goku-no-baka — +Contest design10of10- Edriel+

Published: 2007-02-04 22:33:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 32584; Favourites: 753; Downloads: 434
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AGE: 72, mentally 17

As you can easily guess, as every elf, she has pointy ears.XD She is delcately build and becouse her silhouette
isn't very feminine, when she was younger it was easy to take her for a boy (the peasants often took her also for a goblin XD). She has long, elbow-lenght straight marron hair and fair blue eyes. She usually wears practical clothes, sometimes she puts on light armor on top of them and heavy PANCERNE gloves (which she uses to terrorise Shen rather than to fight XD). But when nobody sees her, from time to times she adores to dress up as Disney's princess in their candy-like dresses. XD;;

Her character evolved over the years, so it's hard to describe her in short. She always was extraordinarly unlucky, which soon helped her to develope very strong personality. Being noble she is very proud and honourable (and by the way extremly despotic). She works as a mercenary, but she prefers to call herself a knight (whom she obviously isn't XDor, what's more interesting, a princess (whom she all the more isn't XD;. At the beginnig it was hard to find any positive characteristic- so it wasn't suprising that she was travelling alone as no-one normal wouldn't stand her company for long. When Shen appeared, at the beginning she tried to get rid of him, but later she decided that as a worrior princess she ought to have her own squire and she decided that someone as naive as Shen would fit best. So they created a two people team which soon grew to something bigger. Of course Edriel with her distrustful and dificult personality was the biggest solitary. Nevertheless she had a lots of fun from mocking her companions so after some time she got used to them. Of course she played the leaders part (whom she of course isn't), but she didn't have the slicest idea that no-one took her seriously XD;; After few unpleasant experinces she had she started to appreciate a little bit friendly people around her (that means Shen XD;; )The biggest turning point in her life was misadventure with a necromancer, who took her life for some time. Around then Edriel understood, that nobody exept Shen didn't really care about her "death" and she has nobody to live for. From that moment on her great life's mission began. She started to pull through her only friend becouse he habitually got into troubles. though apparently her behaviour didn't change much ( becouse she never liked to show her real feelings) she got deeply attached to him. Finally she grow up a little bit and she became very dedicated and supportive friend for emo Shen. Her voice is rather normal, but her secret weapon is deadly scream. Her other characteristic is her particular taste- she loves dishes made of any kind of bugs and insects, which she finds very consummate. Her speciality are candied earwigs.

SHORT history
Edriel was born in light-force kingdom ruled by Raihyo (you may know him from some of my artsXD). But becouse her fammily sensing that something bad is going to happen ( irresponsible ruler + psychopatic adviser + plague of chaos) moved to human town when she was a kid. Thanks to some savings, they lived a good life among humans and with the time get used to them. Everything would be just perfect if not Edriels older brother, who once got insane and murdered whole fammily. She managed to survive but she has been compeletely left alone in unfamiliar for her country. At the beggining she was forced to do ungratefull jobs(not sellng bodeh >o< ) or begging for money but then she learned some swordmanship and decided to become a mecenary. After shen joined her, they started working for selle. During one mission she got possesed by a necromancer spirit who wanted to use her body to get to Selle. After that event she miracolously got her life back but still it was a huge shock for her. Since that time she followed shen everywhere he went. When he decided to "save the world" she also kept him company in this hopeless mission. After maaaany events her sisterish feelings evolved into ordinary love, but a lot of time has passed untill they became a copule and set up fammily. It's difficult to say that after that her life was easier but one thing is sure, that she is very happy with him OxO

Everything cept of history translated by - i know u love me <3
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Comments: 83

Ko-Ra-Zak [2009-09-20 05:40:56 +0000 UTC]

reminds me of areth feom final fantasy tactics

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Yugatathsi [2009-01-03 03:02:05 +0000 UTC]

lovely side view.

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Rakin909 [2007-12-24 08:23:19 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! You made me laugh when you wrote about her being forced to do embarrassing jobs and then added "not selling bodeh >o<".

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Rainbow--Ferret [2007-11-25 18:29:50 +0000 UTC]

cool character...by the way what contest is it, i've looked at all ur other work...but which contest?

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zJoriz [2007-11-22 10:36:06 +0000 UTC]

Cool expressions

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BlackxXxLegacy [2007-11-05 06:34:25 +0000 UTC]

I think she is very pretty and I feel sad for her because she was mistaken for a boy! I have felt that same pain...*goes to sulk in emo corner to realize Shen has taken over it*

Shen? WTF are you doing in MY emo corner!

Shen: *crying* Edriel...she...took...my...squirrrrel! WAHHHHHHHHHHH!

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larienne [2007-04-19 18:42:01 +0000 UTC]

I love elves and I love this creations you are very talented ^^

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Jsamra [2007-03-24 23:11:35 +0000 UTC]

wow im totally doing Shen & Edriel (male x female) love ur character designs and personality ~ XD

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Xinned [2007-03-12 08:18:15 +0000 UTC]

Lol my name is Adriel and i'm a boy, when I was little I was easily mistaken for a girl, because of my hair, it's like the opposite of this character XD

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Xinned [2007-03-09 10:55:13 +0000 UTC]


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Xinned [2007-03-09 10:54:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh! My name's Adriel, it's so close to Edriel, although i'm a boy XD

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relena666 [2007-03-05 09:29:04 +0000 UTC]

great! I love your design characters, really amazing works! congratulation ^_^
if you can visit my deviant ^_^


-"Gohan, debemos aumentar nuestro ki al máximo!"

-"Close your eyes, give me your hand...darling.
Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand...Do you feel the same..."-

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ADDJenius [2007-03-04 22:14:38 +0000 UTC]

Too beautiful!
I love her expressions

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MidoriGale [2007-02-20 04:28:11 +0000 UTC]

awwwwwwww, cute X3
And her short story.... I remember other of my characters, weee-- xD from arhcimago. Clavel is an elf too (girl) and have a "sad story" like Edriel, but she is an archer. In her family only the boys could be wizards, the girls of Vannor family have prohibited learn magic...so they "must" learn fight techniques, and usually die in some war... X-x (yep, know some Vannor girl is sign of lucky time xD) But she is really good. Her father loves her and teach her some magic, secretly. She have 3 big brothers, in orther: Sicomoro, Áster and Haya (she's the little one, X3) In her town no one can be (have a family) with humans or anything that aren't elf, but she fell in love with an "angel" (Flüstern is a strange creature. Angel by one part but the other... He was the son of the most diabolical and insane demon, Ceel, who put Terra in the dark era and danger centuries ago)

Her brothers don't like her but Haya... was special. But he never know Clavel scapes with Flüstern. Years after that he found the couple and kill their son Flügel T-T!! But Haya don't know their have other child, Aras, who saw all the murder, and is my freaky traumatized guy on Archimago 3 xD He didn't like recognize his elf part because saw Haya killing his big brother x-X

I love Edriel!!!! xD ahaha with Sher they're a bomb!!! >D

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goku-no-baka In reply to MidoriGale [2007-02-22 23:28:53 +0000 UTC]

woah thats quite a strory XD <3
Well edriel isnt traumatic about her past -she became liek annoying / dominant in a way because of it XD
got stronger and so on *o* <3

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MidoriGale In reply to goku-no-baka [2007-02-23 05:14:41 +0000 UTC]

I know.. she got the power XD I'm working in my contest... probably you see it tomorrow ^^

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MidoriGale In reply to MidoriGale [2007-02-20 04:28:57 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, Shen*, haha , the emotion, the emotion XP

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Aenasha [2007-02-12 10:23:42 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Kocham twoje prace! Nie mogę oderwać od nich wzroku xD

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ironmiyako [2007-02-12 08:34:57 +0000 UTC]

Heh. Śliczna

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DragonSapphire [2007-02-11 18:39:45 +0000 UTC]

What a happy girl!!!! XDD

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Armaid [2007-02-09 12:10:34 +0000 UTC]

Piękne kolorki i świetna kreska, jestem pod wrażeniem XD

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Bathsraikou [2007-02-09 00:13:08 +0000 UTC]

0_0 She's exactly my height wtf.

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cydo [2007-02-08 10:25:25 +0000 UTC]

Nice art!!!!!!!!!!
Very good ^^

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cydo [2007-02-08 10:25:14 +0000 UTC]

Nice art!!!!!!!!!!
Very good ^^

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cydo [2007-02-08 10:25:09 +0000 UTC]

Nice art!!!!!!!!!!
Very good ^^

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CalmKira [2007-02-07 21:16:51 +0000 UTC]

very nice!

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sasuK3kun [2007-02-06 17:52:01 +0000 UTC]

wonderfull p

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raikaa [2007-02-06 05:09:48 +0000 UTC]


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Lilblkrose [2007-02-06 03:08:18 +0000 UTC]

yay your done O_O! but shes scary ;o;!

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Gooderikilla [2007-02-05 22:49:59 +0000 UTC]

hahaha he is soo kawai!!! love him!!! watashiwa edriel

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goku-no-baka In reply to Gooderikilla [2007-02-06 02:23:24 +0000 UTC]

but but buuut it has boobs XD <3

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Gooderikilla In reply to goku-no-baka [2007-02-06 22:31:40 +0000 UTC]

nani??????!!! that ´s true , I havent noticed!!! , My God ,I´m such a freak... that means ...I hate her!!! ,for making me a lesbian >_<

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goku-no-baka In reply to Gooderikilla [2007-02-07 14:30:57 +0000 UTC]


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Zaan [2007-02-05 22:45:02 +0000 UTC]

I love her Beautiful eyes

I wanna give some love this unlucky elven girl =333

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SephirothxIshu [2007-02-05 22:44:39 +0000 UTC]


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kuraudia [2007-02-05 22:12:27 +0000 UTC]

Aww~ Gokuuuu!!! I want to participateeeee ;___; but I have 2 important exams soon TT3TT... If I have time I gonna Try to draw your charas~
Nyu~ Much love for ya' sweet~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

goku-no-baka In reply to kuraudia [2007-02-07 14:48:40 +0000 UTC]

awww <# its okay hun~deadline might take more time if people will want to XD <3 skool sucks D:

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kuraudia In reply to goku-no-baka [2007-02-07 17:29:51 +0000 UTC]

;__; thank you!! and I agree T_T school sucks D<

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blumarta [2007-02-05 19:57:19 +0000 UTC]

Super ma te minki.^_^

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pyrogina [2007-02-05 18:16:21 +0000 UTC]

oooh! i love the glaring face in the middle! super effective! yeay! i'm excited for contestness!

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KyosukeHikan [2007-02-05 17:18:14 +0000 UTC]

niema zbyt srogiego spojrzenia jak na elficeXD'' ogolnie podoba mi sie bo jest kolorowe XD'' umnie niema nic kolorowego... jezu fajniemmoge wreszcie napisac komenta po polsku XD''' Taka tu bieda na DA no nic praca jak zawsze swietna.... z tym ze oni chan nielubi kobiet XDXD'''' moze jakis slodki zgardzony przez los yaoi man ?'

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Amritsar [2007-02-05 16:20:22 +0000 UTC]

Very cool looking character, and I really like how you colored it. Getting to learn who she and her history was also a really neat touch, thanks for sharing. ^^

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Kiyubi-Necoho [2007-02-05 14:20:12 +0000 UTC]

Aż nie moge się nadziwić ilością kobiet. Wspaniałe przeszywające spojrzenie.

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KageFuyuAme [2007-02-05 12:46:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh, cute! She looks really evil, random and funny.

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Hakashi-Arakawa [2007-02-05 11:38:07 +0000 UTC]

*czeka na journala* >3333333333333

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Kitsune213 [2007-02-05 11:25:04 +0000 UTC]

ooo, very nice, I love the colors and the design.

Nice Job! *thumbs up*

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iria2k [2007-02-05 11:08:05 +0000 UTC]

she? SHE? o_O
Did I miss something? Why are you drawing girls? AARGH!

However well.. at least she's cool
Now it's time for some kawaiiness *uhuhuhuhu..*

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Malkavian87 [2007-02-05 09:56:10 +0000 UTC]

Awesome work indeed .

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DuskImp87 [2007-02-05 06:25:50 +0000 UTC]

Awsome design. I love the one of her tormenting Timmy.

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Raine-Oni [2007-02-05 06:00:04 +0000 UTC]

O_O SAY IT ISN'T SO! That... thats really a man, right?... Iruka doesn't draw girls, its BLASPHEMY!

*points up* okay, so my initial reaction wasn't "quite" that intense... but still... ^_~

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