Comments: 15
GamerStunner27 [2016-09-18 05:27:28 +0000 UTC]
Nice. Her nobody name I'd give her would be Tyrraix.
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mime432 [2015-01-29 03:25:59 +0000 UTC]
(Twilight, Spike, and Trixie enters the chamber)
Rarity: Impressive. You defeated Dash. The Keyblade' s power, how I long for it's power.
Rarity: You have no chance Twilight. Sweetie Belle? Erase Twilight's memories
(Everyone gasps)
Sweetie Belle: But if I do that-
Rarity: Yes. Her heart will be destroyed.
Spike: Her heart destroyed?
Trixie: You can do that?
Rarity: She can. But I rather have her unmarred. However she can be rebuilt to my liking. Do it Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie Belle: No.
Rarity: What?
Sweetie Belle: After all that transpired Twilight and her friends forgave me, even when I decided her. So it's not fair to destroy her heart. I don't care what you do to me, I'm not gonna do it, I wont!
Rarity: Sweetie Belle-
Twilight: Do it!
Rarity: What?
Sweetie Belle: What?
Spike & Trixie: WHAT?!
Twilight: I don't care what happens destroy my heart!
Spike: But why, Twilight?
Twilight: Because, who will look after her? I don't care what happens. Erase my memories and destroy my heart! But know this: I will always be there to protect my friends, including you.
Sweetie Belle: Twilight.....
Twilight: After all I don't need memories to put a stop to Rarity.
Spike: Ya! And besides I'm here to help her remember all that happened!
Trixie: Me too! We're here and we won't forget.
Twilight: You see? With Trixie and Spike by my side they can help me remember, and then I can piece my own memories up again.
Rarity: Such incompetence. Don't you get it? If Sweetie Belle erases your memories and destroy your heart, you'll be nothing more than an empty shell. No emotions will run by you. You'll be empty just like, Hooves' pathetic replica of your precious brother
???: Take another guess!
(A dark portal appeared in the room with Shining Armor rocketing out taking a slash at Rarity)
Rarity: No! It can't be!
Twilight: Shining Armor!
Shining Armor: Sorry, but I'm just a puppet.
Rarity: What are you doing? You're a shell! You had everything taken from you, EVERYTHING!
Shining Armor: That maybe true. I maybe just a shell, my body and emotions are fake. But there's one thing that I have that's true to me. And that's protecting Sweetie Belle phantom promise or not!
Rarity: Grrr... Imbiciles
(Summons scythe)
Rarity: You mean to tell me you would knowingly shackle your heart, with the Chain of Memories born of lies?
(Twilight arms herself with her Keyblade)
Rarity: You would be one who has a heart. Yet cast away the heart's freedom for an imitation promise?
(Shining Armor guards Sweetie Belle)
Rarity: You fools run away from the truth because your hearts are weak. YOU WILL NEVER DEFEAT ME!
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WhiteFreak14 [2015-01-23 14:55:52 +0000 UTC]
Favourite Tabitha St. Germain voice, paired with Favourite Organization member AND favourite weapon allows me to give this art the kinda-official WhiteFreak12 Seal of Approval!
Also, to anyone looking at this, play "Scythe of Petals" in the background. It fits!
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shadowtsuki12 [2014-09-12 03:16:03 +0000 UTC]
So I'm not the only one that has problems with # XI
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KirbyFluttershy [2014-07-14 00:20:22 +0000 UTC]
Again, this is amazing! XD
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wordplay64 [2014-03-18 12:23:19 +0000 UTC]
I guess you can say she has 'flower' power. ha. (I know my puns are bad.)
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SnowTails [2013-10-01 20:30:05 +0000 UTC]
great job and i will admit that scythe is a pain to draw as well as raritys mane so i got to hand it to you for drawing both
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mobuislead147 [2013-02-26 17:50:32 +0000 UTC]
Perfect. Still can't believe Marluxia's a boy.
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SeanJoan09 In reply to mobuislead147 [2014-08-06 23:26:39 +0000 UTC]
Well, Marluxia WAS meant to be female. From Marluxia's wiki page: "Originally, Marluxia was planned to be a female, but this idea was scrapped during the creation of the game so that both traitors weren't females."
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artmagetommy [2013-01-14 05:35:43 +0000 UTC]
Marluxia and Rarity; both care about beauty and being sophisticated and can get fiesty when ready to fight
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kur1y4m1 [2013-01-12 00:59:27 +0000 UTC]
her pretty face hides ugly motives.....
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Free-Raven [2012-12-19 11:28:14 +0000 UTC]
Damn it inner Kingdom Hearts fanboy, I thought I killed you.
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