Lain-AwakeAtNight — Wild Welsh Pony

#equine #horse #nature #travel #uk #wales #welshpony #wildhorses #pregnatmare
Published: 2017-05-26 19:16:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 1011; Favourites: 76; Downloads: 0
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Description Pregnant and ready to pop.
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Comments: 6

Anuhea-SilverHeart [2019-08-06 14:30:01 +0000 UTC]

That's a beautiful mare, and her mane is wonderful too! 

Pregnant? My goodness! You right!

It's unbelievable how the mare's belly are so huge with the weight of the foal inside her!
And when the mare starts to walk, the mare's belly begins to jiggle and wriggle! That means it's quite firm and healthy foal there!

There's no wonder why a mares bellies are so big, or rather huge!

It seems the Mare's belly are filled with love and happiness! 

Another thing is that someone is so lucky to touch the stomach of the mare and feel the movements of the foal inside, and listened with our's ears next to the mare's belly!

I can't imagine how warm and cozy must be able to touch mare's belly and hug it gently!

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ChristopherDavies [2017-11-03 03:07:59 +0000 UTC]

A cute Mare!

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Libra-Heart [2017-05-27 05:59:44 +0000 UTC]

schöne aufnahme  

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spiti84 [2017-05-26 20:19:10 +0000 UTC]

wunderschöne fotos alle ganz toll

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Sama-Lass [2017-05-26 19:17:01 +0000 UTC]

He looks kinda fat

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Lain-AwakeAtNight In reply to Sama-Lass [2017-05-26 19:18:51 +0000 UTC]

she is pregnant.

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