Hanyou-no-miko — Enrai ch 4 pg 8

Published: 2009-10-01 04:01:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 3221; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 83
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Description Poor Tanetenma. That's what you get for not having anything better to do.

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Comments: 31

ramirogalletti [2013-11-18 09:05:09 +0000 UTC]

wow to be emotionless demons they pretty much act like humans here

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Miyori999 [2012-07-03 22:55:47 +0000 UTC]

WTF? Tenetenma line there... Me:

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XRaven2010X [2011-09-23 02:22:20 +0000 UTC]

Holy crap this is hilarious, ROFL


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WateryGrave [2010-01-31 18:36:11 +0000 UTC]

Nice word usage there.
I love Amako's "Wut? 8D" face.

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IHeartInuyasha1322 [2010-01-23 06:29:34 +0000 UTC]

This kinda stuff is probably what made Sesshy evil

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IHeartInuyasha1322 [2009-12-30 22:50:12 +0000 UTC]

It's weird how Amako is totally unafraid of the Inupapa and Tanetenma. I guess it runs in the family.

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Hanyou-no-miko In reply to IHeartInuyasha1322 [2009-12-31 05:27:13 +0000 UTC]

That's because she wishes she was the heroine in a fairy tale. She feels no reason to be afraid of a handsome demon hero who sweeps a princess off her feet, or of his grumpy sidekick.

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IHeartInuyasha1322 In reply to Hanyou-no-miko [2009-12-31 07:42:10 +0000 UTC]

I was making a joke. Cuz Izayoi and Inutaisho do things together and she isn't afraid so if her sister isn't I was saying dat she probably gets it from Izayoi. Merely a joke. Meant to be said in a sarcastic way like"I guess it runs in the family"*wink wink nudge nudge*

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Hanyou-no-miko In reply to IHeartInuyasha1322 [2010-01-01 04:39:12 +0000 UTC]

Lolololol I know, don't worry. My response was also meant to be read with an implied elbow-jab.

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IHeartInuyasha1322 In reply to Hanyou-no-miko [2010-03-23 04:24:37 +0000 UTC]

I have a question. If u could meet one member of the Inuyasha series thing, like the original series, the final act, the movies and the manga who would it be? Plz don't give me the whole "They don't exist" crap cuz I kno they don't. Just cuz I'm a kid doesn't mean I'm stupid. If they did who would it be?

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Hanyou-no-miko In reply to IHeartInuyasha1322 [2010-03-23 22:09:12 +0000 UTC]

Y'know, I don't mind if you ask questions or whatever, but it's considered rude to make comments on a deviation that don't have anything to do with the artwork. The front page or a note is the right place for that, not here.

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IHeartInuyasha1322 In reply to Hanyou-no-miko [2010-03-23 22:56:07 +0000 UTC]

Y the hell does it matter? Do adults really have nothing better to do than to make up a bunch of rules and make kids feel like crap about themselves? I can ask whatever i want. There's no law against it.U could have just answered my question but no u had to make up a rule. Have a sense of humor. No one will get hurt if I ask them who the want to meet in Inuyasha.

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Hanyou-no-miko In reply to IHeartInuyasha1322 [2010-03-24 00:46:30 +0000 UTC]

Hey, here's a question. If adults are so annoying, why do you insist on incessantly crapflooding my pages? Has it occurred to you that I don't joke with you because I'm trying not to be as rude to you as you are to me?

Please don't come back until you learn some manners.

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IHeartInuyasha1322 In reply to Hanyou-no-miko [2010-03-24 02:44:27 +0000 UTC]

Im sry for over reacting. I'm going through a very hard time right now and just the slightest thing is enough to bring me over the edge.

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IHeartInuyasha1322 In reply to Hanyou-no-miko [2010-03-24 01:55:57 +0000 UTC]

U want to kno y I'm rude 2 u? This is y! All u r doing is giving me some boring lecture on how everything anyone does is offensive. Y can't adults just enjoy life?Its very short u kno. Y don't learn some manners? U could have just answered my question but no u had to be a bitch and fight with a teenage girl. I'm done trying to be reasonable of ppl who get offended by every little thing.Asking a question on a devation page which is about Inuyasha u kno shouldn't be taken into offense. U need to get a back bone. OK I'm done. Sayonara.

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IHeartInuyasha1322 In reply to Hanyou-no-miko [2010-01-01 05:31:03 +0000 UTC]

Amako's cute. She seems close to Izayoi. I mean she thought dat Izayoi was so cool for being with a dog demon. I'll bet most girls would run home and tell their parents. At least she's not a bitch like dat. Happy new year and new decade.

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IHeartInuyasha1322 [2009-12-30 22:45:35 +0000 UTC]

The last panel made me laugh so hard my ass literally fell off *glues it back on*

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moonlitinuyasha1985 [2009-11-09 05:01:30 +0000 UTC]

I love the last panel!*laughs uncontrollably*

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PurpleHawaiian [2009-10-06 21:00:47 +0000 UTC]

"...Oh, you OWE me."

I think that lasted up until about the first time he saw Inuyasha. Kids have a way of making us forget all prior engagements.

Exhibit A: Tanetenmaru. Grumpy bachelor one day, daddy-wanna-be the next.


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Hanyou-no-miko In reply to PurpleHawaiian [2009-10-07 02:17:56 +0000 UTC]

Haha, yeeeeeah, that's pretty much the way it happens (the exact moment he made the switch was the "Omgcute" moment in the "Bonding" strip). Tanetenma CANNOT RESIST his wibbly widdle face.

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Lord44 [2009-10-02 01:52:25 +0000 UTC]


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Hinata-Fangirl [2009-10-02 01:35:26 +0000 UTC]

Lulz total "Bros before hoes" moment goin' on here. xD

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knittingknots [2009-10-01 21:12:23 +0000 UTC]

Love this page...

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mayu28hino [2009-10-01 20:16:09 +0000 UTC]

Love it!

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Half-Demon-Cali [2009-10-01 19:10:50 +0000 UTC]

LMAOOOO. "...Oh, you OWE me."

Big time.

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Hanyou-no-miko In reply to Half-Demon-Cali [2009-10-01 21:29:42 +0000 UTC]

Fer srs.

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Patches365 [2009-10-01 09:11:34 +0000 UTC]

It does make me wonder what some of the side characters actually DO with their lives when they're not interacting with the main cast. What, does Sessmom just lounge around on her throne all day just to make sure she's available in case her little boy comes to her with sword problems? Doesn't anyone in ancient Japan have a day job?

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Hanyou-no-miko In reply to Patches365 [2009-10-01 16:24:12 +0000 UTC]

Pssh. Don't be ridiculous. Rich people in ancient Japan don't have day jobs. That's what they have servants for. Otherwise where would they get the time to play board games and compose poetry?

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red-winged-angel [2009-10-01 05:09:30 +0000 UTC]


Ari chan

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InuYashaReader [2009-10-01 04:13:22 +0000 UTC]

Ha! Not to "eat" her! Lol! XD Good one!

Poor Tanetenma...that's what you get for being open and ready for a job!

Can't wait for the next page!

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Hanyou-no-miko In reply to InuYashaReader [2009-10-01 04:18:45 +0000 UTC]

Oh, Inu-Papa means that quite literally. XD

Yeah, well, flashback!Tanetenma still hasn't gotten beyond his bachelor phase, so that's what happens.

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