Indiana-INDY-Viola ā€” A Smile worth Protecting by-nc-nd

#cap #dinosaur #megaraptor #smile #watercolor #crash
Published: 2021-07-12 21:28:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 2084; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description Was art-blocked, drawn and painted during the first work week that went exceptionally well.

Drew Crash-the-Megaraptor 's dino character... Crash. The Megaraptor.
I had a blast drawing him again after all these years, possibly the best so far.

And lookie! if you look past the exaggerated lightning, it looks cartoony.

I did say I'm taking baby steps into developing a new style. :'DĀ 
Up next: Ark Survival Evolved fanart. (Probably)

When I'm art-blocked, someone's OC might be my go-to to draw. Once again, with the exception of the 100 Theme Art Challenge, you won't be seeing any Rayman fanart besides my fancharacters. Chances are I'll draw Spyro instead.
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Comments: 3

Crash-the-Megaraptor [2021-07-13 20:36:33 +0000 UTC]

šŸ‘: 2 ā©: 1

Indiana-INDY-Viola In reply to Crash-the-Megaraptor [2021-07-13 21:46:41 +0000 UTC]

šŸ‘: 1 ā©: 0

BeIlaTorres [2021-07-12 23:46:36 +0000 UTC]

šŸ‘: 1 ā©: 0