HydraTeeth — Hunter: Grem2

Published: 2017-05-13 02:36:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 509; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Description #579
Name: Hunter

Pronouns: He/Him

Orientation: Whatever

Body Type: 

Age: Adult

Ownership Status: Lone Grem2

• Ears - Long
• Neck - Bare
• Tail - Long
• Mutations - Overgrown Teeth (Wary)

• Positive - 
• Negative - 

History: Hunter is one of the many more independant Grem2s in the area, unfortunately a victim on his master's many frustrations.

He was created as a companion for the young children of the family, whom was wealthy enough to have him educated enough to have a general understanding of humans, social acceptability, and a sense of self-sufficiency. However, during the several years it took for him to be made, the heads of the household divorced and the leaving spouse took their children with them. When Hunter showed up on the doorstep of the large and empty manor home, it was nothing more than a grim reminder of everything the man had lost due to own mistakes. His already horrible anger problem grew worse, and Hunter knew nothing more than that he was to care for the raging and drunken man. He dutifully did everything as he was told, even if that meant taking a beating.

His master's problems increased as he spent more and more time betting his money on illegal Grem2 fights, and eventually decided that an easy way to pay back is debts was to have Hunter fight in them himself. Hunter, however, lost most of the early fights and ended up causing more problems for the man. Eventually he did start winning fights but by this time the debt was too much for anyone to ignore, and he was kicked from the home and left on his own.

Even though he aches for contact, Hunter eventually was able to realize that the treatment he received wasn't typical. Even so - he doesn't do well with humans, at least not yet.

mrEH I'll fill it out later hAH
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Comments: 3

xlazulitex [2017-05-13 02:48:08 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations on the amazing grem hydra!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HydraTeeth In reply to xlazulitex [2017-05-13 02:50:52 +0000 UTC]

I've had him for a while actually! But thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xlazulitex In reply to HydraTeeth [2017-05-13 02:53:47 +0000 UTC]



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