Comments: 33
AshleySmash [2012-01-27 13:50:48 +0000 UTC]
would you recommend these online classes then?
I've been looking for online training for months but I cant seem to decide which website to sign up with since there are so many..
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JackEavesArt In reply to AshleySmash [2012-01-27 13:56:06 +0000 UTC]
Yep i would recommend them. If you get in early for the earlybird prices they are the cheapest professional courses out there. From the look of your profile your interested in Cryengine, a environment artist from Crytek will be starting up a class sometime in the next few months at The Rydan Workshop so that might be good look out for. But there are also a few other courses available now that might be of interest. If your unsure you can always contact them using the skype or email address on the website and they'll be happy to give you some info.
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AshleySmash In reply to JackEavesArt [2012-01-27 14:06:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for the reply, I just messeged them on the websites box form but if they dont reply, I'll send them an email and hope they respond and thanks for the info on the crytek enviroment artist. I would absolutely love that since I just started working with the CryEngine and to be honest its great!
have a llama and a watch since I love your work too! as well as being awesome!
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BrotherOstavia [2012-01-27 11:06:10 +0000 UTC]
Love this sheet. I think i'll joing some courses in the Rydan Workshop. I'm actually in two courses in the CGMA.
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andreabianco [2012-01-27 08:00:55 +0000 UTC]
Very well done character sheet.
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eelstork In reply to JackEavesArt [2012-01-27 08:07:57 +0000 UTC]
Yes and then... I'd have to say if an artistic director pays attention to portfolio presentation vs actual content, I wound find it rather disappointing -
sorry just teasing, can't help it
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najmulosmani [2011-06-18 12:10:06 +0000 UTC]
awesome stuff ^^
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Komitsugu [2011-06-18 07:55:16 +0000 UTC]
fdshuinjdgskdgs I am in love with Kobo. D: It's just something about him.
This is fantastic! <3
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JackEavesArt In reply to Komitsugu [2011-06-18 10:10:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Bonnie! He's been a real test, it's been so long since i've done a character D:
Glad you like him :')
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Komitsugu In reply to JackEavesArt [2011-06-18 10:17:09 +0000 UTC]
;___; It's so tempting to make fan art, but I feel I won't give him justice!
It's a gorgeous concept and character! You should be proud. c: You've done well!
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Komitsugu In reply to JackEavesArt [2011-06-18 19:12:30 +0000 UTC]
Bless! <3 Well I can always try. He'll possibly turn out cute though. LOL
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Komitsugu In reply to JackEavesArt [2011-06-19 18:55:01 +0000 UTC]
It's a gorgeous game, is it not? c:
And thank you, Jack! c:
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Komitsugu In reply to JackEavesArt [2011-06-20 09:39:20 +0000 UTC]
Mm! I couldn't agree with you more. If I was to make a game, I'd certainly consider such a beautiful art style. <3
Bless you. c: It's no problem!
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JackEavesArt In reply to Komitsugu [2011-06-20 13:53:50 +0000 UTC]
That would be very cool! Perhaps a future project? :')
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Komitsugu In reply to JackEavesArt [2011-06-21 10:59:16 +0000 UTC]
Mmm! ;A; That'd be lush.
To have my own characters have that sort of line and expression... would be so cool.
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Komitsugu In reply to JackEavesArt [2011-06-21 11:18:57 +0000 UTC]
Maybe some time during the week or next week. c:
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