KatyCrayon — Maiko Portrait: Toshiteru

Published: 2009-02-24 23:54:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 685; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 17
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Description Maiko Toshiteru of the Miyagawa-cho district, and the second piece in my maiko portrait triptych. It doesn't really look like her, but profiles are really dificult. This is probably my first successful attempt at one.

A few things: Toshiteru is a junior maiko, this is why only her lower lip is painted and her collar has a lot of red in it. (She recently became a second-year, so she does paint both lips now.)

The kanzashi was very tedious, but I think I like how it turned out. I need to touch up the backgroud, though. I didn't realize it was still so speckly.

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