Comments: 146
KingkyLeor In reply to ??? [2016-12-26 10:26:56 +0000 UTC]
like how everyone want a piece of candy (just check "guy talks" and you'll understand XD)
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KingkyLeor In reply to TheKrazyKraken [2016-12-26 19:51:24 +0000 UTC]
i just love how some character are litterally loved by everyone
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Joanie297 [2016-04-10 15:40:58 +0000 UTC]
Gah so cute! Candy is such a funny character
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oceanbreeze247 [2015-08-28 23:04:32 +0000 UTC]
you need to make more of them! or candyxprism you haven't done them in quite a while
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nightcrawlerfan19 [2015-08-27 01:28:23 +0000 UTC]
"I'm just gonna stop talking." Heh.
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urzapw2000 In reply to nightcrawlerfan19 [2015-09-19 06:49:40 +0000 UTC]
I would say it's too late but he's a brick wall when it comes to this stuff...
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carmen23990 [2015-07-23 00:46:02 +0000 UTC]
I ship them XD
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gdpr-14465425 [2015-06-10 20:37:16 +0000 UTC]
I swear T gets all the ladies, too bad he's too dense to notice. XD
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urzapw2000 In reply to gdpr-14465425 [2015-09-19 06:50:41 +0000 UTC]
dense as a brick wall in the romance department
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biscuit-the-bunny In reply to gdpr-14465425 [2015-08-27 22:20:39 +0000 UTC]
HOW DARE YOU SAY T IS DENSE!!!!! ...hes just too modest to think people would "like" him in dat way...
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biscuit-the-bunny In reply to gdpr-14465425 [2015-08-27 23:54:39 +0000 UTC]
its cool, it was ment to be a joke... sorry you took i that way... and i guess "modest" is a bit... nicer than "dense"
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gdpr-14465425 In reply to biscuit-the-bunny [2015-08-28 00:00:52 +0000 UTC]
Right, my bad, it's hard to tell when someone's making a joke on the Internet without hearing their tone of voice, ya know? I just thought "dense" was the word because when people bring up Nidra liking T to him he's like "What are you talking about?" and looks at them kinda cluelessly, ya know?
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Natalia-NightinGale [2015-05-23 01:54:30 +0000 UTC]
T is starting to come of as Gary Stu to me....
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CriminallyNerdy In reply to Natalia-NightinGale [2015-10-01 14:51:20 +0000 UTC]
How so? I'm really curious to understand why you see him that way. Male characters need to have unrealistic tropes about them to qualify as one.
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TheRockstarBrony [2015-04-20 04:26:17 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah! T is the man, I mean stallion, I mean dragon... Stragon?
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HeyYew [2015-04-14 07:57:53 +0000 UTC]
Is T's mane made of scales or hair?
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AndrogynousRabbit [2015-04-11 19:12:41 +0000 UTC]
I dunno what this stuff is, but I'm kinda falling in love with it~
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Lythcan [2015-04-05 06:57:31 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh! This totally happened to me!
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AshstarKitty1400 [2015-04-03 22:46:59 +0000 UTC]
Turquoise gets ALL the mares
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bijoux97 [2015-03-31 11:02:39 +0000 UTC]
Four things!
1. T looks really adorable in this.
2. Candy is a freaking mess.
3. T looks REALLY young!
4. ... SHIP!
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fletchstar [2015-03-30 22:18:25 +0000 UTC]
i feel like you are slowlly following T on a journey of self discovery i await the next chapter in his saga
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Chastil13 [2015-03-29 01:04:36 +0000 UTC]
On second thought..... Yeah. I'm shippin' it. XD
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Jonot [2015-03-28 18:37:30 +0000 UTC]
Hehehehe. Candy bless your heart.
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hltzmnn [2015-03-28 18:00:31 +0000 UTC]
Continuing dialog, takes place a view days later.
T : *enters Sugar Cube Corner looking for a sweet treat to calm his stomach's raging hunger after a few hardworking-hours of training. He put a sweat-soaked, muscular claw to his forehead and fixed his spiked mane ( I like to think that T's spike-mane is actually just very spiked, soft hair like in one of the interaction contest entries I saw ) then greeted his busy, light blue friend who was organizing a new pan of cupcakes in the display case* " Hey Candy. Organizing some cupcakes I see"
Candy : *her ears flicked up and she jumped back, startled slightly * " Oh geez, T! I-i didn't see you there!" *she blushed a bright scarlet and forced a nervous laugh out of her lungs*
T : *The dracony gave a soft smile to the OCD mare, knowing her mind was still buzzing about him and their experience a couple days ago*
Candy : *she quickly fixed her hair and locked her moon-gold eyes with T's calming, oceanic eyes* "S-so T, what brings you here, y-you seem so tired" *she tried to hide the nervous shock that was attempting to paralyze her speech and shifted her wait onto the counter*
T : Just looking for something to tame my hunger, think yah got anything good enough for me? *he jokingly put his elbow on the counter, leaned on it and gave Candy a seductive smirk while cocking his eyebrow*
Candy : *she blushed even brighter and quickly bolted towards the back, fetching the item T was implying in his speech, which was a Ruby-Topped Red Velvet Cupcake encrusted with genuine rubies straight from the mines of the Crystal Empire and carefully returned to the counter with it* " I-I believe I do. 65 bi-bits please" *she gave a nervous grin to the dracony positioned in front of her, muzzles nearly touching*
T : *he pulled away and laughed a bit, then smiled at Candy* "Yes ma'am" * he took out a wallet and fished out 65 bright, golden bits then slid them to Candy at a pace so she could count them like usually*
Candy : 63....64...65! 65 bits, t-thanks T, have an extra- special d-day" *she smiled wearily before attempting to go to the back to talk to herself and pull herself together*
T : *he smiled gently then, he softly leaned forward and kissed the sky-blue mare on the forehead, then turned in one, swift execution, turned towards the door. before he opened the door, in a soft voice like silk he said...* " You were pretty cute back then Cotton Candy, and you still are" *then he disappeared into the orange and pink skies surrounding Ponyville in it's beginning lullaby*
Candy : *she sat behind the counter, wide-eyed and soft-pink blush lining her cheeks & muzzle in the now softening light. Her gazed fixed on the doorway as she slowly moved her front-hoof on the forehead spot he kissed, then calmly and gently smiled.* " Turquoise Blitz, you're going to make one lucky mare so happy someday "
Well, that happened
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bijoux97 In reply to hltzmnn [2015-03-31 11:03:56 +0000 UTC]
OH! And this makes me ship them more!
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TheShark13 [2015-03-28 00:10:53 +0000 UTC]
You go girl
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Daniel-Malphas [2015-03-26 22:48:11 +0000 UTC]
All the girls love T XD
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Skyrider-1 [2015-03-26 19:45:41 +0000 UTC]
^_^ Oh Candy... I know how you feel sometimes.
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drawingshady [2015-03-26 19:23:49 +0000 UTC]
embarest Candy xD
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L-MASTER [2015-03-26 19:19:53 +0000 UTC]
Great! ^^
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javiermetal66 [2015-03-26 14:54:38 +0000 UTC]
and the shippers storm begins in 3...2...1...
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bijoux97 In reply to javiermetal66 [2015-03-31 11:04:46 +0000 UTC]
Oh god, I'm turning into Api.
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bico-kun [2015-03-26 13:43:30 +0000 UTC]
Oh, boy, here we go!
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waraiigoe [2015-03-26 13:34:35 +0000 UTC]
I have no idea how I could've missed that fact O_O
Ahah, sometimes I feel like that too, Candy :3
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Dragon101k [2015-03-26 10:12:07 +0000 UTC]
I think... T isn't bearded when he hits his 100. He should. Or is it the dragon herritage weaking his hair grownth...
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