LoveTeacupKisses — Self Portrait

#mixedgirl #portrait #selfportrait #africanwoman #digitalpainting #dyedhair
Published: 2016-07-02 17:14:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 981; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 0
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Description With a major hair change and new branding on the horizon I thought it was time to update my profile picture. I've been really itching to explore digital painting again and I'm sure this is just the beginning of a new and interesting spin on the Love, Teacup Kisses brand. 

Patreon: www.patreon.com/LoveTeacupKiss…
Gumroad: gumroad.com/loveteacupkisses
YouTube: www.youtube.com/LoveTeacupKiss…
Website: www.LoveTeacupKisses.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/loveteacupki…
Twitter: twitter.com/teacupkisses
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Comments: 9

Rinexperience [2016-07-12 14:36:06 +0000 UTC]

Lovely work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LoveTeacupKisses In reply to Rinexperience [2016-07-12 14:54:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!!

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Venom-V13 [2016-07-04 05:12:04 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe, this is really cute!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LoveTeacupKisses In reply to Venom-V13 [2016-07-04 14:04:38 +0000 UTC]

Awwww thank you! I'm glad you think so! How have you been? Its been ages since I've really been on DA, not sure what people are up to these days.

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Venom-V13 In reply to LoveTeacupKisses [2016-07-04 16:08:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh you're welcome and damn, has been ages huh, lol. I've been okay thanks, just been living lame working and staying at home a lot as usual, lol, just decided to step out my comfort zone these past weeks to sorta start going out again and trying to get out the house more, lol. What about you, how are you and what have you been up to?

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LoveTeacupKisses In reply to Venom-V13 [2016-07-08 14:32:14 +0000 UTC]

I've been pretty good. Super busy with work and life and trying to improve my art and brand. 
I kinda put my personal art on hold for a while and I've been working hard to really get back into it again.
Plus so much life stuff just keeps happening. I have family visiting left and right and today is my Best friends birthday so its just been a hectic time. 
I hope you are successful breaking out of your comfort zone, it can be pretty nice being a little more social or outgoing sometimes.
I recently started rock climbing and I enjoy it WAY more than I thought that i would, so I hope you are able to find new and interesting things that you can enjoy

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Venom-V13 In reply to LoveTeacupKisses [2016-07-08 18:29:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh nice, deal with what you have to to make things work out. I don't exactly care to be social but doing things i wouldn't do on a regular seems refreshing a bit. I went to the beach with some friends and we were talking trash laughing up things, drinking like crazy taking shots and diving off a high ass pier into the deep blue and swimming out in the shallows, it was fun. Rock climbing sounds fun, sounds like a good workout to me and thanks btw, adventures are definitely a major part of what i've been missing.

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LoveTeacupKisses In reply to Venom-V13 [2016-07-10 03:11:40 +0000 UTC]

Yeah i'm in between when it comes to being social, very much a hermit sometimes. 
But I always feel like being social tends to get me out on more adventures. 
going out on the beach to hand out with friends sounds like a fun time and diving off a high pier, crazy but cool.
Sounds like you are doing some fun stuff. Sometimes its hard to think of what new stuff to do. 
I might try and jump of of a high pier some day, although Im a tad big afraid of heights.. although Im working on it

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Venom-V13 In reply to LoveTeacupKisses [2016-07-10 06:56:45 +0000 UTC]

I guess hey say it's better to be in the middle where you're both a bit social as well as a hermit as that way you won't be looked at oddly or something. Lol, heights ain't nothing to fear but it's definitely not for everybody, think you've got the guts to parachute out of a moving plane? ....I might attempt that 1 shortly. XD

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