LouisDavilla [2014-01-23 02:01:50 +0000 UTC]
Keren! Kebetulan KELIR bulan Feb juga masih arctic animal... bisa diikutin kontesnya sekalian tuh...!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
hutami-dwijayanti In reply to LouisDavilla [2014-01-23 07:55:45 +0000 UTC]
wiihhh.. makasihh...dan makasih info nya... >,<).
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
AP-Lobo [2014-01-22 04:14:32 +0000 UTC]
This is incredibly adorable! Have you considered entering this into the monthly challenge January Theme and Voting Challenge Duration: January 5 - February 5 January's Theme: Create a stylized arctic animal.Read below for more information. Rules1. The entries must be new and created for this particular challenge.2. Entries should be submitted to the “Stylized Challenge” folder.3. You may submit several pictures.4. Challenge is for Stylized Animals' members only.This month's challenge will be a little different. Instead of a single animal, the monthly theme for January will be open for any arctic or winter themed animal/s. In the description to your entry, please give a brief explanation of why you chose that particular animal.VOTINGLast month's most voted on Shoebill image was Shoebill by Skia. Congratulations! The group founder has been away, so regrettably, the feature on t? This month's is "arctic animals", and yours is well done I dunno, it was just a thought Anywho, again great job
hutami-dwijayanti In reply to AP-Lobo [2014-01-22 11:39:06 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much.. >,<
wow, thank you for suggesting.. it's really my pleasure.
i'll join! i'll join!
AP-Lobo In reply to hutami-dwijayanti [2014-01-22 18:06:08 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome I don't know how it works exactly, I'm just a member, but I think you may have to re-upload it to the contest folder. The best thing to do is probably just note and ask one of the admins. I hope it all works out, good luck
hutami-dwijayanti In reply to AP-Lobo [2014-01-22 19:55:15 +0000 UTC]
yeah... it seems i must re-upload the artworks first.. XD
thank you for your help and wishing.
AP-Lobo In reply to hutami-dwijayanti [2014-01-23 00:33:36 +0000 UTC]
You are very welcome