Comments: 19
315591701 [2019-04-13 20:55:59 +0000 UTC]
The Joker managed to defeat Kano and Sonya Blade.
Also Batman proved to own Liu Kang and Sub-Zero ... also Deathstroke, Bane, Superman, Wonder Woman and Räs al Ghul
Clearly Liu Kang, The Joker, SubZero, Deathstroke, Bane, Superman, Wonder Woman and Räs al Ghul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kano
Batman cleans the floor with Kano
An interesting fight would be between Batman and Scorpion
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MagicalKeyPizzaDan In reply to 315591701 [2019-04-13 20:57:28 +0000 UTC]
Good point but wondering what would Batman do about scorpion's demonic powers.
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315591701 In reply to MagicalKeyPizzaDan [2019-04-13 23:18:24 +0000 UTC]
That man has his utility belt filled with unthinkable options of gadgets and escapes.
If Scorpion fights him with fire, maybe he would have his bat-suit and all tech enhanced with Ice or with a material resistant to fire.
Thouhg it's not the hellfire I'd worry about. Scorpion is much more than just a flame throwing factory idiot (like Firestorm)
A part from his fire Magic, he's a fully trained and deadly ninja, master of ninjutsu and many other martial arts.
Thta's the interesting part ... by hand to hand combat who'd win? ... Both are physically fully trained by oriental martial arts and disciplines.
Still Hanzo Hasashi is WAY OLDER than Bruce Wayne. Hanzo had a an inmortal lifetime as a revenant since the Feudal Japan era to the actual: Quan Chi took his soul at that age and turn it into an inmortal zombie, until he was freed and mortal again. While he was living in hell he had a lifetime to gain experience and learnings.
Being once an inmortal I guess you'd have much more years of experince than someone who is average aged.
Still Bruce Wayne is very intelligent and cunning to have tricked even death lords. The point he managed to best a kryptonian and an amazon with only his intelect and planning (Hell: The whole justice league by his own)
GOD these two are truly Titans, very difficult to decide which one rules.
Of what I AM sure is that Hanzo Hasashi is a better master than Bruce Wayne. Whereas Bruce gave up on every Robin he trained and just replaced them ... Hanzo never gave up on Takeda, he raised and cared for him as his student, friend and son; he never had the idea of replacing his chujin. Also Bruce Wayne is very egotist in his fighting skills, he'd never fully trust on training at 100% any Robin, Scorpion on the other side cares much for Takeda that he intends him to be better and be the Shirai Ryu pride.
Which is WHY I think TAKEDA would beat the crap out of any Robin or Nightwing ... That ... IS INDEED FOR SURE.
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FerrumFlos1st [2015-06-13 01:16:42 +0000 UTC]
Fighting against Kano is like fighting the Joker, only with somersaults and a laser eye.
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V1EWT1FUL [2015-06-13 00:44:09 +0000 UTC]
are you kidding me, im not even gonna say who's gonna win
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V1EWT1FUL In reply to MagicalKeyPizzaDan [2015-06-13 00:55:24 +0000 UTC]
I already said im not saying cause its too freaking easy
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