walks by and drops this..
[ General Information ]| Name(s) | Cloverkit || Cloverpaw || Snarlmaw
| Origins |
Clover || Named after his aunt, now deceased.
Snarl || Named after his injury which gives him a permanent scowl.
Maw || See above.
| Nickname(s) | N/A
★ | Age | 33 moons = 2 years, 8 months
| Joined At | 29 moons, joined RatClan at 18 moons
| Birth Season | Mid-newleaf :4/3: | Zodiac Sign | Aries
| Sex | Female | Gender Identity | Trans-male (he/his/him)
| Breed |
58% Bombay / 36% American Shorthair / 6% Oriental
| Alliance(s) | RatClan, previously PidgeonClan
| Rank | Deputy of RatClan
| Mentor(s) | Whitehawk || tall white tom with a handsome face || Missing
| Current Apprentice | None.
| Previous Apprentice(s) |
Finchpaw || a ginger-and-white tom with a bobtail and black smudge under his eye; pale green eyes
[ Appearance ]| Book Description | skinny black-and-white tom with a long tail and burned muzzle; yellow-orange eyes
| Pelt | Snarlmaw's coat is short and tufted in spots, yet very soft.
| Fur Statistics |
7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Smooth
7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Soft
Short :: ●●●○○○○○○○ :: Long
| Eyes | Golden yellow eyes with a hint of orange.
| Body Type | Snarlmaw has a skinny, long body with a strong jaw and long tail.
| Height | 8.4 inches, average
| Weight | 6.6 lbs, lightweight
| Disabilities or Scars |
| Accessories |
| Body Movement | Ghostly silent, swift, and confident.
| Scent | Musk and mint, spices, and Twoleg cooking.
[ Statistics ] Strength :: Average :: Weakness
| Battle Statistics |
7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Strength
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Speed
9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Attack
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Tactics
4/10 :: ●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Endurance
4/10 :: ●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Defense
| Natural Senses |
4/10 :: ●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Seeing
9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Hearing
7/10 :: ●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Feeling/Touch
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Smelling
4/10 :: ●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Tasting
| Other Skills |
6/10 :: ●●●●●●○○○○ ➟ Swimming
2/10 :: ●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Fishing Tactics
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Patrolling Borders / Leading
9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Fighting
1/10 :: ●○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Herb Knowledge
2/10 :: ●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Tree Climbing
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Night Vision
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Stalking
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Rabbit Chasing
3/10 :: ●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Mentoring
Belief in StarClan: 72%
Belief in the Dark Forest: 50%
Knowledge of Twolegs: 75%
Loyalty to Clan: 68%
[ Romantic Relations ]| Orientation | Asexual // Gray-romantic: Snarlmaw has very little interest in relationships, sexually and romantically. His preferences, however, include all genders.
| Preference(s) |
| Looking For | Yes :: No
Settling down and starting a family
| Currently Attracted to |
- Nobody.
| Previous Attractions/Relationships |
- Nobody.
| Sexual Activity | Non-active
| Relationship Statistics |
4/10 :: ●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Charisma
8/10 :: ●●●●●●●●○○ ➟ Loyalty
6/10 :: ●●●●●●○○○○ ➟ Respect
9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Devotion
2/10 :: ●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Flirtatiousness
1/10 :: ●○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Sexuality
[ Personality ][ Modest || Steadfast || Contemplative || Reserved || || || Insecure || Volatile || || Sentimental || Vindictive]
Positive :: Neutral :: Negative :: Hidden
[ Modest | :: | Definition: unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements. ]
Snarlmaw avoids talking about himself altogether, but when such a need arises, the tom is very humble about his strength. He takes little credit for his accomplishments.
[ Steadfast | :: | Definition: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. ]
Snarlmaw takes his responsibilities very seriously and prioritizes his duties respectively. Once you've earned his trust, his loyalty is firm and unwavering. He is dedicated and thorough.
[ Contemplative | :: | Definition: expressing or involving prolonged thought. ]
Snarlmaw prefers to spend his free-time in solitude, meditating. Doing so allows his mind to wander and explore possibilities, and his deep, serious thoughts often reflect back upon himself.
[ Reserved | :: | Definition: slow to reveal emotion or opinions. ]
Snarlmaw tends to hide behind a mask, veiling his emotions to the best of his abilities. Although he has capricous outbursts, Snarlmaw generally keeps his thoughts and opinions to himself till addressed. Even his friends find it hard to crack his shell.
[ Sarcastic | :: | Definition: marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt ]
Believe it or not, Snarlmaw has a sense of humor.. though it can take awhile to surface. His cynical jabs and sometimes belittling jokes can be off putting if you do not know him well.
[ Perceptive | :: | Definition: having or showing sensitive insight. ]
Snarlmaw is keen to catch onto subtle emotions and actions of those around him. His sensitive sense of hearing and smelling helps him identify hidden threats. He is always aware of his surroundings.
[ Volatile | :: | Definition: liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. ]
Although Snarlmaw prefers to keep his emotions veiled, aforementioned emotions run strong and true, albeit unpredictable. When his emotions get out of control, it is best to avoid the tom altogether or you may find yourself the victim of his aggression.
[ Insecure | :: | Definition: (of a person) not confident or assured; uncertain and anxious. ]
Snarlmaw has much to prove in his new clan; he is unsure of where his destiny lies. He cannot stare into water without being reminded of his past, and is haunted by feelings of doubt and lack of self-worth.
[ | :: | Definition: ]
[ Sentimental| :: | Definition: (of a person) excessively prone to feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia. ]
Snarlmaw is an aggressive and withdrawn cat, but does that make him incapable of feeling sympathy and sadness? Quite the opposite; Snarlmaw hides his sensitivities well, but the light inside blossoms.
[ Vindictive| :: | Definition: having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.]
Snarlmaw never forgets an enemy, whether his own or the enemies of those he loves. He prioritizes justice and believes it should be served accordingly.. even if his actions are questionable.
| Personality Type | ISTJ :: Introverted, Observant, Thinking, Judging, Turbulent :: Sentinel :: Constant Improvement
[ History ]| Kithood / 0-6 moons |
Cloverkit was the first-born of a litter of four she-cats, much to her father's dismay.
"War is easier than daughters."
Named for her aunt Cloverheart, who perished before her birthing, the young kit shared little in common with her littermates. In fact, Cloverkit was the only child who failed to inherit her mother's beauty. Born with the simple black-and-white coat of her father, it was no surprise that she became a "daddy's girl", though she was anything but feminine.
Whitejaw embraced his close relationship with his first-born, admiring her passion and respecting her boyish tendencies. Shimmerwing reluctantly released her daughter to her father's whim, preferring the gentle company of her siblings whom she could dote on. After all, Shimmerwing and Cloverkit never saw eye-to-eye.
As Cloverkit aged, she learned her family extended outside the nursery: her kind-hearted cousin, Whitehawk; and her overbearing aunt, Sweetlily. Whitehawk always treated the kit with a special kindness and he soon became an idol for the young she-cat.
| Apprenticeship / 6-12 moons |
By the time Cloverkit became Cloverpaw, her insecurities towards her own self-image started to show. Her sisters, Pepperpaw and Laurelpaw, were relentless with their bullying and created rifts between Cloverpaw and the other apprentices. Pipitpaw did her best to mediate her siblings' squabbles, but soon abandoned the fruitless effort.
Her parents were little help; Whitejaw had good intentions, but responsibility called and he was often too busy to comfort his daughter. Shimmerwing condoned her daughter's behavior, critical and unfair. She believed mollies have a duty and place within the clan and should follow suite with their mothers. Cloverpaw argued with her ceaselessly and stopped visiting her regularly. The boyish cat would not stand for it.
Yet Cloverpaw, alone and uncomfortable in her own skin, was comforted by her mentor's wisdom. Whitehawk was a good, gentle teacher who always defended her tom-like habits. He tutored her well, whether it be battle training or sage life advice. Her days started to improve, little by little, till she forgot her inhibitions. She confessed her desire to have been born a tom to Whitehawk, holding him responsible for its secrecy.
Then cats started to disappear.
Whitejaw grew more and more distant with every phase of the moon, his warrior duties summoning him every time another corpse was retrieved. Fear plagued PidgeonClan, a silent threat that Cloverpaw faced alone with her mentor.
Her final day of true happiness was had many, many moons ago before her father's body was discovered. The death of her father shook her to her core. When her sisters attempted to reconcile with their lost sibling, Cloverpaw snapped and pushed them farther away. She got into a physical confrontation with Pepperpaw before running away from her clan.
Cloverpaw couldn't accept that her father was killed by a fox; her father was too smart, too strong for such a simple end. And the evidence was there: the lacerations were too small and the smell of fox too faint.. if it was there at all. Her leader at the time, the great Brass-star, was unconcerned with the evidence and accepted the warrior's expiration as an untimely accident. Cloverpaw wasn't fooled.
Determined, stubborn, and hurt, the cat journeyed to Whitejaw's place of death and examined the crime scene. The strong odor of rogue filled the she-cat with an intense fury and she trailed the scent for nearly a moon and a half, losing her way in the Twoleg city.
Back in PidgeonClan, her mentor Whitehawk searched desperately for his cousin and disappeared without a trace shortly after.
Cloverpaw, surviving off Twoleg scraps and dirty puddles of water, eventually found her way back to the area of the city PidgeonClan governed and as she scavenged a homeless camp for substance, she crossed paths with a patrol of cruel, codeless rogues whose memorized scent awakened a supressed rage.
Without hesitation, she accused the cats of her father's murder and as they mocked her and denied their guilt, she attacked the patrol's commander. In response, the cats overpowered her and decided to teach the apprentice some humility by holding the side of her face against the embers of the homeless Twolegs' dying campfire.
Her screams awakened the two-legged beasts and the cats scattered, Cloverpaw included who blindly raced through the streets to the moor of her old territory. She was discovered by a PidgeonClan patrol, collapsed from her wounds, and carried back to camp.
The next moon passed slow and unbearing as her burns healed and ached, confined to the medicine den. Her sisters, now warriors, visited once, but Cloverpaw sent them away, hissing and spitting. Shimmerwing, disappointed in her daughter's reckless and selfish behavior and frightened by her scar, had few words for her child. The news of Whitehawk's disappearance destroyed her, although there was little left to destroy.
As soon as the she-cat recovered, she requested her pronoun change to be made known throughout the clan at her warrior ceremony. Cloverpaw became Snarlmaw, queen became knight.
| Warriorhood / 12-30 moons |
After his vigil, Snarlmaw had an audience with Brass-star and delivered his findings, insisting justice to be served. He pushed for search parties to help retrieve Whitehawk, but Brass-star had no input. He refused to put effort into vengeance based on an apprentice's rage-fueled fantasies.
Snarlmaw, ordered to forget such matters, did the exact opposite. He was obsessed with bringing justice to his father's spirit and solving the mystery of his forgotten mentor. For several moons, the cat brooded over the subject relentlessly. At 16 moons, he was given an apprentice to help distract himself and involve him in clan affairs once more.
Although Finchpaw was a tender-hearted and dutiful apprentice, Snarlmaw was insulted by the sentiment. He approached his leader a final time, addressing his emotions and Brass-star's lack of concern for his disappearing citizens. Snarlmaw insulted the leader who threatened to punish him before the warrior stormed away.
Betrayed by his leader, disowned by his mother, unwanted by his sisters, and left alone by the two cats who cared, Snarlmaw's growing discontent within his clan came to a boiling point. Without a glance back, the warrior deserted a lifetime of misery and PidgeonClan with it.
Snarlmaw joined RatClan still a young and inexperienced cat, one his clanmates had very little faith or trust in. They regarded him with gleaming, mistrusting eyes and it took Snarlmaw many moons to adjust to RatClan's territories, their lifestyle and his clanmates. As time passed, cats grew more welcoming toward the the warrior, though many still disregarded him. He was granted the honor of accompanying the RatClan leader, Fawnstar, on her rescue patrol to save Brightpaw from the Twolegs.. and carried the unfortunate news back to their clan when she fell. It came to a surprise to him when he was named as one of Hawkstar's deputies and although the crowd was filled with mistrustful stares, Snarlmaw was proud to serve them as their new RatClan deputy.
★ | Deputyship |
Being a deputy was no easy task, but for Snarlmaw it was an entirely new challenge. His hot-tempered attitude didn't improve his already rugged relationship with his fellow warriors and he's made few friends since. His deputyship wasn't very popular, though he was adamant about working himself to near death during the first few moons after Hawkstar received their nine lives.
He quarreled with Tinypaw during her apprentice escapade into RatClan territory when the clan was put under pressure by the Twoleg trappers. The tiny molly seemed to hold a grudge against him for reprimanding her childish behavior. He also befriended several of his RatClan denmates: Buzzardscar, whom he had patrolled with several times within the city; Wirepelt, their fateful encounter on the bridge left him interested in getting to know the dapper dressed tom; Lightpelt, though their friendship grew distant since his mate's passing; and Oakfall, Hawkstar's other deputy. He couldn't seem to escape trouble from PidgeonClan, however, and was repeatedly badgered by... well, Badgerface.
When the dogs attacked PidgeonClan and drove them from their home, temporarily, Snarlmaw had been visiting his father's grave. He dashed to their rescue, assisting Snowstar in evacuating as the dogs ravaged their territory. During this slaughter, the RatClan deputy watched his own sister die at the jaws of a vicious brute. He was able to pull himself together enough to help lead PidgeonClan to safety and return home, bringing the unfortunate news to RatClan.
Snarlmaw showed great promise when Hawkstar instructed him to escort RatClan to the gathering and speak on their behalf. Although he fumbled for words on the podium and created a small scene when his sister, Pepperfern, confronted him in the crowd. She ridiculed his new title, accused him of not doing enough to save their sister, and revealed that Snarlmaw's own mother, Shimmerwing of PidgeonClan, was rather unhealthy and lethargic as of late. Snarlmaw vowed to solve Whitejaw's murder before dismissing his sister entirely and giving the news to the best of his abilities.
To be continued..
[ Heritage ]
| Father's Side ||
father || Whitejaw || black-and-white tom with a broad white jaw; yellow-orange eyes || Deceased || Murder(?)
paternal aunt || Cloverheart || white she-cat with a long tail, black ears and patches on her face; green eyes || Deceased || Unknown illness
| Mother's Side ||
mother || Shimmerwing || beautiful silver swirled tabby with white paws; blue eyes || Alive || PidgeonClan || NPC, Warrior
paternal aunt || Sweetlily || a white she-cat with silver tabby patches; blue eyes || Alive || PidgeonClan || NPC, Queen
| Siblings |
Pepperfern || pretty, dappled silver and white she-cat; blue eyes || Alive || PidgeonClan || NPC, Warrior
Laureltail || mostly white she-cat with a long, silver tabby tail; blue eyes || Alive || PidgeonClan || NPC, Warrior
★ Pipitwing || small, silver tabby she-cat with one white paw; yellow-orange eyes || Deceased || Dog attack (7/17)
| Cousin |
Whitehawk || tall white tom with a handsome face || Unknown || Missing
| Mate(s) |
| Kit(s) |
[ Relationships ]
relationships can be located in a different post on your character's thread if you wish, and can be formatted however you please
// Annoyed || // Disliked || // Hated
// Like || // Respected || // Very respected
// Wary || // Cautious || // Avoided
// Slight crush || // Crush || // Obsession
// Friend || // Good friend || // Close friend
// Like (platonically) || // Really like (platonically) || // Love (platonically)
// Wants to get to know them || // Misses || // Can't bear without
// Not trusted || // Slightly suspicious || // Very suspicious
// Shy || // Jumpy/Nervous || // Fearful
// Unsure
// Dead
// Family
// Mate || // Platonic love
// Mentor/Apprentice
Badgerface|| Asshole Who Can't Mind His Own Borders || || || ||
entry 1 || "A jerk parading around who uses his position as a scapegoat. StarClan chose wrong when they accepted him as medicine cat. Such a rude, narrow-minded, and offensive ingrate."
★ Snowstar|| || || ||
entry 1 || "Our last meeting was cool and brief; she didn't seem to hold it against me that I deserted her clan. I can respect her willingness to let it go for the sake of her clan. However, I don't generally trust PidgeonClan's leadership since Brass-star and although I pity her clan for the tragedies they've endured these past few moons, I will not extend my energy into helping her any further. She is as suspect as the rest of them."
Buzzardscar || The Grumpy Warrior || || ||
entry 1 || "Although we've certainly had our moments.. some good, some bad.. there is still much to-be-known about my fellow warrior. He seems fairly down-to-earth and pragmatic, if not pessimistic; I can respect a cat who doesn't view life through rose-colored glasses. Hopefully I can spend a bit more time with the tom and get to know him."
Oakfall || My Equal, and My Rival || || ||
entry 1 || "At first, I saw the other deputy as a challenger: someone I had to compete with for Hawkstar's favor.. but then we shared some words and I found that I had more in common with the tom than I had previously realized. He has a good head on his shoulders, albeit misunderstood. I am eager to see how he gains Hawkstar's trust and ensures his loyalty to RatClan. I pray to StarClan we can work together to strengthen our clan during our time serving Hawkstar."
Lightpelt || A PidgeonClan Brother || ||
entry 1 || "When I first met the tom, I knew exactly what he was going through; switching sides is never an easy decision to make. I found myself warming up to his calm, gentle nature and his intelligence was highly commendable. I pray he finds what he lost in his children, but have no doubts that Lightpelt, with or without Fawnstar, will be an excellent and dutiful father."
Hawkstar || A Stranger's Leader || || || ||
entry 1 || "I speak honestly when I say.. I never really knew Hawkstar prior to their leadership.. and it struck me odd for them to put their clan in the paws of a deserter like me. I almost feel as though they are testing me and am wary of being watched and judged by Hawkstar. They stay busy, so I have yet to audience with the leader personally and wonder if they are avoiding conversation.."
★ Wirepelt || The Gentleman || ||
entry 1 || "Although our encounters were brief and vague, this well-mannered warrior certainly impresses me. He carries himself with a sort of lonesome pride, one that I can admire, but as of late, he has seemed almost quieter than usual. I wonder if he could use a friend.."
★ Bellchime || The Biting Beauty || ||
entry 1 || "I respect any cat who overcomes the difficulties of fate and disrespects those who question their strength. Although she can be pig-headed and downright rude, she shows no fear and speaks her mind. Although I find myself treading thin ice and watching what I say around her, I think she makes a fine warrior."
★ t r i v i a
♦ Thing || Going for solitary walks in the Twoleg city, enjoying the smells and sounds
♦ Smell || Chinese food, wet pavement
♦ Food || Twoleg scraps and mice
♦ Place || Alleyways and dark grassy alcoves
♦ Feeling || Of rushing water over his paws
♦ Sound || Twoleg music, wind chimes, rainfall
♦ Others || --
♦ Thing || Clingy behavior and surprises
♦ Smell || Gasoline, sugar, smoke
♦ Food || Not picky
♦ Place || Bridges and homeless Twoleg camps
♦ Feeling || Of someone touching his scar
♦ Sound || Sirens, birdsong
♦ Others || --
♦ Fire
♦ Losing loved ones
♦ Getting close to someone
♦ Being labeled as a deserter or traitor
★ ♦ Failing as leader of RatClan
♦ Reuniting with Whitehawk
♦ Solving Whitejaw's murder and putting his soul to rest
★ ♦ Discovering his destiny and regaining his honor
♦ Believes Whitehawk is alive
♦ Suspicious of Pidgeonclanners
★ r o l e p l a y
(♥) yes || (★) maybe/depends || (○) no
timezone || EST | online between 5pm-11:30pm most weekdays
cursing || ♥
violence || ♥
gore || ♥
role play example ||
Snarlmaw's eyes hazed over as he watched the torrent roared down around them, but his worry for the security of camp was scarcely legitimate. Summer storms seemed to end as quick as they began and aside from a few damp nests, he was sure his clanmates would be fine.. the apprentices, however, would have their paws full finding dry moss to replace all the soiled bedding. The air felt tense between the two, not of aggression, but of mutual awkwardness: having both been thrust into a position of power and their loyalties tested like never before, it was strange being so close to a cat yet so far.
"You're having about as much fun being deputy as I am, I take it. Are you adjusting well? Cuz I sure as hell are not, so far." He tried to imagine where all his time was wasted when he wasn't running around micro-managing patrols and apprentice assessments.
art & writing application (c) ThePotato-Queen
character (c) lycanrott