gorgonbreath — Defiant and captured Princess

Published: 2009-08-27 19:59:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 1461; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 38
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Description Her escape had been easier than she had imagined , with a small backpack of supplies she had crept out of the palace and into the twighlight . Dresed in her toughest armour , and with a will of steel she had stolen a skimmer whilst the guards were changing shifts.
She had never flown a skimmer before , but she had been a passenger in the larger types many times and had observed the pilots actions closely . She found it reasonably easy , and as her journey progressed she was feeling more confident .
But as she neared the border of the wastelands after an entire day of flying , her confidence was beginning to evaporate , this truly was the unknown , a terrible vastness that was the wastes opened up before her.
There were no signs of life at all and she had to fight the urge to turn around and flee back to her home . But there was to be no turning back , for if she did only the cruel passions of Ludo Crefax awaited her .
A blush of shame coated her entire body and she felt sickened as the memory of his disgusting proposal coloured her thoughts .
"Proximity alert! Missile detected!"Boomed the computor's voice fom the command console. It startled her so badly that she nearly lost control! "Shielding at 5%!" The voice continued . "Ejection of life pod in 10 seconds!" A count down had begun!
"No! Wait! Stop .....just a minute!" She protested , but it was out of her hands . She felt the small skimmer tremble as something impacted against the outershell , then a protective carapace enfolded her and she was blasted sky-ward!
After an hour of walking Kayde and Lucas reached the small life pod , it glittered in the sunlight like the wing caseings of a jewel beetle . They could detect muffled sounds coming from within , Kayde thumped the shell with his fist .
"Hey! You okay in there! "
"No i am not ! I require assistance ! " the occupant replied , shouting back at them haughtily . " The hatch will not open! "
After a few moments inspection , Kayde realised that the pod had landed upside down , the hatch release was on the underside .
"Hold on we're gonna roll you over !" The craft was tough and sturdy but also light , and the two men had no trouble in turning it over . They could hear the occupant tumbling around in side it .
" That's a pretty big dent . " Lucas muttered , gazing at the shining carapace , Kayde agreed .
A few moments later the hatch door sprang open and Sehendra emerged , blinking in the blinding sunlight . She stepped out gracefully , her hair a little tangled , but otherwise in perfect condition .
The two men stared at her and Kayde was suddenly finding it hard to breathe . If he could have built the perfect woman she would look exactly like this . Her clothing was skintight , hugging every lucious curve of her slender , well toned body , and her armour , rather than concealing her assets actually accentuated them . Her hair , which hung down to her hips was a lustreous blue/black and glittered in the sunlight . He ignored her rather sour expression as he admired her pink and pouty lips , wondering for a moment what it would be like to touch them .
"Why are you standing around like a couple of common oafs! " She snapped at them sharply . "Help me find my skimmer ! " Her hard edged voice brought Kayde out of his reverie .
" There it is ! " He pointed helpfully into the distance where a colum of smoke rose into the sky , accompanied by a blazing fire .
"I see ! " She hissed venomously , seething with anger and frustration . All her supplies had been inside it . She turned her gaze on Kayde and Lucas , contempt in her dark aqua eyes , and regarded them coldly. Her recent traumas had only served to harden the wall of ice around her heart .
In her oppinion these two were very deshevelled and unimpressive excuses for men ! The tall one at least looked somewhat capable , but his unkempt appearence and slack jawed expression irritated her beyond words . His black hair appeared to have been cut with a blunt razor and he had at least a day's worth of stubble growing out of this face . The other man was really no more than a boy , with unruly dirty blonde hair and a confused expression . If the need arose , she could take on these two imbeciles in combat , no one was a match for her supreme skill !
" So where are you headed for ? " Kayde asked her pleasantly .
She was about to answer when she realised that she had no idea where she was going , and to say " i don't know " would make her appear very foolish indeed.
" I'll know when i get there ! " She told him in the same sharp tone .
" Oh , really ? " Kayde smirked , amused by her naive answer . " Do you know where you are now" He teased .
" Well ..not at this precise moment , i just need to get my bearings . "
" Is That right ? " He folded his arms and his smile broardened , who was this crazy woman , he thought to himself . " I think you'd better come with us , we have a shelter not far away , you don't wanna to be out in the sun on a day like this . "
She sighed in resignation , she knew there was no other choice .
" Very well , if i must . "
Kayde removed a well equiped back pack off his shoulders and took out a few items .
" Put this on . " He handed her a long duster coat in the same pale grey material as his own . " It has a hood to protect you from the sun , here , take these as well " He gave her some mirrored goggles , exactly like the kind he and Lucas were wearing . She put them on straight away , but eyed the the grimy coat with disdain .
" Is there a problem ? She was really beginning to irritate him now , how could she be so ungratefull !
" No no , not at all . " She put on the coat without further complaint she could see the sense in such a garment , however , it had an unpleasant and musty odor.
Next , Kayde unscrewed the the cap off a water bottle and took a long swig , then passed it to Lucas , who did the same .
"Pass it to the Lady " Kayde instructed the boy , who held it out for her to take . Again she eyed the bottle with disdain , it was covered in all their filthy germs .
" What the hell is your problem , missy!"Kayde barked at her " You've got a pretty shitty attitude for someone stranded alone in the wastes , now drink it!! "
She snatched the bottle and glugged it down , it tasted cool and refreshing .
" Thank you . " She ignored his outburst and passed it back to him . She didn't like taking orders from a commoner , but this man was more capable than she had first thought , and he seemed to know the wastelands well . It would be wise to follow his lead , at least for now .
" You're welcome . " He replied . " We're done here , let's go ! " He turned and strode purposefully away , with Lucas by his side . Sehndra had no choice but to follow them .
Now she realised what he had meant about the heat , they had only been walking for perhaps twenty minutes and already her back felt like it was on fire ! She was very gratefull for the hooded coat , it's pale colour prevented her from burning up completely . She was keeping up to the men despite the pitfalls of the terrain , and Kayde was surprised not to have heard any complaints from her . Again he wondered who she was , from the way she spoke it was obvious that she thought herself very important , what could she possibly want out here , he thought curiously . There would be plenty of time to get to know her better once they reached the shelter .
"Are there other people out here ? " She enquired , falling into step with him .
" A few . "
" I would like to speak to your commander ...if you have one ."
" That can be arranged . " He smirked , but his smile was concealed by his hood . Lucas suppressed a snort of laughter , he found her terrifying , beautiful , but terrifying .
Eventually they came to a rather steep hill made entirely of rubble and twisted shards of metal , behind the hill , a jagged mountain that looked even more dangerous .
" We climb now , watch your step . " Kayde advised her .
" Oh ! " She gazed up at the hill in horror , the thought of climbing it filled her with dread . Lucas went on ahead anxious to be back home. She took a deep breath , if that boy could do it , then so could she . She looked for a foothold hesitantly.
" I can carry you if you'd like ." Kayde offered her , half hoping that she would agree .
" Cetainly not !! You will keep your hands to yourself , you filthy bog-dweller !! " This was pretty much the answer he had expected .
"Whatever you say my Lady . Just step where i step . At the top there's a service hatch that leads down to the shelter . "
Climbing the hill in the burning heat and having to avoid all manner of deadly protrusions was like a new form of torture , yet , she could think of worse things.
Finally they reached the top where Kayde revealed the hidden hatchway . He pulled open the covering and ushered her inside , she decended a short flight of metal stairs , and soon found she was standing on a hard , shiny pollished floor . It was well lit and cool inside the shelter and not what she had been expecting at all .
" So what do you think ? " Kayde asked , removing his jacket . " Come and sit over here ." He gestured to a comfortable looking sitting room filled with pleasant furnature .
" What is all this....." she asked dumbfounded.
"Believe it or not this building was only partly destroyed . This must have been a basement level and it's miraculously survived . All this stuff i found was wrapped , it had never been used. Drink ? "
"Oh yes ! " He gave her a small bottle of refreshing water .
" When will i get to speak to the commander ? " She asked , after taking a big gulp of water .
" He's not ready to see you yet . My name's Kayde by the way , what's yours ? "
" I'll wait and introduce myself to your superior , if you don't mind . " She replied curtly .
" Suit yourself ! You know , i saved your life back there , you should be glad i shot you down , you'd never make it in the wastelands by yourself ! You're lucky we spotted you ! "
" YOU DID WHAT !!!" She sprang to her feet , her face contorted in a mask of hatred . " You shot me down ! You bastard ! How dare you sit there and brag about it !! This is an act of war against the family Carapasia and you are my enemy !" She launched herself at him like a she-demon , knocking his chair over backwards as they both tumbled tu the floor . He fought her off , pushing her away from him , then he jumped to his feet , taking a defensive stance . He didn't try to restrain her , he wanted to see what moves she had . He wasn't dissapointed , her kicks were artfull and well timed , and when she broke through his defences she had a punch that hurt like hell !
Sehndra fought him every way she knew how , but for the most part he blocked even her high level moves . It was like fighting against her expert instructor !
" Is that the best you've got ? " He taunted her , grinning , it was great to know he had lost none of his own skills . Despite the way he had aquired them , they had come in very handy over the years .
Sehndra had been taught to fight to the death if it was required , and right now she felt it was imminent , she was completely exhausted .
A small group of people had gathered , drawn to the scene by the noise of the fight . They looked on with interest and a little confusion .
" Don't you think it's time to stop , i don't want to hurt you ! " Kayde was out of breath , but still up for more .
" How cowardly of you ! "
" Not at all , i just feel bad making my friends watch me beat up a little girl ! "
" I'm a Royal bodyguard of the house of Carapasia ! I am NOT a little girl !"
" Fine , we'll do it your way !" Kayde saw a gap in her defence and swung in to give her a hard back-handed slap ! It sent her flying into a wall and with a moan she sank to the floor , knowing that she'd been soundly beaten as she slipped into inconciousness .
When she finally woke up she found herself in pitch darkness with her hands and feet bound with stong rope , the floor she lay on was freezing cold .
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Comments: 10

JakeBondage [2011-08-06 03:54:48 +0000 UTC]

it looks really good, except for her left arm. it's not possible for it to be there with her shoulder where it is. otherwise, it's awesome

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gorgonbreath In reply to JakeBondage [2011-08-06 07:46:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much, i hope i've improved a bit since i did this, it was a while ago. Anatomy is hard.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JakeBondage In reply to gorgonbreath [2011-08-07 06:11:43 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure you have. We all grow as artists as we practice our art. If this is a starting point, you are very talented.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gorgonbreath In reply to JakeBondage [2011-08-07 09:10:23 +0000 UTC]

This picture was the first time i ever tried this pose, thank you for your kind words.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JakeBondage In reply to gorgonbreath [2011-08-08 08:28:01 +0000 UTC]

more than welcome...
I only noticed it because I have experience with rope and women

I think your strongest parts of this picture are the very cute face and the way you got her figure just right. Her top looks like it's quite tight and you got her cleavage most realistically... you should do more work with this character. She has appeal.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gorgonbreath In reply to JakeBondage [2011-08-08 08:39:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, maybe i will pick her up again and carry on, there is more peril for her to get into.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JakeBondage In reply to gorgonbreath [2011-08-08 08:47:35 +0000 UTC]

I'll keep an eye out

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gothchick7 [2010-10-30 21:24:19 +0000 UTC]

I think you forgot one little necessity.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MisterAozame [2009-08-27 22:01:00 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, Kayde's going to have his hands full with her.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gorgonbreath In reply to MisterAozame [2009-08-27 22:11:09 +0000 UTC]

Awww...the poor girl,she doesn't know any better. Maybe he's the cool and evil one.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0