LittleSpaceStars — Would It Matter At All? -WIP-

Published: 2010-11-06 01:03:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 718; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Description EDIT: I drew the rest of the legs and fixed some other things, but if something needs to be changed I'll do it. Mainly his legs because I think they could still be improved. And I guess I'll add more details (hands/shoes/etc.) later.

Okay, so I don't normally post WIP (work in process) crap . . . unless you include the drawings I have of people with sloppy backgrounds/missing hands/feet . . . but for this I feel like I should post it to show myself that I HAVE to complete it, even if it'll be the death of me.

Anyway, I was trying out perspectives because, well . . . honestly my drawings are really boring; they're all flat and BLEH. I need more depth, so I need to start working on that now. I'm already behind enough as it is.

Sooooo . . . anyone wanna suggest some things for this? Things I could fix/add? And if any of you want to take a shot at giving me pointers on how to position the legs at this angle (GAAAAAAH. LEEEGGGSSS) I'd be very thrilled. Even if you don't know a thing about angles. I'll take anything I can get. It's one of the main reasons I'm posting this. 8'D

Oh, and this is Jeevan . . . being all depressed in his early twenties. And I guess only a few of you would know why. Once I finish this thing I'll post more to why he's all mopey. *SHOT DEAD*

And I'll have to add in his tie. I was fixing it when I decided to scan this, so I forgot that I erased it.


Jeevan (c) =PaopuDestiny
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Comments: 60

LittleSpaceStars In reply to ??? [2010-11-16 03:32:00 +0000 UTC]

Oh, pfft. Thank you. ;__;

And thank you! Mine too so far. :'D *shot*

Pffft. Well, whether you're purple or have like, three thumbs or something, I still love you in a non-creepy way.

Jack: . . . what does that have anything to do with . . . anything?

. . . you just don't understand, Jack. Go away.

I suck at giving constructive criticism too, so I just offer to take the criticism instead. XDDD;

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ABlackRose668 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-20 02:20:46 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! : D

Yay! 8'D

D'aaw, I love you in a non-creepy way as well dude. ;___;

And we love you too Jack. *SHOT*


So as long as it's constructive criticism. 8D;

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to ABlackRose668 [2010-11-20 18:31:19 +0000 UTC]


Bahaaaa. Yay. ;___; *SHOT*

Jack: Pfft. Well, everyone loves me.

. . . don't be conceded, Jack. >:I

Yeah, that's true. I've dealt with non-constructive criticism before, but I'd rather have constructive. Some people don't realize that there's a difference between being like, rude and giving helpful advice, but I just be polite either way. Especially if they're intending to be mean. Then I just like being the mature one about it. XDD;

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ABlackRose668 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-20 22:11:52 +0000 UTC]

C'B <33

Oh Jack, you're something else man. *SHOT*


*sigh* Gotta love them trolls. *is totally kidding*
Yeah if someone plans on giving you a critique then I surely would prefer constructive criticism, not "destructive criticism". D8
Plus, if they're intending to be rude about it, it's only going to cause problems.

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to ABlackRose668 [2010-11-21 01:44:15 +0000 UTC]

Jack: Yeah, I guess you could say so.


Oh, PFFT. I know, right? *totally kidding too*

Yeah, that's entirely true. Especially when the person receiving the destructive criticism doesn't want to deal with it. And some people freak out if someone gives them constructive criticism, even when they asked for it.

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ABlackRose668 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-24 20:50:47 +0000 UTC]

Bwaha! XDD

And liek, ttly. *shot for over-using that plz*

Oh God, I hate people like that. Honest to God, I do.
If they're asking for a critique, then they shouldn't expect to get their ass kissed...although the critic shouldn't be rude about it. Like I said "constructive criticism" is better.
Also, I think the people who get all butthurt over constructive criticism never really received a critique on their art before in their life. Like, no offense to any people who are like that out there. D:

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to ABlackRose668 [2010-12-24 00:42:43 +0000 UTC]

Bahaaaa. XDDD

Exactly! That's the reason why it's constructive criticism. It's to point out flaws and help the person improve. D8

Yeah, I think so too. And then it's really annoying when they ask for critique but then can't handle the constructive criticism, even when it's actually very polite. I understand if it's rude, but . . . ehh. When someone's rude to me on here (which isn't too often, but it's happened) I just kinda brush it off and respond politely. I don't like upsetting people, nor do I like being rude. I mean, a couple years ago I probably would've been like "FDOAMFODJAOFADJFADL. UR SO MEEAAANNNN!!!1322" or something. *FAIL*

. . . and I can't believe I never responded to this. @___@;; *SHOT*

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ABlackRose668 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-12-24 01:31:00 +0000 UTC]


I know right? Though there are some times where I've seen some people attempt to give someone a critique, but all they do is point out the flaws and don't give any advice on how that person can improve...which is really stupid.

Why bother asking for a critique if they're just going to wail about it? I mean, this is an art site afterall.
And oh my God, I did that once. This girl gave me a critique like...last year I think and it wasn't even rude at all! She was actually really polite, but then I went all "OMFG!!1!! DID I ASK FOR UR OPNION??!11!?" All she did was tell me to use a darker pencil, but I took it as an insult for whatever reason.

That's okay! XD *unshoots you*

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to ABlackRose668 [2011-01-03 21:46:34 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that kinds defeats the purpose. I mean, they could at least be a bit polite with it . . . just not kissing their ass. Pfft. D:

Dude, I know, right? Ugh. *facepalm*

Ooooh. Pfft. Well, we've all had our share of . . . stupid moments? I can't even look back at some of the comments I've posted years back. I acted like such an idiot. That and I like, exploded one time because I was an idiotic, self-absorbed eleven/twelve year old who couldn't socialize with anyone outside of deviantART. Uggggh. Never again. I refuse. I refuse to be a spiraling "EEMMMMOOOOO" again.


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ABlackRose668 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2011-01-06 00:33:14 +0000 UTC]

Ugh. Indeed. D:

Yeeeaaah, pretty much. XD;;;
Then again, the majority of the deviants who are new to the website tend to act...weird. I was one of those idiots who'd annoy the popular artists. I'm glad I grew out of that.
And I refuse to turn into an Emu too.


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LittleSpaceStars In reply to ABlackRose668 [2011-01-23 02:57:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh jeez, I know, right? And I was always too afraid of talking to popular artists; I still am because I'm afraid I'll sound stupid or something. *shot*




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ABlackRose668 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2011-01-27 15:12:00 +0000 UTC]

I'm the same way sometimes. XDD



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Neointhetrashcan [2010-11-07 23:46:12 +0000 UTC]

This is one of my favorites of yours, the perspective is beautiful!
And Jeevan is really cute.

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to Neointhetrashcan [2010-11-08 02:50:18 +0000 UTC]

Eeep. Thank you!

Ahaaaa. Thanks. I love Jeeves. Pfft. XDD *shot*

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Swiftfire13 [2010-11-07 23:41:11 +0000 UTC]

guess who is getting even better and better? even thoe she was ausome to begin with!!!

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to Swiftfire13 [2010-11-08 02:49:48 +0000 UTC]

This guy? --->

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Swiftfire13 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-08 11:51:46 +0000 UTC]


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LittleSpaceStars In reply to Swiftfire13 [2010-11-15 21:12:32 +0000 UTC]


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Swiftfire13 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-15 21:34:51 +0000 UTC]

lol u just got served!!!

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rosariumchan [2010-11-07 16:28:07 +0000 UTC]


The perspective is amazing, the only improvement I think can be done is Jeevan's right leg, the top sticks out abit too much.


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LittleSpaceStars In reply to rosariumchan [2010-11-07 18:48:24 +0000 UTC]


Oh, like . . . the . . . bumpy jean thingy? Dah, I can't even explain it. XDD;


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Kelliestar [2010-11-07 04:50:29 +0000 UTC]

GAH, everyone can do awesome proportions and perspective except me.

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to Kelliestar [2010-11-07 04:58:05 +0000 UTC]

NOT TRUE! . . . you just gotta practice, and practice, and practice. And even I still need to practice because I needed like, five references just to draw this . . . and one of those references ended up being me taking a picture of myself before I found a picture at a similar angle. And this could still use improvement, so I'll probably edit it for a third time until I get it right. XDD

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Kelliestar In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-07 05:05:24 +0000 UTC]

Every time I do proportions, the shoulders come out WAY BIGGER than they should be and the character looks fat.

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to Kelliestar [2010-11-07 05:16:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, that happens to me too . . . only they don't look fat, they just look really awkward because the arm is like, too far away from their torso or whatever.

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Kelliestar In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-07 05:20:27 +0000 UTC]


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LittleSpaceStars In reply to Kelliestar [2010-11-07 18:20:32 +0000 UTC]


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Kelliestar In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-07 18:31:30 +0000 UTC]


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LittleSpaceStars In reply to Kelliestar [2010-11-07 18:47:24 +0000 UTC]


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Kelliestar In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-07 18:52:13 +0000 UTC]


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wolfgrl1492 [2010-11-06 21:06:29 +0000 UTC]

The only thing I would do is next time make the pants less tight. Even for tight jeans they would bag somewhere.
But other than that it looks great.

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to wolfgrl1492 [2010-11-06 22:06:56 +0000 UTC]

Oh, right, I could change that. Probably be baggy/crumpled in the knee area and at the ankles? And thanks.

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wolfgrl1492 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-06 22:12:19 +0000 UTC]

Yep, around those areas. And you're welcome.

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NikChik-11 [2010-11-06 20:04:46 +0000 UTC]

It looks amazing.

Man, those are some tight jeans, Jeeves. I can see the outline of your junk, man!

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to NikChik-11 [2010-11-06 20:20:56 +0000 UTC]

Pfft. Thanks.

Jeevan: *grumbles*

Ahaaa. XDD

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pieface123 [2010-11-06 14:57:58 +0000 UTC]

perspective FTW

I really need to work on this as well thanks for reminding me!! *shot* anywhooo, this is amazing his expresson, the angle and the anatomy!! keep it up!!!

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to pieface123 [2010-11-06 15:20:44 +0000 UTC]

Yeeeesss! XDD

Oh, pfft. You're welcome! And thank you!

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pieface123 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-06 22:49:02 +0000 UTC]

your welcome ^_^ and nice edit the tie and feet look great!!!

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to pieface123 [2010-11-06 23:55:57 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you!

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pieface123 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-07 02:29:32 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome

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NikChik-11 [2010-11-06 14:08:14 +0000 UTC]


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LittleSpaceStars In reply to NikChik-11 [2010-11-06 15:20:17 +0000 UTC]


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kumori-tokage [2010-11-06 01:46:56 +0000 UTC]

I love this drawing. And I love that song.

You actually did really well with the perspective. I would suggest something but I know a lot less than you apparently, so I can't be of any help. (:

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to kumori-tokage [2010-11-06 01:49:56 +0000 UTC]

Ahaaa. Thanks. And me too. I'm listening to it right now. Hurr.

Thank yoooou. And that's PREPOSTEROUS! You know so much more than me! Now spill your thoughts and smack me if something's like, so off that it makes you wanna scream . . . which I'm going to assume are the legs and the arms because I always mess those up. Dahh.

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kumori-tokage In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-06 13:16:33 +0000 UTC]

I love that song now. I didn't even know about it until you posted the link on FB.

You're welcome. And I actually don't know that much.

I mean, I'd could tell you that the legs need to be changed a little, but I assumed you knew that since you stopped drawing them. Everything else looked good to me.

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to kumori-tokage [2010-11-06 15:19:51 +0000 UTC]

I freaking love that song. It's perfect. I love the lead singer of Skillet's voice.

Oh, pfft. Yeah you do.

Yeaaaah, I finished the legs, but I'm still not sure if they look right. I guess they look better because I actually drew them, but eh. I might update this, so you can see or something. Oh, and I fixed his left arm. It looked like it was out too far.

Ahaaaa! Yay. XDDD

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kumori-tokage In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-06 18:03:36 +0000 UTC]

Agreed. I'm listening to it right now. (:


It looks amazing.

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LittleSpaceStars In reply to kumori-tokage [2010-11-06 20:21:13 +0000 UTC]

Me too. C:



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kumori-tokage In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2010-11-06 20:50:07 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome. (:

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WingedWolf57 [2010-11-06 01:24:20 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm the legs need to be more like inward, like if the computer screen was 3-D I would push them more in... I hope that makes sense Also I think the left arm should me skinnier, more behind his body... Uuuuhhhhh... I think besides that it all looks great

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