Well and here we reach the end of this project. This photo is actually just the cover for the story. Imagine it is a book, the whole photograph project was a book, so it is its cover.
I hope you all have a great Halloween, me and Beej wish you a spooky and fun halloween
Also, I wanna say thanks for all the people who liked, favorited, commented in our photos, it really means to us, cause we really put a lot of passion and effort on this project.
Also I wanna know what do you think about the whole thing, comment your conclusions of the story told by photos. I want to know your interpretation of it. And if yu don't have any interpretation, please, just let me know if you liked it.
All the support helps us to continue to do those little projects. So they means a lot.
To read the Pre-story of it, please click here .
Catch Up with this project.Click here to check the begining of October’s halloween project.
Here to see the previous post from this set.
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* Important Message*
Hey guys, there's a contest happening on Beetlebabes group! Check it out!
Beetlebabes Halloween Contest!!!