magnifulouschicken — Nyotalia Trainers Part 1

#aster #crossover #hoenn #isabel #johto #julchen #kanto #katarina #kitty #monika #pokémon #trainers #sinnoh #hetalia #pokémonnintendo #hetaliaaph #hetaliaaxispowers #hetaliagermany #hetaliaitaly #himaruyahidekaz #magnifulouschicken #nyotalia #hetalianorthitaly #hetaliaromano #hetaliasouthitaly #nyotaliagermany #nyotaliaprussia #nyotaliaitaly #crossoverfanart #julchenbeilschmidt #feliciavargas #julbird #monikabeilschmidt #nyotaliaromano #trainerspokemon #monika_beilschmidt #julchen_beilschmidt #pokémonhetalia #pokémonhetaliacrossover
Published: 2015-02-01 22:56:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1332; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description I've been working on this for the past week. It was an idea I had a little but ago- draw the Nyotalia characters as Pokémon Trainers.

Doing this and designing the outfits was SO MUCH FUN. I also totally fell in love with nyo Prussia's design while drawing this. For Germany and Prussia I kind of made the design similar to their canon one (it just worked out)...North and South Italy however, I did something completely different. Prussia and Italy look like regular trainers, Germany looks ranger-ish, and Romano looks like a student (perhaps at Roxanne's school). I also kind of avoided hats and kept their hair the same as they apart in canon so they are more recognizable.

It took me forever to decide on a background, but I chose the maps of the first four regions.

I also gave each of them a "signature" Pokémon (of course they have more than 1 each. Maybe I'll plan teams for them in the future). They are as follows:

Arcanine- Aster (Germany's)
Serious nature. Good perseverance. Intimidate.
Outrage, Flamethrower, Close Combat, ExtremeSpeed

Shinx- Kitty (North Italy's)
Impish nature. Scatters things often. Rivalry.
Wild Charge, Crunch, Thunder Wave, Attract

Torkoal- Isabel (South Italy/ Romano's)
Relaxed nature. Takes plenty of siestas.
Rest, Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Inferno

Starly- Julbird (Prussia's)
Jolly nature. Proud of its power.
Brave Bird, Quick Attack, Endeavor, Swagger
After choosing Starly for Prussia, I noticed it had an ahoge much like Austria's. XD I made it shiny. In each pic, one of them will get a shiny.

I have two more planned: America, Japan, and England. Then France, Canada, China, and Russia (I wanted to do the FACE family, but I just really like the Stray Trio).

Pokémon@ Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo
Hetalia@ Hidekaz Himaruya
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Comments: 2

adamexe20a [2015-02-04 05:50:27 +0000 UTC]

waa, nice and beautifully done..

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

magnifulouschicken In reply to adamexe20a [2015-02-04 06:17:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0