— Transformers Intimacy and Gender Info
2012-12-01 21:35:38 +0000 UTC
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This Journal was originally posted on January 11, 2012. Comment and discuss your thoughts here -->
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More Transformers information files can be found here -->
If anyone wants to see what I actually started with to make these files, have a look at the following links below:
(also known as the Dynasty Primes)
Units of Time
Laser Core
Anatomic Euphemism
Great Smelter
Slag (slang)
Unicron's Spawn
For The Visually Impaired Only:
Since I know text-to-speech programs do not yet translate words from image files to audio, I have placed a link to the original journal post that your text-to-speech programs can read. All of the text is the same between the image file above and the main body of the journal posting.
At the top of the image file is the journal title, a red knot work banner I created with my online name in white in the center (Leathurkatt Feathurpaws) and the knots and letters have a soft blue glow, and the phrase “Where Worlds Collide and Galaxies Sing...” is in bold white letters outlined in black. These are also at the top of the actual journal posting. At the bottom is my on line name, Leathurkatt Feathurpaws, in white and outlined in black, the words “Music is Life” (a series of musical notes) “Life is Music” in smaller white letters outlined in black, and the following statement using the symbols for male, female, plus, and equals: “Male plus Male equals Love, Male plus Female equals Love, Female plus Female equals Love, Love is Love and Love is Sacred.” The words “Love” and “Sacred” are in red, the rest is in white, and all of it is outlined in black. This is also at the bottom of my journal postings using hearts in place of the word Love.
On all of these files, the title is in blood red and outlined in white, the text of the journal is white with a black outline over a textured background gradient that fades from dark red at the top to dark blue at the bottom, blending to a deep violet in the center, and has a black border that fades completely as you move inward from the edge of the image.
Exclusive copyright for this text belongs solely to *
. Permission to use, copy, distribute, repost, or claim, in whole or in part, this text in any way or for any purpose is hereby denied and prohibited under copyright law.
You are not allowed to repost my images, texts, or journals on DA or anywhere else. Some of these are very personal and I will not grant permission for their use on DA or elsewhere nor will I grant permission for these images and texts to be reposted anywhere for any reason. Do not copy my designs either. These are personal pieces and will not be for sale at any point in time.
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