Comments: 26
S-Dragon123 [2013-11-29 14:50:29 +0000 UTC]
lol this is so cute!! Well done on the poses and facial expressions, very in character XD
Well done on the coloring as well, great detail! ^^
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LxiArt In reply to S-Dragon123 [2013-11-29 15:48:07 +0000 UTC]
Haha, thanks a BUNCH! Glad you think they're in character, kinda tried to at least make the outcome look like it, so I feel like I succeeded ^^
Those details were the death of me, especially on Leos blouse/coat/shirt/whatever..
I really want to do a lot of details all the time, but frankly, my drawings take forever to finish..
Though I have experienced great response to that, so I might do it every once in a while! ;D
Grazie mille for the comment!
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avgrunnen [2013-11-16 12:03:01 +0000 UTC]
so awesome. I fall in love ;-;
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LxiArt In reply to avgrunnen [2013-11-16 12:40:07 +0000 UTC]
D'aaw, I've fallen in love with the fact that you love it! Thanks a LOT! ^^
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avgrunnen In reply to LxiArt [2013-11-16 13:04:19 +0000 UTC]
wsasflkrdhgkhjeshgkhdkrgheshli <3
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respett [2013-11-16 11:08:48 +0000 UTC]
Those colors that posing..... O_O *swoon*
Hats off Leonardo... You're not outside... or maybe you are xD
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LxiArt In reply to respett [2013-11-16 11:16:03 +0000 UTC]
Åååårh, exactly how cute ARE you?!! Thanks, honeybunny, I'm SO glad you like it!
Haha! Damn, jeg tror lige jeg fik en idé til en ny titel! (Hvis den kan være der xD) Perfect! ^^
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LxiArt In reply to respett [2013-12-02 10:57:08 +0000 UTC]
You are exactly THIS cute! ;D (streches arms to both sides) ^^
.. og den kunne være der! Pænt meget bedre titel end den gamle!
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respett In reply to LxiArt [2013-12-04 18:26:15 +0000 UTC]
N'awwwwww ^^
Haha! Den er sjov i hvert fald ;D
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TheHellcow [2013-11-13 00:24:06 +0000 UTC]
OMG det her bare AWESOME!!! Elsker deres poses og the angle (Ku ikke huske det danske ord xD)
Og Leo er bare så sød med sit blush - DAWWW!!
Jeg elsker Ezios horny udtryk - og hvor hans hånd er på vej hen, hehe!!
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TheHellcow In reply to LxiArt [2013-11-13 22:09:44 +0000 UTC]
Han kan slet ikke styre sine nedre regioner når det er Leonarrrrrdo!!!
Sexay loose hair - sexay times..!!
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LxiArt In reply to TheHellcow [2013-11-15 08:27:50 +0000 UTC]
Haha. Jeg kan heller ikke styre mine nedre regioner når det er LEZIO ;D
Præciiis! (fuck der var mange typos i min forrige besked, hahahah!)
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TheHellcow In reply to LxiArt [2013-11-15 08:37:35 +0000 UTC]
Hohoh hvem kan det!! (Har lagt mærke til jeg bliver Julemand hver gang det er noget sexet xD JEg ville gerne lave det til en fransk perv latter, mendet er mere julemand xD)
Hahahaha du er kendt som Typo-Queen xD
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LxiArt In reply to TheHellcow [2013-11-16 11:25:41 +0000 UTC]
JA! Det har jeg, haha, men som jeg skrev på SMS, så er jeg nu begyndt at høre den franske perv i dig
I aaaam! Bow to the typo-Queer!
(.. Yeah. That typo was on purpose - For once!!) XD
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WolfLover0925 In reply to LxiArt [2013-11-13 22:08:05 +0000 UTC]
OMFG YUS!!! It looks amazing!!!
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WolfLover0925 In reply to LxiArt [2013-11-15 22:34:06 +0000 UTC]
Oh Jesus yes!! You need so many more comments!!
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WolfLover0925 In reply to LxiArt [2013-11-17 02:10:20 +0000 UTC]
Hmm...I be if you go hunting around on DA you would find some!
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