Comments: 18
Bluemoonbirdy [2007-03-01 05:06:26 +0000 UTC]
Gotta love Paul Stanley. <3
Very nice.
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DYLANESQ [2005-04-25 16:47:59 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the Introduction Padre.
I won a Kiss and a Barbara Dickson Album at Hull Fair in 1986.
Proud of my colourful sleeve containing comic book monsters I took the Album to Miln Road Roundabout on the neighbouring estate Phillips Jubbs Brother bought i from me for a bunch of "What If" Marvel Comics...
I've still got the Dickson and comic book and I've never bought anything Kiss related ever ( Blasphamy I know but I have been known to sing along to Crazy Crazy Nights) but I must admit that Large bag of penny goodies I bought with the proceeds of my sale did sweeten the deal.
Keep on Keeping on...( and so forth)
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wonkykitten [2005-04-06 01:24:32 +0000 UTC]
hey it's jojofaerie from livejournal, ogling your dA page.
i enjoy your section on what you're not.
i had a lot of the problems you do. i am not gay, but i spent a whole lot of time in high school wearing rainbows on every article of my clothing, and painting my face with david bowie 'aladdin sane' lightning bolts. we should definitely talk!
wow. i feel i've found a true artistic kindred spiritfiend in you, if that don't freak you out. i really get it. self-portrait-paintature like whoa. one of my ol' favourite past times. i have one collage on my dA page under 'webcam' which is rather rain-bowie. hee.
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wonkykitten In reply to kinka [2005-04-07 19:33:08 +0000 UTC]
yeah. you need that 'i've only been living off of 2 white substances: cocaine & milk' face to pull off mr. bowie in '74, and being a girl without that particular diet i just had to set my standards a little different-like. can't wait to see any future makeup adventures, bowie or otherwise!
best wishes. we should stay in touch, mister man. xoxojojo
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Vatt [2005-04-02 08:01:09 +0000 UTC]
Yay! That looks really cool. How'd you get an even spread like that. Whenever I've tried stuff like that it comes out patchy?
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kinka In reply to Vatt [2005-04-02 15:47:28 +0000 UTC]
It's a mixture of lots and lots of layers of the stuff, plus a smart blur in Photoshop.
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PhoenixSparrow [2005-04-01 15:49:54 +0000 UTC]
*hee hee* thats kewl
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mcindigo [2005-03-31 20:35:57 +0000 UTC]
Psycho circus premium and no mistake...
...hope you wear that for the next DA meet eh! Shabba!
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kinka In reply to mcindigo [2005-04-01 02:21:02 +0000 UTC]
For a bet maybe I would. But I ain't risking me life just for fun.
Now Psycho Circus Premium would be one kickass deviation name.
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