Comments: 14
Carrot-Cannibal [2015-07-23 23:44:27 +0000 UTC]
I agree. Birds are hard to draw. :'3
I wonder how innocent bystanders reacted to Vale flying over their city. I wonder if they just think its a hella rare birb species.
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Hollowed-Chimera In reply to Carrot-Cannibal [2015-07-23 23:48:18 +0000 UTC]
Yep, but at least it provides a challenge xwx
And actually, a lot of people in BFWN fear large birds. Pretty much all the gods in the series take the form of massive birds, so anything larger than an already known bird species has reason to be feared.
And so, to answer your question, they would be in confusion and absolute terror at the sight of a massive birbgod flying overhead. x'D
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Carrot-Cannibal In reply to Hollowed-Chimera [2015-07-23 23:56:08 +0000 UTC]
OH. owo Them being in terror makes sense then. I'm not afraid of birds and even I'd probably react the same way, cause its a giant bird. o ^o I once saw a turkey vulture and those things are big. If I saw a massive bird thats a lot larger then a turkey vulture flying over my house I'd run to the basement and quiver in the corner. x'D
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Hollowed-Chimera In reply to Carrot-Cannibal [2015-07-23 23:59:01 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah, turkey vultures are huge, geez
We've got a lot of those out here so I know what you mean. It would be pretty terrifying, wouldn't it? x'D
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Carrot-Cannibal In reply to Hollowed-Chimera [2015-07-24 00:08:10 +0000 UTC]
Yup. xD I just stared at it until a neighbor told me what it was and to walk around it. It was eating something.
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SpookySpiderFly [2015-07-23 23:36:23 +0000 UTC]
Does the birb have nukes, too? .3. It's pretty.
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Hollowed-Chimera In reply to SpookySpiderFly [2015-07-23 23:40:01 +0000 UTC]
Vale: No. Those were the unfortunate result of humanity's stupidity, and therefore I refuse to use them. I prefer murder via lightning and demons. =u=
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Hollowed-Chimera In reply to SpookySpiderFly [2015-07-24 00:06:06 +0000 UTC]
Controller: ;u;' He told me to remain quiet or face death. So I have no issues with this.
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SpookySpiderFly In reply to Hollowed-Chimera [2015-07-24 00:13:11 +0000 UTC]
K. *Pets that strangely adorable face* Does
That mean I can squish your face?
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SpookySpiderFly In reply to Hollowed-Chimera [2015-07-24 03:44:34 +0000 UTC]
I will 47 you if you refuse again, sir. *Rubs his face* You too, Birb boss.
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Hollowed-Chimera In reply to SpookySpiderFly [2015-07-24 03:52:45 +0000 UTC]
Vale: .. wAIT. If you 47 either of us.. I'll kill him! D:<
Controller: -- wH A T. pleasedon'tdoit
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SpookySpiderFly In reply to Hollowed-Chimera [2015-07-24 03:57:18 +0000 UTC]
All you have to do is follow my simple orders and everything will be fine. *Snuggles the Controller bae*
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