Comments: 28
SunnyTheOwl [2011-07-25 09:59:27 +0000 UTC]
D'aw x3
I loved this show :'D Fuck it, I still love this show...
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neosaiyanangel [2011-07-24 03:36:57 +0000 UTC]
I actually thought that the girl was Bonnie until I saw the title. Might wanna lighten up Kim's hair color. Looks like she's a brunette more than a redhead as she is.
Otherwise the pic does look solid. There is a sort of almost child-like glee in Kim's smile that a lot of artists have trouble capturing in artwork and Ron looks like he's enjoying himself. Not exactly keeping with the context of the picture, but I feel that it would probably be better served as a fluffy Kim/Ron picture with them at practice or something (Ron perhaps standing in for a sick cheerleader). The body proportions are also a good; they're solid in comparison to a real-life person and more realistic representation than you usually see in most artwork and even the show itself.
Feel free to ignore this part as I'm not an artist and won't even pretend to be, simply saying what stands out to me: I'll also say that the shading looks good (I have meager knowledge but it looks solid to me). The only problem area I see is under their necks. It seems to taper off and looks odd compared to the rest of the shading. Might wanna reconsider the way you shade their necks and make sure it doesn't contradict the light source in comparison to the rest of the shading.
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Manic-Melody In reply to neosaiyanangel [2011-07-24 03:47:33 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry the hair color on Kim confused you. My laptop is really bright, so her hair probably looks darker on other peoples' computers. :C
I was actually going for a more fluffy rather than serious type picture, I'm actually glad I've pulled it off. They're supposed to look like they're just enjoying each other and being adorable. =]
I'm also really glad you think the proportions look alright. I was really worried that they looked off. I'm not exactly an expert yet, I still have a lot of things I need to work on~
As for the necks, in this piece, I blended the shading of the necks because cel shading (like the rest of the picture) looked odd in that area. I probably should have softened the shading in other places as well, just to make it look more rounded and less awkward.
I'll actually take what you've said into consideration. Every good artist knows how to take critique and put it into what they know and, hopefully, grow from it. I would like to ask something though, as I noticed you didn't say anything about it: Did you like the picture as a whole? :3
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neosaiyanangel In reply to Manic-Melody [2011-07-24 04:04:04 +0000 UTC]
The picture is enjoyable. The lack of a background is a bit disappointing. However, I understand why you chose not to add one as I've heard just how hard doing backgrounds are from those that do them. As I'm a Drakkim shipper and am not particularly joyful where K/R is concerned. The way you presented the picture at least allows me to interpret it in a different way than the pure K/R shippers. It's a flexible, safe, and fluffy picture that can please most of the fans of the show.
Do I gain the same pleasure from it as I do with most pics? I can say yes, I do. Kim's face is the real draw for me. Her unabashed joy just leaks from the picture. I can't help but to smile every time I look at it. And though it's meant to be a fluffy K/R moment the positioning allows even a non-K/R shipper to enjoy a moment of closeness between two BFFs. The picture is one of the lost moments that many people overlook. A friendly, even romantic moment between two great friends who could be doing nothing more than helping each other during a cheer. So much focus is put on the world-saving and monkey-braving that no one thinks too much on the everyday things that Kim and Ron do together. This picture makes me feel like I'm getting a small glance into their lives outside of crime-fighting and I can't help but to want to see more.
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Manic-Melody In reply to neosaiyanangel [2011-07-24 04:33:48 +0000 UTC]
I really had no idea what to put in the background, so it was pretty much just, "PORTRAIT BACKGROUND, YEAH."
I love how you took the words straight from my brain with describing the feel of this picture. I'm certainly a KimxRon shipper, but I didn't really want to go for something intimate for my first piece of art for them. You're right, they're BFFs who just do fun things together when they're not saving people and whatnot, and I'm glad I could capture this. I wish I could express how happy it made me when I read what you wrote just now. It just really makes me glad that I could put this into my picture, and I'm glad you could see it. =]
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Dessysaur [2011-07-24 02:49:34 +0000 UTC]
I love you.
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Manic-Melody In reply to Dessysaur [2011-07-24 03:47:53 +0000 UTC]
xDD, What? Think I'm a dork for watching Kim Possible? C:
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Dessysaur In reply to Manic-Melody [2011-07-24 05:51:15 +0000 UTC]
Nooo, for fan arting.
Not really. I think it looks awesome and I support you being awesome and dorky and fantarding out to awesome older shit. <33
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XxShArPeSt-LiVeSxX [2011-07-24 02:04:23 +0000 UTC]
Also this picture is SO CUTE now that it's finished. c: I told you you could do it Manic. And you did, and I'm happyyyy, 'cause I love KimxRon too. Scary ass KimxShego people scare me.
Anywhoo yeaaaahh. I think they look awesome in your style <3 DO I SEE MORE FANART IN THE FUTURE? 8D
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Manic-Melody In reply to XxShArPeSt-LiVeSxX [2011-07-24 02:06:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh, dear Lord. I'm all for yuri but NOT KIMXSHEGO. JUST NO.
And thank yoouuuu. ;3;
I'm so glad you believed in meee. I love you. <3
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XxShArPeSt-LiVeSxX In reply to Manic-Melody [2011-07-24 02:08:25 +0000 UTC]
Yessss. I'm glad I did too, 'cause you finished it. x3
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Manic-Melody In reply to XxShArPeSt-LiVeSxX [2011-07-24 02:12:00 +0000 UTC]
I totally may draw more KimxRon because I love theemmmm. x3
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Manic-Melody In reply to EgyptianNightmare [2011-07-24 01:54:52 +0000 UTC]
That scene at the end of "So The Drama." LOVE LOVE LOVE. \;O;/
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EgyptianNightmare In reply to Manic-Melody [2011-07-24 01:59:59 +0000 UTC]
That's the movie I wanna watch. :3 I have "A Sitch in Time" but not that one. D8
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Manic-Melody In reply to ragglemuffinn [2011-07-24 00:49:17 +0000 UTC]
I remember in the second TV movie "So The Drama," when they kissed at the end.
I squee'd so hard, man. 8'3
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lorisaurus [2011-07-24 00:43:06 +0000 UTC]
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