Java-Kitty — Unlikely Children

Published: 2016-02-10 04:53:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 747; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Description World of Warcraft / Trolls / Draenei / Blood Elves (High Elves) - Blizzard Entertainment
Art / Characters - Me
Izura's Mother - us.battle.net/wow/en/character…
Izura's Father - us.battle.net/wow/en/character…
??'s Mother - us.battle.net/wow/en/character…
??'s Father - us.battle.net/wow/en/character…
Stop! You are not allowed to use my art or the characters shown in anyway!!

Izura is the draenei-troll hybrid, seeing as draenei and orcs can have children, WHY CAN'T A DRAENEI AND A TROLL?!
Despite conflicting traditions both Trolls and Draenei follow, she leans more toward the teaching of Draenei and the Naaru, more like her mother in the sense of wishing to learn to heal an wield the Light, but more like her father in the sense she is rather chaotic and excitable.

Parents: Ayvina Veni (Mother), Derek of the Darkspears (Father)
Siblings: Zaren Veni (Older Half-Brother)
Other Relations: Sapphire Rose (Alzgalada Veni - Aunt), Erdohri Veni (Aunt), Ryoden Darkhowl (Uncle)
Class: Priest
Gender: Female
Specialization: Holy
Sexuality: Straight (Currently)

?? is a currently unnamed blood elf, he is the son of a Ranger and Mage of higher standing and is decended from a powerful and ancient line of elven priests and arcanists.
?? follows a well honnored tradition of his family to work with the Light, he is very much a priest and a healer but he doesn't believe it may be his true calling in life, preferring more to stand on the front line and protect his allies from danger with sword and shield in hand.

Parents: Zarlyna Ashdawn (Mother), Nardon (Father)
Siblings: None
Other Relations: Aerovan Ashdawn (Grandfather), Aurea Dawnrider (Grandmother), Norhaedonas (Uncle), Nirolin (Uncle), Thessali Ashdawn (Great-Aunt)
Class: Priest (Currently) / Interested in Warrior / Paladin training.
Gender: Male
Specialization: Discipline (Currently)
Sexuality: Gay
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Comments: 2

Fuzzinator23 [2016-02-10 11:52:33 +0000 UTC]

When I hear the words unlikely children, then I feel an adventure about to start

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Java-Kitty In reply to Fuzzinator23 [2016-02-10 16:47:02 +0000 UTC]

Then that's a shame, the unlikely part is their parents having children

👍: 0 ⏩: 0