Kurai-Chouwa — Anime Eyes Quickie Tutorial

Published: 2008-12-11 15:32:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 2224; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 141
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Description Yes I realize I can't do tutorials to save my life, but my mom works at an elementary school and there is a young artist there that really wanted me to draw something for him. So I decided I'd do a quickie tutorial that will hopefully give some sort of pointers. Since I was working on an 8.5"X11" paper I was limited so I couldn't add all the detail and tips that I wanted. But this should do Hopefully it'll help others too so let me know if it does
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Comments: 7

sadhana-c [2010-01-04 15:17:51 +0000 UTC]

Nice one! Simple and easy to understand. One question though, how do I add the "detail" to the eye without completely ruining the picture?

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Kurai-Chouwa In reply to sadhana-c [2010-01-06 14:54:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! What I do for the detail is start shading near where the eyelashes would be down. Do a light shade around the pupil and darken it more as you get closer to the eyelashes. You can also throw in a few short quick lines under the pupil to make it look like it has an iris, but I only suggest that if the eye is big enough

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sadhana-c In reply to Kurai-Chouwa [2010-01-06 16:43:21 +0000 UTC]

I'll try that. Thanks for the pointer!

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Kurai-Chouwa In reply to sadhana-c [2010-01-06 16:46:56 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing

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Quaints [2009-03-09 21:20:59 +0000 UTC]

Wow, thank you. This will help me alot as I've been more of a gfx kind of person and want to start drawing. Great tutorial.

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Kurai-Chouwa In reply to Quaints [2009-03-12 02:42:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!!

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Nspireing [2008-12-11 19:50:44 +0000 UTC]

nice i told you that you were going to put it up it came out good i like the side panel

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