gyakuten-no-megami — Loveless - ZeroxKio Halloween

Published: 2005-11-02 02:10:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1863; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 84
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Description Holy Gackt, I haven't posted anything in forever, huh?

Well, I haven't done all that much 'amazing' stuff... It's been hard to do art lately. Lack of time/energy/inspiration/patience.

But! Halloween was yesterday, and me and *Jaaku-san stormed ~gins ' house and blatantly molested her pre-sugar high. Rather abruptly, we realized that we were acting like the Zero boys, and then my brain went into "Amigad Zero + Halloween" mode, and this is the result.

I'm immensely proud of it--yes those are all boys. For those that don't follow Loveless, y'all should, but I won't go into the plot and such, because these guys aren't that central to it. The angel is Natsuo--the demon is Youji. Natsuo is Youji's Fighter boy. They're Zero. The poor beer wench is Kio, who has absolutely nothing to do with Fighter-Sacrifice teams, other then that he's madly in love with Loveless'/Beloved's Fighter, Agatsuma Soubi, who invites Zero to live with him. Thus Zero, who tend to be bored out of their poor, perverse, pain-free twelve-year-old minds, have aquired him as a toy. Hopefully Kio will make it to the spring. ♥

Third Loveless fanart; second 'serious' one featuring Zero boys. More may be coming eventually, as I'm fangirling still.

Time: Off and on all day today; probably about an hour or so on the inking alone.
Matterials: .5 mech pencil, Copic Multiliners (multiple sizes), BS Copic inker
Characters: Youji, Natsuo, and Kio from Kouga Yun's 'Loveless.'
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Comments: 28

Miki-Blameless [2011-11-04 06:18:08 +0000 UTC]


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xRaburesuxBoukunx [2011-11-03 19:42:03 +0000 UTC]

XD i love this lol awesome work

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gyakuten-no-megami In reply to xRaburesuxBoukunx [2011-11-04 05:04:48 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thanks! Haha, I'm still pretty proud of it, even though it's old.

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xRaburesuxBoukunx In reply to gyakuten-no-megami [2011-11-04 15:49:02 +0000 UTC]

No problem! You should be lol! It's great!

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Wishspell [2007-10-05 20:53:49 +0000 UTC]

Kio no gots ears...

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gyakuten-no-megami In reply to Wishspell [2007-10-06 01:09:06 +0000 UTC]

Which is exactly why those ears (and that tail) are so obviously fake... xD

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Wishspell In reply to gyakuten-no-megami [2007-10-06 01:20:55 +0000 UTC]

k..k...Anyways, love the drawing. Tis cutesie!

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Terrali [2007-04-20 03:06:03 +0000 UTC]

cats and a demon^_^

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animelover8834 [2006-10-31 23:45:32 +0000 UTC]

Wow, your art tecnique is flawless. I wish I had copic markers, but I can only but them through import, which are expensive>~<

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gyakuten-no-megami In reply to animelover8834 [2006-11-02 05:12:28 +0000 UTC]

That's such a huge compliment, thank you!! @__@!!! Ahh I'm blushing and I read this like 10 minutes ago!

Copics are really expensive @_@ The cheapest I can get them is $20 for a set, and since that's in Japantown they're probably overpriced. But I love them. X3;;

My friend on Livejournal, Mousapelli, wrote a drabble to go along with this here: [link] It's really cute, so by all means, check it out!

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animelover8834 In reply to gyakuten-no-megami [2006-11-02 05:22:19 +0000 UTC]

Wahhh thank you koi.

I wish there were more fics and/or fanart with Kio and the Zero boys. Thanks for the link

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taturivera [2006-09-30 00:42:33 +0000 UTC]

woot :woot: wow you have amazing skils

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cutesensei [2006-08-29 04:00:13 +0000 UTC]

haha, awsome
i love the high heels! >D FUN!

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pinkpigeon111 [2006-06-12 02:20:08 +0000 UTC]

Ahz my god, this pic is so adorable and funny. Yay for pretty zero boys.

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Eshva [2006-04-06 16:31:11 +0000 UTC]

^_^ *rapes it*

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IndigoRain [2005-11-03 19:57:32 +0000 UTC]

-glomps- Meggie lives! Oh my gracious!

Wow, the detailing in beautiful, Meggie. I adore Loveless... though Sukisyo pwns my heart right now... the lineart, as usual, is well done and your art still detroys mine with it's awesomeness by about.. 1000 to 1. -claps-

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RehtaehOwl [2005-11-03 06:26:41 +0000 UTC]

**SQUEEL** EEEE!!!! Zero boys! I do them oh so very much!! ^_^ It looks good!! hmm... *wanders off to find fanfiction...*

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gyakuten-no-megami In reply to RehtaehOwl [2005-11-03 06:29:13 +0000 UTC]

Feed Meggie fanfiction! *O*

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RehtaehOwl In reply to gyakuten-no-megami [2005-11-03 07:07:21 +0000 UTC]

adult fanfiction.net or whatever...? 0.o;; HA!

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Loki-rei [2005-11-02 15:49:57 +0000 UTC]

YESZEROBOYS~! <33333333 Me still thinks that they're very cute, yes. We need to cosplay again and make more pretties for posting. XD Must have blatent molestation of Ritsuka, MUWAHAHAHA. Sooouuubbbiiii-loki issa pervert, yes. <3 kukukuku. And ahmygawd, I wanna eat your hands for thier inking style. YOU MUST TEACH ME.

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gyakuten-no-megami In reply to Loki-rei [2005-11-02 16:06:51 +0000 UTC]

Yaa~~! Yes, yes, blatant Ritchan molesting! Ee, I miss you. ;_; SoubipervertLoki is joy!

Uhm. Inking style. Uhm... I shall teach you hopefully when I come down there? (OR YOU COULD JUST LIVE WITH ME. ) My inking style annoys me, actually; it's a pain in the ass... xD But I like the result most of the time. I'm glad you like babe~!

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Loki-rei In reply to gyakuten-no-megami [2005-11-02 16:22:13 +0000 UTC]

Ayyyyyaaaa my ear hurtses. T_T I got it pierced up at the top the other day and now it's all "GRR I HATE YOU. *pain*" *le cry* But yes, teach me muchly when you come down here, for I wish to acquire you l337 awesome inkingstyleskills and whatnot. <333333 LAFFU~! And MeggieRitchan will be MOLESTED. Lotses. kkuku. <3

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whitetintedpurple [2005-11-02 08:57:14 +0000 UTC]

Stop making me want to roleplay Zeroboi yaoi, damnit! xD

Pretty as hell - as always. ^^

Sorry I don't have anything constructive to say, but it's late and I'm braindead. x.X

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whitetintedpurple In reply to whitetintedpurple [2005-11-02 10:35:12 +0000 UTC]

I'll try to be on after school tomorrow, promise.

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gyakuten-no-megami In reply to whitetintedpurple [2005-11-02 09:23:32 +0000 UTC]

ZERO BOY YAOI, YES. I WANT SOME. Come to meeeee. ;_; Be on AIM again soon so we can Zerobois!! You have no idea how little of that I get! ;_; *cling* And I miss youuuu!! Moi Gweeeneeh. <3

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KagomeUndomiel [2005-11-02 04:15:57 +0000 UTC]


Wish I could say more and wish I was a Loveless fan, but it's fkin CUTE AS HELL.

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lancet-moonshadow [2005-11-02 04:00:57 +0000 UTC]

XD GREAT poses and facial expression, v. awesome

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OMG-Neenja [2005-11-02 02:21:48 +0000 UTC]

Yaaay, prettyness! I was stealing glances at it during Sacred Circle today. XD

I'm glad I can see it now, I noticed how much detail there was. I really like the costumes! Durn yer creativity! XP

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