KurvyKate — The Game, day six. [NSFW]
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Early the next morning I discovered a text message from Alison.  “We fucked up last night, we didn’t play properly, not in the spirit of the game.  I’m going to put myself back in.”  Really? “She’s” awake then I thought!

The following is the message crazy Alison sent to Max to tell him how much fun that was.  I read this later that afternoon…………

Hello Max

4.45am Tuesday.  I’m whore’s uniformed and back handcuffed to my chair, back in the game.  She won’t let me sleep.  I feel guilty that I knew enough to please both Her and you but let myself go too easily. She’s making me want to demonstrate how sorry I am.  I laid awake dreaming she might drag me out of bed by my hair, haul me across the landing and throw me in front of my Mac.  Click go the cuffs and it’s “Get out of that then whore!   And do it properly this time!!”  So I will, one hand typed.

If I must pay for dice rolls the dice need to decide how much to take that out of my control.  Because I’m cuffed, currency will be minutes.

A single roll for how many minutes will each roll cost?

3:  Is there a multiplication factor, how many numbers mean yes?

4:  I’ll choose 5 or 6 for no multiplication………

4:  There is, what?

2:  each roll costs 6 minutes and I’ve spent 24 so far.  That sounds a long time!  She’s happy with so much debt.

I want to offer banishment from my house against removing my handcuffs, how many numbers mean I can?  (Alison thought of this all by herself.)

1:  I’ll choose 6 to mean the bet’s accepted………

2:  It isn’t. 12 more minutes added to my invoice!  Where to now?  OK I’ll try banishment from my house barefoot.  How many numbers mean I can bet that?

6:  Lovely, now I’m paying for dice rolls a 6 here is welcome.  The bet’s accepted.  How many numbers mean I’ll win it?

4: I’ll choose 5 or 6 to lose.

6: Fuck!  Socks off when the times comes and 30 more minutes to 54. She thinks I deserve this absolutely.   I’m shaking now because I thought of offering to bet banishment in knickers only.  She’s going to make me do it.  Doing that will cost me nearly half an hour at least with no guarantee of escape of course.  How many numbers mean I can?

5:  I’m not sure if that’s good or bad!  I’ll choose 6 to mean no bet…….

4:  OK.  Bloody hell I’m nervous.  This is so much better than last night! How many numbers mean I’ll win?

2:  Is that all?  1 or 5 to win then, clutching at frequency straws here. Deep breath Ali, oh god………

6:  Alison’s outside in her knickers only for 1 hour 18 minutes.  I’m still bastard, fucking handcuffed of course!!!!!!

Right then.  I can’t lose my knickers so I’m going to change tack and try to put the Tens in them.  How many numbers mean I can?

1:  A likely expensive dice roll for nothing.  I’ll choose 5 to mean I’m on.

4:  No Tens.  Because I spent minutes rolling for the banishment, I’m going the spend whatever currency this next horror comes with when I know what that is.  I’m (She’s) going to try the genital shock box.  How many numbers mean I can bet that?

4:  I’ll choose 2 or 3 to mean no bet……….

6:  It's on. How many numbers mean I’ll win it?

6: Woohoo!!!!!  Off come the handcuffs.  Now I can get at the kettle!  

5.56am, but I’m still in the game.  It’s daylight now and being outside in knickers only is a special ordeal, more of that later after I’ve escaped the game.

Shock collar round my neck next, against leaving the game?  How many numbers mean I can bet that?

1:  I’ll choose 3 to mean I can……….

5:  I can’t.  I’ll try my spreader bar then.  Significant here is that it’s taken 7 rolls to get here and the spreader currency has to be minutes again.  I’m on it for 42 minutes already, if the dice put me there.  How many numbers mean I can bet my spreader?

5:  OK, 6 and I can’t………

1:  I can.  How many numbers mean I’ll win it?

2:  I’ll choose 3 or 4 to win……….    (Am I anxious or what?)

2:  Fucking hell.  If I pulled the tape off my camera and lowered my Mac, you could Facetime me and be able to look at the crotch of my knickers as I sit here, perched on the edge of my chair with my thighs forced apart, for 1 hour 6 minutes.  That’s just sooooo not going to happen!

6.20am.  Now what?

Back to the shock collar again but I’ll escalate the bet by starting at power level 2 and using the last modified rules to control it.  These were, 1, escape, 2, 3, or 4, nothing and 5 and 6, power increase.  Because we’re paying for rolls retrospectively I’ve already scored 5 twice to get here so the first shock, if I get one, will be level 4.  How many numbers mean I can bet that?

6 : I can, but the 6 also means power up to 5.  Wow, this is exciting! How many numbers mean I’ll win?

1: collar off but it isn't on yet so this is meaningless.  I’ll choose 3 to win it…………

3:  Yesssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Freedom, from the game at least.  Unlike the previous few nights, I am genuinely elated my suffering isn’t going to get worse because it would have been bloody awful.  Holy Hell that was wild!

I still have to sit here like an Amsterdam Whore until 7.26am and plan the adventure in my knickers.

To stay pretty much naked outside for that long means I’ll need to work hard to keep warm.  Even if I was that brave (stupid), just standing in the garden in the sunshine, if there is any, won’t be enough, not in April.

Plan A is to pack a rucksack full of hot water bottles and find a quiet field I can march round and strip when I get there.  I’ll march fast until my timer goes off.

I thought for a moment I’d get the Tens giving my sex organs a pasting while I did it but not tonight.  Practically I have to do it very late at night.  This means I have to plan the whole day round it.  I’ll need to sleep for awhile before I go out because I’m not likely to get back until the small hours.

Do the shock box rules as roll payments make sense?  I can see you might need to read this a few times.  I would have suffered a shock each time I rolled, as you told me to.  I couldn’t afford to clock up hours and hours of knickers only outside time if things went badly wrong for me, in case I froze to death, so I went for changing the currency according to the ordeal.  That way each one escalates in its own particular way.

Ali xx

“You just can’t stop yourself can you!”  I had to say after she showed me what she’d been doing that morning.  Almost naked outside for 1 hour 18 minutes, where did that come from?   “What field?” I asked, “How are you going to get there?”  “I thought you’d drive me.” she said, laughing.  

I agreed that 78 minutes is a long time to be outside in nothing but knickers at night, in April, and I was astonished that she thought marching fast would be enough to keep her warm.  All we had to do was find a field with nice soft grassy headlands, because she had to do it barefoot, and she could get stuck in.  The back garden was too small and cluttered, and mostly street lit!

We went out in the car to check out fields.  The farmers had been busy and the weather had been so dry for so long that the acres of easy grass Alison expected were all chewed up tractor tracks, set solid like concrete.  There was no mud and even walking in boots was hard work!  It took us most of the morning to find a 30 yard stretch of smooth path by a hedge in one corner of a field in the middle of nowhere.  She would have to walk round the field to get there.  She’d stopped laughing by the time we got back, in time to read Max’s first message of the day…………

Hi Alison,

Oh wow Ali, you have been a busy girl. That was a very intense read, but you are right, I will have to read it a few times.

I do see the issue though, that when it is just you and the game, it may not be quite the fluid experience that you had with Emily, if only because that would need quite a robust AI. I also think that the currency thing for each ordeal is a must, as you say, each can escalate in their own way then.

Almost one in the morning here, so just a quick note I'm afraid. I think hubby is home tomorrow?  Today may be the last chance we get to play the game, so I think we should have a grand finale.


Hello Max,

Happy wake up!

Yes lovely Jake is home to rescue me from the evil clutches of my wicked tormentors tomorrow, thank goodness.

"Grand" finale?  What's that mean?  Please have a heart Max, please?  I've (nearly) survived a week of desperate emotional intensity.  I'm feeling sensitive and fragile and the worst challenge of the whole week is yet to come, which his more than I will.  I used up my permission to come a couple of days ago and tonight's ordeal is so horrific I can't go back into the game to ask for more because I’ll have to pay for the dice rolls and I can't afford to lose again, not once.

Seriously I'm begging, please don't put me back in the game, please, please, please?  Simply playing can cost me now.  The possibility of racking up debt so quickly is terrifying, then win or lose I'm punished, it's just a question of degree!  Isn't 1 hour and 18 minutes out in the freezing cold in nothing but my knickers grand finale enough?  

Yes it is.  Yes it absolutely is for fuck's sake, in my opinion.  I'm crawling Max, I'm dependent, precarious and pathetic. Sorry but please don't make me play anymore this week, please?

The thing is I might have to be busy this afternoon, like the last two days, and I need to tidy up here.  I can't do it in a hurry.  I have to make sure there are no bits of cable tie or tape left forgotten to be discovered.  All my toys have to be back in their box and I have to do at least some housework, or something, to make it look like I haven't been masturbating all week.  "Well what have you done then?" He’ll ask, I need something to show for it.

I'm under pressure, really.  I think Jake's off again in a couple of weeks.  That's not certain but it's very likely.  This week was all about testing rules and systems for your game wasn't it? We know loads now, don't we?  Please, yes we do?

I'm desperate, I'm begging for mercy, I'm pleading, please don't make me suffer any more today than I will already.  Oh god I feel helpless!!

Poor, stupid, subby Alison XXXXXXX

Hi Alison,

I get the bit about about having something to show when hubby gets home, so, my gift today is that you not get to play! Tonight's planned grand finale will be saved for the first day of when the game begins again, and I think just the thought of that, should be enough to peak her interest. Who knows, perhaps the denial of you not being allowed to play will also get her fired up, after all, you may want to do some house work, but I am sure She probably doesn't. Perhaps you should even be put in the game, but with an easy out?

Tonight's grand finale would have been you outside again, I can reveal that. Things that may have happened today, well, I had ideas for the game wanting you gagged, maybe the use of a cable tie collar, clothes pegs some string, hmmm, maybe even an elastic band or two.

Perhaps she will be even more interested, perhaps not today, She can be a little fickle at times. What do you think Ali, should we deny her and let you off the hook today?


Hello Max,

Please, please, please let me off the hook.

Cable tie collar, elastic bands, gagged?  Oh Wow!  My determination to be sensible is creaking under the strain.  I'm erotically confused again.  Help me Max, deny Her.  I can't come, what more does She want?

Torture me with the threat of the certainty that I WILL suffer, when I play again.

Honestly, would you be disappointed to let me go?

Ali xx

Hi Alison,

Playing the game with you is a lot of fun Ali, and I enjoy that you, and particularly She, gets enjoyment too. I also realise though that here on DA, well, eventually RL will have to settle back in, and we have to go back about our business. I would not be disappointed to let you go today, I totally get that you need to have normality restored when your hubby gets home. Perhaps it will be enough till the next time, that the underlying buzz of what the game has to offer is there.

Oh, and Ali, please let Her know from me, that for certain you will be punished and humiliated next time the game begins.


Hello Max,

Thank you.  If he wasn't coming back tomorrow I'd let Her force me to play without a second thought.

Did I say that the beauty in this is exactly the underlying buzz.  "Oh, and Ali, please let Her know from me, that for certain you will be punished and humiliated next time the game begins."  Do you really know what that does to me?  

I enjoyed pleading by the way.  Even though I meant it in earnest it was still thrilling to be so scared of playing again.

Ali xx

Hi Alison,

I had a variation of what you would have to do outside tonight, the good news is, you wouldn't have been so cold. My finale for tonight was for your whore uniform to consist of a bra, blouse (preferably white so it shows more in the dark), a sensible short skirt (though not too short) a bra and quite a few pairs of knickers. Would you like me to expand, or save for the next game we play, your fate tonight having already been decided by the game you played earlier.


Hello Max,

A few pairs of knickers?  No, don't tell me, let me worry about it, let me contemplate it in my quiet moments.  She'll be gagging for it in a couple of weeks.

Ali xx

Hi Alison,

All (and Ali) will be revealed then next time we play.


Hello Max,

"All (and Ali)"  I'm already dreading it!

I will write tonight up at some point.  I'm going to have a bath now to relax, then I'm going to bed for a bit because I'm sleepy after such a full on week.  When I wake up I'll be rested and ready to cope with my ordeal.  I know where I'm going, which field I'll choose.

Thinking about it is deliciously sexy and it's going to beautiful to expose my body to the weather, for about 5 minutes.  After that it'll be case of determination and grit, a matter of survival.  At some point I'll want to go home like nothing else.  

Making it to the end will punctuate the game, then I can look back safe, relieved and happy.  The tension's building now, my stomach's fluttering!

He'll say "Had a good week?" I'll tell him "Yeah, it's been alright.”

Ali xx

Hi Alison,

I must admit Ali, that sounds so hot. Just you in your knickers, marching around a field for the ordained amount of time. I am looking out the window here at the ice cold rain, thinking of how you would cope with that.

I hope you have a good sleep, make the most of the warm softness of now, because tonight, things will be very different. I am looking forward to reading how it went.


How it went is  www.deviantart.com/kurvykate/a…
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Comments: 1

LairdTam [2020-05-05 18:48:42 +0000 UTC]

Incredible work. Really enjoyed this series!

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