Comments: 74
Lovelessdeception In reply to lilyheartsDW [2012-03-11 09:57:27 +0000 UTC]
no there not true critique is when you judge one's artwork not praise them.
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lilyheartsDW In reply to Lovelessdeception [2012-03-11 13:13:31 +0000 UTC]
i know!but i told her that girs legs dont have flat sides,because that was the only thing i didnt like about it.the shadeing was fine,and the back rounds were perfect.what was there to judge?
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Lovelessdeception In reply to lilyheartsDW [2012-03-11 13:29:45 +0000 UTC]
quite a lot of things actually, originality, creativity, color use and patterns.
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lilyheartsDW In reply to Lovelessdeception [2012-03-11 13:32:05 +0000 UTC] do know i am 11,right?i dont really know how to use those terms quite correctly.i cant judge if i have no idea!
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lilyheartsDW In reply to Lovelessdeception [2012-03-11 15:23:44 +0000 UTC]
why?they dont have any age restrictions.its not like i had to lie about my age to get an,facebook maybe.but why DA?
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Lovelessdeception In reply to lilyheartsDW [2012-03-11 15:37:38 +0000 UTC]
hehe they do You have to be 13 years of age to use this site, any younger than that you are reported and banned.
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lilyheartsDW In reply to Lovelessdeception [2012-03-11 15:45:47 +0000 UTC]
oh.oh god.i had no idea.please know.i love this website.i will lose all my work and journals.....this is the only place where every thing is.if i lose this account then i lose all of my work and i cant get it back because it is not saved any where else.........
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Lovelessdeception In reply to lilyheartsDW [2012-03-11 15:58:00 +0000 UTC]
dude, I don't need your sorrow or angst, just leave DA and return when your of the right age.
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lilyheartsDW In reply to Lovelessdeception [2012-03-11 16:12:58 +0000 UTC]
in 2 years?!if you didnt want my emotions to be a part of this then you never should have brought it up!just because i am too young dosnt mean i dont have feelings!if i leave this page,even if it is not going to be taken away,i lose a lot of stuff.i will lose some friends,art,and not to mention a way to talk to my sister while i am at my moms house,because my parents are devorced.i know i told you,but i had no idea that there were age limits and if i had known i never would have said anything.sorry if i am human and have feelings!
jeez,sorry.i sound like butt up there,dont i.what i am trying to say is i cant leave.i know rules are rules and i respect you for that,but i cant leave my page alone for that long.
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Lovelessdeception In reply to lilyheartsDW [2012-03-11 16:15:37 +0000 UTC]
I never said you didn't have feelings, but if you think that your emotions go things like that you got another think coming dude. My family is divorced too, I live with my mom, we are dirt poor, I am surprised that they even let me go to school, and I am a human too, just one who doesn't give a rats about someone's emotions, common, your speaking to a goth dude, Goths don't care about emotions.
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lilyheartsDW In reply to Lovelessdeception [2012-03-11 16:18:43 +0000 UTC]
i am sorry about your life.i really do hope things get better for you.but i am not goth,and really worried about this.
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Lovelessdeception In reply to lilyheartsDW [2012-03-11 16:20:02 +0000 UTC]
Peh, I could care less of what happens to my life, I can get hit by a bus and go to a better place than this.
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Lovelessdeception In reply to lilyheartsDW [2012-03-11 17:30:39 +0000 UTC]
I am a woman and I find a extremely sensitive nerve in my system go off when someone calls me a man.
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lilyheartsDW In reply to Lovelessdeception [2012-03-11 17:32:34 +0000 UTC]
i was using it as a unisex term,but i have friends who respond the same way,so i know where you are coming from.
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Oswaldlover1 [2018-02-19 14:56:22 +0000 UTC]
This is AWESOME!
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Legacy717Studios [2018-02-19 01:51:21 +0000 UTC]
Just recently added this piece to my Redbubble Store for any of you interested in purchasing it!
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Bowser81889 [2017-08-21 08:51:37 +0000 UTC]
Perfect timing for the remastering of this, given the show's comeback through comics in recent times and the new TV movie coming out at some point on Nickelodeon. Wasn't my most favorite cartoon back then but was able to appreciate its brand of humor a bit. can you not like Richard Horvitz? He was comedy gold in The Angry Beavers.
Great work dude! Makes me wanna see new fan art from you.
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Legacy717Studios In reply to Bowser81889 [2017-08-25 16:40:50 +0000 UTC]
Sry for the late reply Bowser, been caught up working the regular nine to five as it were, and trying to get some more pieces done for my Redbubble store. But yeah I had heard something about Nickelodeon bringing the show back as a movie, along with a whole host of other 90's cartoons as part of trying to capitalize on the whole nostalgia kick going on I would imagine. I'm hoping at least Invader Zim does well as the show never really had a chance to really grow and flourish in my opinion. And I personally loved it, and I'm right there with ya about Richard Horvitz!
As for Fanart, I do have some plans for some future pieces of some fandom, but currently, I'm just trying to get some more original small works done for my store, to hopefully makes some extra income to pay for things for my story projects. I'm definitely going to be doing some fan art works for prints for future conventions if I can get everything up and running in a timely fashion. Normally when it comes to fan art I try to do pieces on lesser known properties as I like to challenge myself when those at times to see if I can create a new buzz about properties that aren't normally flooding the internet and market. Although, I will definitely be doing some more known ones along with that huge two page spread Sonic collage like I spoke to you about with a hodgepodge of the characters, based upon some the elements and setup of that old piece I did for you. I am curious though to see what people would suggest what properties I might tackle and what they think may be interesting to see in my style of drawing. Feel free to make some suggestions or requests, and I'll consider it at the very least! Thanks again!
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Bowser81889 In reply to Legacy717Studios [2017-08-28 05:22:44 +0000 UTC]
It's alright, no problems! It honestly makes me hope that we get to see more 90s revivals in the future, done right with the original creators and as much of the original cast and crew as possible. It'll be interesting to see how these new TV movies fare, but the responses from fans seem to be very positive which is reassuring. And awesome that you agree with my sentiments about Richard Horvitz! I actually tweeted to both him and Nick Bakay (Norbert from Angry Beavers) recently about how they ought to reunite for an Angry Beavers TV movie together and Nick Bakay favorited my tweet. That was pretty cool.
Yeah, I can relate to the desire of doing lesser known properties...and even characters...once in awhile. Once I even drew a onetime character that was a canine mascot for a fictional cartoon in the world of Rugrats, and drawing him in the Sonic style too, so that was pretty neat. Talk about "cartoonception", haha. Other times I've tried to challenge myself by drawing characters from properties I've known about that stuck out to me but didn't really watch too much or take much of an interest in otherwise. So yeah, toying around with things like that once in awhile can be a fun change of pace. If I have any new fan art suggestions in your case, I'll be sure to give you a friendly suggestion!
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Legacy717Studios In reply to KaitlynAnn [2017-02-21 00:13:13 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much... I will be posting an updated version of these and other Zim Bookmarks in the coming months...So you may want to check back with me then, and I apologize for such the late reply... thanks again
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Phineas1234 [2012-02-07 00:23:27 +0000 UTC]
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oneinamillion1333 [2012-02-06 22:05:07 +0000 UTC]
i look like GIr cuz i just drank a VENOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*bounces off the walls*
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