.

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