joelieisqueen — Dragon Of the South Seas

Published: 2009-07-20 17:20:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 669; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 40
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Description a lovely hippocampus i adopted from the lovely *Harlequine-mania she's awsome! go check her out.
im so sorry he came out pinkish-red, his markings are supposed to be ORANGE. XP *glares at scanner again*

joelie looked out into the large aquarium that they had just had built. it was truely enormous, 8,000 gallons at least, and it had small dividers in it so that horses could be kept seprate if needed. it was completely glass, you were able to look right into it, lots of coral and small goregous fish everywhere. there was a large building built over it as well, so that rain water would'nt get in and tamper with the expensive-to-fill salt water. on the walls was where the medals and trophys would hang from the hippocampi's achievements. there was even an area where you could go below ground so you could see deeper into the tank.
suddenly a blur of color caught joelie's eye. she turned to see their second hippocampus, dragon, whom she had gotten from her dear friend, miss mania. joelie placed her hand on the glass as dragon placed his head on it as well, a small snort came from his nose and bubbles went flying to the surface. joelie laughed and stroked the glass "welcome home" she whispered.

Name: Dragon of the South Seas
Nickname: draco, dragon
Breed: Dragonet hippocampus
Bloodlines: starter
Sex: male
Age: 49
bold and brave, will do anything to protect those around him, especially those who are close and he loves dearly. he hates it when others are rude or disrespectfull, and often will snap and hurt those who do so. most the time he is refined and has a 'regal' feel in the air around him, he strongly believes in making a presence, and being seen.
when he becomes even remotely upset or angry, a fin on his head and upper neck will become visible, most times it is placed in a submissive downward state though.

he was born to the southern seas, his mother leaving him soon after birth, as this was the ways of hippocampi living in this region. the colts vibrant colors always stuck out, so he resorted to hiding in the coral reef and among other fish most of the time to avoid being eaten by sharks. it was a hard growing up, but it taught him alot and sculpted his personallity. once he was large enough to take on the larger sharks and have a chance of winning, he began to venture from his reef home, but after a few times, a large fishing net scooped him up and onto a boat. the fishermen took him back to shore, and made a fortune selling him to a auction. there, miss mania found him, and promptly brought him home. not yet having an aquarium of her own, miss mania called joelie, who had just had one installed, and asked her if she would like this hippocampus. joelie agreed, and now dragon resides at dancing skye

Breeding: open to other hippocampi

artwork, and character (c) to me
design by *Harlequine-mania
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Comments: 31

Tumblepatchkits [2012-07-08 15:42:53 +0000 UTC]

If he's still for sale, may I buy? ^^

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wolfdemon12 [2010-12-22 00:16:23 +0000 UTC]

Ooh.Ish handsome.

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joelieisqueen In reply to wolfdemon12 [2011-01-01 17:54:26 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

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wolfdemon12 In reply to joelieisqueen [2011-01-01 21:16:24 +0000 UTC]

No problem! :3

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LanceyTheDog [2009-07-21 14:09:41 +0000 UTC]

Whoa, nice! He looks awesome. Nice job Joelie! ouo

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joelieisqueen In reply to LanceyTheDog [2009-07-21 14:13:27 +0000 UTC]

thank ya lancey! ;D

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LanceyTheDog In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-21 14:25:06 +0000 UTC]

Anytime Joelie! c:

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Experimentor-Iblis [2009-07-20 21:21:30 +0000 UTC]

wow he looks really awesome Joelie

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joelieisqueen In reply to Experimentor-Iblis [2009-07-20 21:32:15 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

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Experimentor-Iblis In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-21 06:47:37 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome

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Infected-Skully [2009-07-20 20:12:36 +0000 UTC]

He's a stunner joelie ^^ you and mania really do come up with the best designs

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joelieisqueen In reply to Infected-Skully [2009-07-20 20:19:03 +0000 UTC]

thanks a bunch karen!

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Mizz-Loud [2009-07-20 17:59:40 +0000 UTC]

Whoa! He is amazing!
I love the colours! Very nice pick ^_^

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joelieisqueen In reply to Mizz-Loud [2009-07-20 18:05:03 +0000 UTC]

thank you verry much!

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Mizz-Loud In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-20 18:10:56 +0000 UTC]

No probz ^_^

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Harlequine-mania [2009-07-20 17:26:58 +0000 UTC]

HE IS AMAZING! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! you drew him so wllllllllllllllllllllllll! its amazing! glomp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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joelieisqueen In reply to Harlequine-mania [2009-07-20 17:52:00 +0000 UTC]

im so happy you like him! im making more
hippocampi adoptables as well.

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Harlequine-mania In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-20 17:53:42 +0000 UTC]

yay! I am kinda stuck on ideas! I tried making one like a pidgeon cus I got so bored! but that didn't go down well.......XD

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joelieisqueen In reply to Harlequine-mania [2009-07-20 17:54:35 +0000 UTC]

tehe a pidgeon. :3 im looking up random fish on google.

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Harlequine-mania In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-20 17:59:52 +0000 UTC]

:3 I have a big fish book but ive practically raided it! oooo i'll tell ya what, I have a fish called tiny and he looks awesome! he's a imerial tigerfish [link] cept his strikes are blacker, he only comes out at night, eats algea and lives in a cup at the bottem of the fish tank, he's a strange one! XD

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joelieisqueen In reply to Harlequine-mania [2009-07-20 18:05:51 +0000 UTC]

OMG he's amazin!! do you mind if i make a hippocampus after
his awsomenezz?? :3

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Harlequine-mania In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-20 18:08:02 +0000 UTC]

noez I don't mind at all :3 I would NEVER be able to pull it of! XD

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joelieisqueen In reply to Harlequine-mania [2009-07-20 18:20:13 +0000 UTC]

i shall!

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Harlequine-mania In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-20 18:33:39 +0000 UTC]


lookie what I just found [link] its another type of dragonet!

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joelieisqueen In reply to Harlequine-mania [2009-07-20 18:37:09 +0000 UTC]

oh sweet-mazin sauce! im totally makin one after that. XD lol.

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Harlequine-mania In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-20 18:38:50 +0000 UTC]

XD I like the stripyness yound de eyes, its like, you loo into its eyes and you get hypnotized................... den wake up hugging a chicken XD

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joelieisqueen In reply to Harlequine-mania [2009-07-20 18:44:51 +0000 UTC]

ooh! i also found some AMAZING guppys on google, ill probally make
a whole sheet of hippocampus guppys, just because they rock! >D
i put one on the sheet im making right now. he
looks like a peacock. :3

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Harlequine-mania In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-20 19:09:58 +0000 UTC]

:3 I is o gunna be adopting from that set! o nly problem is i'll want all of them! XD I have guppys! my first fish ever was guppys! nt they die.....allot! my friend had a guppy called celabration, who had lucky who had 5 babies and know the babies are adults and pregnant so she has a line of guppys! XD its awesome!

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joelieisqueen In reply to Harlequine-mania [2009-07-20 19:59:39 +0000 UTC]

ill make them super awsome. :3 you
actually might like the guppy on the set im posting
now. he looks like a peacock.

coollll! i wish i could have guppiez.

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Harlequine-mania In reply to joelieisqueen [2009-07-20 20:15:13 +0000 UTC]

eeeeeeeeeep I saw them!!!!!!!!!!!11

my guppies are called Joelie and Julie!

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joelieisqueen In reply to Harlequine-mania [2009-07-20 20:18:06 +0000 UTC]



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