Inkthinker — Shadow blocking

Published: 2004-10-20 04:47:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 2186; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 227
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Description Essentially, I've become quite obsessed with adding a little light and shadow to some things... these are a couple of pages from the sketchbook as I practiced blocking out shadow shapes on these characters, designed (as most things are, when I don't have any other direction) for Bibliotech.

I've gotted a lot of positive response to the knife dude, so I expect he's a lock for use at some point... but the cat in the hat looks a bit too much like the bounty hunter that cut down Hugo in the second volume (or episode, if all you've seen is the anime) of Battle Angel Alita. Too bad...
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Comments: 5

sbassmarine [2019-09-12 03:05:30 +0000 UTC]

I love this kind of work. The silhouette of the knife dude just presents a more interesting character than the cat in the hat; that guy just looks a little cliche in comparison. I do like how the shadows play on the bottom pic. 
What if you took the trench coat off, and played on the wrapped torso look? Like a serpent-inspired martial artist who could easily be in the same clan as the psycho knife dude. The farmer cap could be the top of a wicker basket alluding to a charmed snake.
His static pose is rather uninspired, but while I'm giving suggestions to a pro (I understand the irony), I'll finish these thoughts by suggesting he wraps his leg around the staff, his body supported by it as a snake might coil a branch- as his static pose. 
I love your art!

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red-monkey [2004-10-20 07:55:40 +0000 UTC]

great studies man. And I think you shouldn't worry too much if your characters look like another character (unless that other one is widely known), cause there are A LOT of characters out there, so there's a big chance one of yours looks like an other one. Well, unless you just copied it. Still, that could also be a form of praise to the other design.

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hamzapecenkovic [2004-10-20 05:17:08 +0000 UTC]

sweet man so sweet.

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zaratus [2004-10-20 05:07:04 +0000 UTC]


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Lysol-Jones [2004-10-20 04:52:41 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I could see the top guy looking like that guy from battle angel, but I wouldn't had guessed if you didn't say anything

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