Mardonic — Fulmer Falls, Pike County

Published: 2005-06-18 23:31:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 327; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 46
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Description I got lucky enough not to have any of the Photography Workshop people in this one. Of all the days I choose to just get up and go, I pick the most crowded day... that's the luck of the inbred...
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Comments: 17

alcholocaust [2005-10-02 14:19:53 +0000 UTC]

Woah! This is amazing.

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Mardonic In reply to alcholocaust [2005-10-02 14:27:43 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I'm glad that you liked it enough to comment.

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CrazyDrummer4562 [2005-06-29 16:38:44 +0000 UTC]

ahhh I really need a real DSLR....good shot

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Mardonic In reply to CrazyDrummer4562 [2005-06-29 22:17:43 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the comment.

I leave my other Canon at home now, my first SLR.. There's something about being able to take the pic and know right away if it's a keeper.

Word of advice, if you're gonna go digital, check out lag times between the press of the shutter. My Finepix S5000 was about 1-2 seconds, which royally sucked... but it did take my tiger shot, so I'll never truly badmouth it.

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Behind-B1ue-Eyes [2005-06-28 03:05:21 +0000 UTC]

wow wow wow. it looks so delicate. and the greenery is just beautiful. awesome job.

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Mardonic In reply to Behind-B1ue-Eyes [2005-06-28 12:42:33 +0000 UTC]

It's a nice place, very relaxing. I used to hate this area because I felt there was nothing here but mountains. I just started learning that there are over 100 waterfalls in the northeast part of the state.

So that's my new hobby.. try to photograph as many of the waterfalls as I can... it beats stamp collecting.

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Behind-B1ue-Eyes In reply to Mardonic [2005-06-28 13:45:03 +0000 UTC]

mountains can be beautiful too. where are you located?

sounds like a fun hobby!

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Mardonic In reply to Behind-B1ue-Eyes [2005-06-28 22:20:23 +0000 UTC]

Northeastern Pennsylvania... couple miles outside of Scranton (Biggest city in this area). I'm about 100 miles North of Philly, but I like it that way.

Some nice views from the mountains. I was just out today at a state park they call "The grand canyon of Pennsylvania" It's a nice scenic view. Lots of mountains then a river in the middle. 120 miles one way for mountains and a covered bridge... my life is sad when I reflect on it.. LOL... but hey, it's vacation!

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Behind-B1ue-Eyes In reply to Mardonic [2005-06-29 02:22:56 +0000 UTC]

I've heard of Scranton. You like being 100 miles from Philly? My friend was just recently there (Philly) and said that that town is one large piece of crap. She said it made Detroit look good, and if you've ever been to Detroit, that's a huge insult to Philly. I like Chicago the best out of any major city I've been to.

I love the mountains. Actually, I love anything that isn't a cornfield, because that's all there is in Illinois. It's not as bad as Ohio though. Ohio is as boring, if not more, than Illinois. I take pride in that, at least.

Ooh, I like covered bridges. I like it out East, my step-sister is in Rhode Island, so when we go visit her - we usually take her on a mini vacation around out east... there are plenty of very nice historic views all around out there. I loved it.

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Mardonic In reply to Behind-B1ue-Eyes [2005-06-29 10:23:36 +0000 UTC]

I don't mind being 100 miles from philly.. that means that the real bad things from there have to drive the turnpike to get here... although I'm going there today to the zoo.

I've never been to detroit, but I've been to Michigan. The southwestern part, a little town called Coloma, near Benton Harbor. An old friend of mine lives there. The sunsets were nice over Lake Michigan.

While driving out to Mi, I noticed that Ohio did have a lot of cornfields, but that they also had a lot of barns with character.. would make some nice B&w's or some great panoramics.

Next time that you go to visit your stepsister, if you take I-80 east, you should look into stopping in the poconos for a couple of hours (I wouldn't recommend staying there because all the NY people have driven the prices of lodging up) The images you would walk away with of some of the waterfalls and Delaware River valleys are just unforgettable.

(And I wanted to go to Rhode Island this week for lighthouse pics, but the nicest one is on Private Property... bastards...)

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Behind-B1ue-Eyes In reply to Mardonic [2005-06-29 14:52:13 +0000 UTC]

that's true, ohio did have a lot of interesting farms. but it's sure not an interesting state to drive straight through.

there's a nice lighthouse on cape cod. i'm not sure if it's on private property, we just basically stayed in the car because we were just roaming around looking for food, but it looked like people were walking near it. it's near a beach that you have to pay a fortune to get in... it's also on a dead end road which looked like a good place to go explore.

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Mardonic In reply to Behind-B1ue-Eyes [2005-06-29 22:37:49 +0000 UTC]

The lighthouse that I have seen in pictures is in Newport at Castle Hill Inn. Damn the rich people buying up all the nice stuff. Lighthouses don't bother me as much, but around here some rich people stated buying up land that some beautiful waterfalls are on and made them into "Members only" type places. You shouldn't be able to buy nature like that, but that's my gripe.

And hey, if you don't see a sign, deny deny deny...

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Behind-B1ue-Eyes In reply to Mardonic [2005-06-30 03:28:13 +0000 UTC]

and it doesn't hurt to say "what sign? i didn't see a sign."

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NamtaruCreations [2005-06-19 16:12:18 +0000 UTC]

woah, 1 second, perfect speed for this marvellous view!

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Mardonic In reply to NamtaruCreations [2005-06-19 16:19:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the rave and the fav... it means alot!

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rwwingsfan19 [2005-06-19 00:03:57 +0000 UTC]

very nice shot.. so smooth and silky.. well composed too
and great greens.. though i might increase their saturation a bit

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Mardonic In reply to rwwingsfan19 [2005-06-19 00:20:50 +0000 UTC]

afraid the saturation would blow out the greens in the moss between the falls... try my best to use nothing more than a simple auto levels in PS. Thanks for the comments though.

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