Comments: 43
ka6kaval [2008-12-07 18:58:30 +0000 UTC]
i love the dog i love all designes... superb
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Inkthinker In reply to maxetormer [2007-07-05 00:30:20 +0000 UTC]
I was thinking more of a Celestial Dog from a classic D&D Summoning I spell, but I'd lie if I didn't say I liked a lot of the designs for wolf-form Amaterasu. I still haven't gotten Okami but I have an art book for it, amusingly enough, and it's silly-gorgeous.
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DSil [2006-10-09 18:11:28 +0000 UTC]
Cool sketches! The interspersed philosophical notes are hilarious. This is exactly what my notes from school look like.
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TheOnlyWarman [2006-10-06 05:37:51 +0000 UTC]
it seems its a phlosphy class lots of awesome drawing pop up in philosphy classes i finished 2 sketchbooks draing in class only, and i got an A
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botchiball [2006-09-28 16:55:04 +0000 UTC]
the undead dude is my favorite, but they are all awesome as usual.
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Futurender [2006-09-27 00:59:21 +0000 UTC]
Ah...good ol' college rule. Nice doodlige. Many props. Keep postin' to inspire all!
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Inspirized [2006-09-26 11:23:27 +0000 UTC]
I think I learn something every time I look at one of your pictures. I think the count's up by 6 or 7 for this one.
It's just amazing. Even when you're just sketching it's all really great. It's really inspiring me to pick up my pencil again and have another go.
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cereal199 [2006-09-25 23:40:27 +0000 UTC]
that undead design is money!
nice work!
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JoeD-rtman [2006-09-25 19:22:44 +0000 UTC]
i love the dog of fire.
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Scringeheart505 [2006-09-24 23:28:54 +0000 UTC]
your inkings put mine, wonderful as they are, to shame...i love your art style!
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xSmilex [2006-09-24 22:28:33 +0000 UTC]
I think its funny that your rough sketches are better than most people 's finished art work.
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NeterG [2006-09-24 22:06:50 +0000 UTC]
Dude, they are all AMAZING!!!!
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ASZSephiroth [2006-09-24 20:55:28 +0000 UTC]
Even my serious drawings fall short to your sketches. I like them!!
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geschmack [2006-09-24 20:07:43 +0000 UTC]
That undead looking warrior looks completely badass.
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geschmack In reply to geschmack [2006-09-24 20:08:37 +0000 UTC]
Oh and I understand why you took no notes. Philosophy is kinda boring.
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metalgearray09 [2006-09-24 19:00:56 +0000 UTC]
these are so so awesome. You need to teach me how to sketch like that. Seriously.
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Inkthinker In reply to metalgearray09 [2006-09-25 02:36:04 +0000 UTC]
Just stay loose. A sketch is the stage where you can make mistakes and scribble. If something doesn't look right, just keep working at it until it does.
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metalgearray09 In reply to Inkthinker [2006-09-25 04:22:50 +0000 UTC]
just wondering, since you do thumbs, how do you go into details?
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Inkthinker In reply to metalgearray09 [2006-09-25 09:07:13 +0000 UTC]
You mean for the final? It's drawn a lot larger for one, which makes it easier... and since I usually rough in red pencil, I can add detail over the messy rough without fear of the two conflicting, since the red pencil gets stripped.
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metalgearray09 In reply to Inkthinker [2006-09-25 18:29:17 +0000 UTC]
ah, I see. Hmm..I should try that. What I'm trying to do is draw a thumbnail, then go into Painter or Photoshop and enlarge it and apply the final lines.
BTW, was wondering, do you use a tablet?
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Inkthinker In reply to metalgearray09 [2006-09-25 19:29:40 +0000 UTC]
Oh! In that case, you can just scan the image, copy it to a New Layer in the PSD that's sized the way you need it, and then use the Transform Tool to scale it up to match. I do this ALL the time... turn the properly sized thumbnail to a low Opacity and then start to ink away.
I do use a tablet. They're pretty much essential for digital drawing, which is a lot of the drawing I do, lately. They're expensive (the good ones are REALLY expensive), but it's an investment... I really believe that tablet technology is the future of illustration, they're already becoming very common amongst professionals. I started with a tiny 4x5, but I recently upgraded to a 9x12, and what I really, REALLY want is a Cintiq.
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Lawbringer-Vypr In reply to Inkthinker [2006-10-18 15:25:40 +0000 UTC]
Well, then, what you really, really want is this little dohickety right here [link]
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Inkthinker In reply to Lawbringer-Vypr [2006-10-18 21:03:57 +0000 UTC]
Yep, that's the beast. I work on those at the studio, but they're a little expensive for home just yet.
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Lawbringer-Vypr In reply to Inkthinker [2006-10-19 14:12:39 +0000 UTC]
Hey, at least you get to work on them. So far, all I've been able to do is drool... metaphorically speaking.
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metalgearray09 In reply to Inkthinker [2006-09-25 22:44:27 +0000 UTC]
Ah. I'm still stuck with my 4x5 graphire 3. I'm...way too poor at the moment. lol.
Illustration/animation for me is more of a hobby for now.
I really really want a 6x8 intuos though...
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IvoryDrive [2006-09-24 17:48:19 +0000 UTC]
I love you.
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Tree-ink [2006-09-24 15:40:22 +0000 UTC]
Woah you skeleton was the best piece, although i liked the pose of the guy with a 2h sword.. (i love zweihander) and those weapon designs are cool
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ashigaru [2006-09-24 15:38:40 +0000 UTC]
Your sketches and figure work always have a certain dynamic quality, with motion and life that pervades, even when they're just standing still. The skeletal warrior for example: right knee bent just ever so slightly, the fabric in his clothing catching on the wind, his left hand gripping the shaft of his weapon, ready to strike even when at rest.
And always the lovely ladies... buxom, short hair, powerful. That certainly shows a bias... Not that I'm complaining, I rather like those qualities myself.
Still, there's always that great life energy you have in your work, which is wonderful to see.
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Jizames05 [2006-09-24 15:14:35 +0000 UTC]
you are incredible sir
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Code-Maker [2006-09-24 15:05:58 +0000 UTC]
Cooooooool, the skeleton warrior dude looks awesome
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m4rsellino [2006-09-24 14:51:01 +0000 UTC]
skeleton is amazing
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wofai50 [2006-09-24 14:31:18 +0000 UTC]
awsome skecthes
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Inkthinker In reply to Morya [2006-09-24 12:33:40 +0000 UTC]
It's not easy, that's for sure.
But it's not so bad, I think, as long as you fully understand the design and you have the time to spend with each frame. It's that last factor that really kills you, because animation is a time-consuming process to begin with, and complex designs only make it more so.
For beginners, I really recommend working to simplify designs. Learning how to do simple stuff well will make the more complex stuff later on less difficult.
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Morya In reply to Inkthinker [2006-09-24 12:44:31 +0000 UTC]
Oh... ok i see. animator is a good/ fantastic/ interrseting job who can kill easly.
so i should continu to pratice myself with basic form/ animation.
I'll progress with the time as everything... i can't be a genius now, i'll grow'up by practicing way.
thanks for the Advice/ and the lesson.
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