Kofee77 In reply to Escape-to-darkness [2017-01-21 12:55:27 +0000 UTC]
hi Brandon..
Thanks for the comment here,.. please let us talk on my email..
if you are interested..
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battlechaser1212 [2014-11-08 07:02:14 +0000 UTC]
hello snapping turtle comics here I'm looking for creative talents for a crowd funding project im doing. Im doing a table-top art book, that will promote my new comic shop, as well as give exposure to the artists within with custom pieces and interviews to go with the art.... if you are interested in participating, please let me know. There are a number of artists involved already but, I'm still looking to expand the book. as an incentive all artists involved in the publishing of this book will receive a copy upon its success. as well as recognition by many artists, publishers and fans. if your interested or wish to know more please message me.
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