Hoshikko — . Good Fortune.

Published: 2010-11-08 01:35:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 1366; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 34
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Description Did this for my dad's friend. It turned out alright considering i haven't done Chinese paints in a while now. But i think I am going to get more into that now.The 9 goldfish represents good fortune and wealth. If you guys have any suggestions on what type of art i should try let me know !
Other than that ENJOY!

Watercolor and Chinese brushes
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Comments: 14

lynn-chan96 [2010-11-12 03:58:37 +0000 UTC]

ahh, so wonderful!

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Hoshikko In reply to lynn-chan96 [2010-11-27 06:22:49 +0000 UTC]

why thank you ^^

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AssassinGemini15 [2010-11-08 22:03:15 +0000 UTC]

its beautiful

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Hoshikko In reply to AssassinGemini15 [2010-11-27 06:17:05 +0000 UTC]

Why thanks ^^

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EvyCrystal [2010-11-08 07:54:24 +0000 UTC]

oh wow these are really awesome o3o !!! nice work on these <3

as for what to draw whatever you want I always say but of course there always have no idea what to draw deal which I have here and there sadly =.=;

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Hoshikko In reply to EvyCrystal [2010-11-27 06:16:44 +0000 UTC]

Haha no worries thanks for the complement though

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Warhound-CMP [2010-11-08 05:25:38 +0000 UTC]

Its different! I like it! ^ ^
What type of art should you try? Well, I would encourage you to table in everything and anything you can right now!
I think you are at a great stage in skills to try and learn just about anything you can!
What I personally enjoy doing is what I call "Mixed Media Art" where you mix traditional art such as pencils or markers scan it and combine it with digital artwork. Or vice versa, printing out digital and combining it with traditional art, constructs, etc.
Exploring and combining medias is really great fun!
If I believe in anything its that there is no one "correct" all encompassing art media.
That and that traditional media skills are the base of all art skills. Digital is great, but you gotta remember its a tool, not a crutch.

I think if you scan this piece, you could do some really unique and awesome digital modifications to it!!
Or do some Black+white lineart on computer, and print it (laser print, or photocopyier) an do water colors on it! and see what happens!
(photocopying on paper will make line art water proof-usually) ^ ^;

Just ideas!
Oh! how have your recent conventions been! I've not had chance to get back in touch, or stop by cons I thought you would be at... bah busy busy.
Ive got Wizard Austin comic con coming up this weeken omg omg... must work hehe.

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Hoshikko In reply to Warhound-CMP [2010-11-27 06:19:11 +0000 UTC]

YOu know I actully tried mixed media but its actully harder than it seems><. Im actully doing a piece right now at my school for auction reasons^^. but i think I will try that lol

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NekoMikuXX [2010-11-08 03:31:33 +0000 UTC]


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Hoshikko In reply to NekoMikuXX [2010-11-27 06:22:38 +0000 UTC]

nom nom nom :3

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kandykloud [2010-11-08 02:13:07 +0000 UTC]

; _____________ ; y u draw so amazing?

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Hoshikko In reply to kandykloud [2010-11-27 06:22:16 +0000 UTC]

haha It all starts somewhere ill tell you that^^. I saw yur gallery and youve got potential too its just practice and experementing to find what you most great at and comfortable with. Try different mediums and styles. Draw crazy stuff and take on commisions cause its all just practice and experementing ^^.

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kandykloud In reply to Hoshikko [2010-11-28 17:17:19 +0000 UTC]

Ah, yes I've been messing around and trying new styles/mediums recently! :'D Though I'm still trying to figure out my stance on each~
Thanks for the advice <3 I will definitely work harder and try to improve :'D

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Hoshikko In reply to kandykloud [2010-11-28 21:15:12 +0000 UTC]

Lol well great and np^^

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