Iris-Briefs-giftart — mY-SHoRt-sEMe xD

Published: 2006-10-05 06:11:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 1392; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 9
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Description 'nother giftO for ~war-armor XD
heh, and yet AGAIN it's Jago and Prouts.

I doodled this one the other day out of sheer randomness xD
(mostly for Prouts' expression )

yes well, The title of the picture implies perfectly what the expressions are all about.
I don't like to follow the "short rule"... in fact;
I tend to find couples w/ a shorter Seme much more realistic.
I'm not getting into ANY debates here... but LOGICALLY, with no "what if this---!!" 's thrown in;
it's HieixKurama, and VegetaxGoku and so forth. AT LEAST IN MY MIND.
you can stone me to death all you want, that won't stop my beliefs.

Hiei and Vegeta are the more 'masculine' men. they'd seme whoever they bump into, I don't care what the paring is.
that's just that.

well, rant aside, Prouts although almost a foot shorter then Jago, is the Seme.... and does Jago like to tease him!
or at least that's how the picture makes it seem.
(really, Jago doesn't wanna admit he's the Uke xD;; )
so he get's Prouts when he can >xD

I love the expressions. heh, they're a real couple, you can tell by how much they fight

the necklaces they're wearing aren't just for show, both Saiyans and Armors (at least in my series) give necklacesses as "wedding rings"
(casue a-it's near to youre heart, b-less likely to be lost in battle if you tuck it under you shirt before heading in, and c-it attracts more attention then a ring does)
Jago's is a Armor Version (despite only being so much Armor, like 1/1000) he was raised by a clan or Armor's and doesn't know Saiyan traditions. so it's a "life stone" that tells Prouts what emotions Jago's going through at that current moment of time by what color it changes to.

Prouts' that he gave to Jago is a beige stone that reads "Oni" across it. it was his mother's before she died, and he kept it to give it to his (eventual) mate like his father did before him.

also, yes Prouts wears a Porta earing, it's broken though, cracked along the side, so it's not like anyone will ever fuse w/ him by mistake.
the end.

remember, comment before you , take the time

drawn: tablet
time: 2 hrs-14 layers

Prouts(C): ~Osha-Briefs
Jago/Armors(C): ~war-armor
art(C): ~Iris-Uriko-Briefs
Saiyans(C): Akira Toriyama
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Comments: 23

freakingfreaker [2011-12-12 22:48:56 +0000 UTC]

AWWWWWW!!!! cuuuute so cute!!! >U< lolz

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CoolFangrl1 [2010-09-19 23:58:54 +0000 UTC]


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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to CoolFangrl1 [2011-10-26 02:41:16 +0000 UTC]

Um, this isn't Vegeta. His name is Prouts.

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CoolFangrl1 In reply to Iris-Briefs-giftart [2011-10-27 00:38:07 +0000 UTC]

????? sorry i didn't post this o.o
i know these two (faved them b4) but i never said that....

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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to CoolFangrl1 [2011-10-27 08:07:06 +0000 UTC]

And yet there it is. Strange.

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CoolFangrl1 In reply to Iris-Briefs-giftart [2011-10-28 01:09:45 +0000 UTC]

o.o my brother confessed to it >.> sorry about this. I have seen this couple before i know they are original characters.

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war-armor [2007-01-04 06:51:50 +0000 UTC]

kya! I cannot belive i never commented on this!!! *bricked*

but gods I love it. TToTT is so cute and pretty and shmexy and RAWR! the expressions are perfect and the pose

I LOVE these two SO (too) much >.< I can't get them out of my head especialy when it comes to art and importent stuff like cooking xD *day-dreams and falls out of chair* ^~^ adorablness...

lame comment I know but I keep scrolling back up to stare at it ____

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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to war-armor [2007-01-07 05:10:32 +0000 UTC]

lol! XD;; is oki! I know how those sorts of things go. X3

lols I know! I am ALWAYS thinking about these two >w<;;

hee hee, I need to stop doodling them in class and actually do my work >_>'''

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war-armor In reply to Iris-Briefs-giftart [2007-01-07 15:47:59 +0000 UTC]

yeah, I hate my messge box. <__<; sometimes things are there and other times they disapear @__@;;

xD YEY! I not alone! they rule my mind.... I drive my cuz insane with it too, I just turn off sometimes and look like a zombie and she's like "what are tou doin?" then I just snap bak to earth and go "just thinkin' bout'em again" and now she dun gatta ask cuz she knows what I mean

an art wise I have SO many unfinished doodles and pictures on my comp and in myclip bored you'd think I didn't know how to draw anything else! @__@; i shal have do a calloge or something of them all. no wonder I is so behind in my lessons! ah wait, no they not it...I just lazy.and take forever xD

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xMarinx [2006-10-11 13:41:00 +0000 UTC]

Aren't they cute! Love the expressions on their faces. Absolutly adorable!

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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to xMarinx [2006-10-12 00:11:19 +0000 UTC]

thanks xD

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fay2006 [2006-10-05 20:24:21 +0000 UTC]

I love the expressions. I think they look really cute together.

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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to fay2006 [2006-10-06 21:50:21 +0000 UTC]

they're an unusual couple.

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fay2006 In reply to Iris-Briefs-giftart [2006-10-09 16:37:39 +0000 UTC]

couples come in all shapes and sizes.

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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to fay2006 [2006-10-09 22:39:12 +0000 UTC]

xD agreeed!!!

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AuldBlue [2006-10-05 08:11:37 +0000 UTC]

i luv their hair design and making..very kewl^^very bishi^^i likes te necklesses, purdy :3

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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to AuldBlue [2006-10-06 23:09:25 +0000 UTC]

xD ha yeah ~war-armor is very good at coming up w/ hair.
me? not so much. it takes such effort
but I'm glad you like.

ha ha, yes, ver bishi. all Iris draws well is bishies : (
I stink at just about everthing else xD;;

xD thanks ^w^

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AuldBlue In reply to Iris-Briefs-giftart [2006-10-07 01:35:58 +0000 UTC]

well luvly bishi's they r..be proud u can draw em^^ ...i can draw lots other things...but i prefer bishi's^^...bishi saiyajins that ish :3...i thinks u did a great job on hair^^

very welcome^^

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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to AuldBlue [2006-10-10 02:43:29 +0000 UTC]

ha ha, yeah. I just wish I chould draw BiShojo's to. TToTT
ah well. maybe someday.

xD thanks!

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AuldBlue In reply to Iris-Briefs-giftart [2006-10-10 03:06:31 +0000 UTC]

sumtimes my bishi's arn't even guy's anymore mwuhahah..i feme them ^^


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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to AuldBlue [2006-10-10 03:13:53 +0000 UTC]

lol! oh noez! hermaphodites! XD

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Atalanta83 [2006-10-05 06:27:54 +0000 UTC]

weeeeeeeeeeee XD lovely expressions!!!! Prout's face is priceless hehehe, i so like this two together!!!! great work!

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Iris-Briefs-giftart In reply to Atalanta83 [2006-10-06 23:11:33 +0000 UTC]

it took about 1/2 hr just to get Prouts expression right xD;;; but at least it was worth it ^W^

yeah, they make a good couple ^^

thanks! XD

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