Maype-Soundsame — Virost -mah human htf oc-

#oc #virost
Published: 2012-07-10 07:55:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 2810; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 51
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Description New: maype-soundsame.deviantart.com…

Trying to make a chara sheet for the first time in my life. Who knows it could out fun to fill those empty space around him XD
(oh, please excuse my lame hand writing D8 I never plan to fill it in the first place but then... I got addicted... =w=;; )

attempted to make his HTF form (on left corner) but it seems different so....
And I'm fail at making a menacing glare /sobs/ why am I so...
I end up liking his smoking's scene QwQ


Name: Virost. (you can call him Vy for short)

Species: Wolf.

Wear: (you can just look up or read this detail)
>Human body:
White shirt with black v-neck collar and black third quarter sleeves, topped by blue jacket. Paired with dark brown jeans and gray boots. Both hand covered by finger less black gloves, with exceptions of his middle and index fingers. Two dog tags being wrapped on his right wrist, a worn out purple scarf on his neck and a brown leather belt on his waist.
>HTF body:
Blue jacket with purple worn out scarf, a leather belt and two dog tags at right wrist.

Vy was a former instructor in W.A.R. whom stationed in snowy mountain area, he’s a specialist at long range but could also perform a close-combat. He retired because of his uncooperative attitude that appeared since a certain incident and move into Happy Tree Town (HTT) in seek of peace and in hope to stop his bad habits which he got at W.A.R.

Mostly he’s a friendly kind of guy who took live and friendship deeply (since he lost a lot at W.A.R.), rather curios about other people’s relationship and often pursued them to do something they want. He could be a bit mischievous but never with bad attention but just for fun only.

Friends: Filvia ( ‘s OC), Flippy, Sneaky, Mouse-Kaboom (he met them when he’s being stationed at their post as instructor for some months).

Enemies: Tiger General (for killing a lot of his comrades and precious one), Disco Bear (for keep telling -or disturbing- him to take his worn out scarf off and put more stylish one. Funny fact: They’re neighbors ), Shifty & Lifty (for stealing and hiding his scarf once).

>Don’t take/let his scarf off or he will become short temper and won’t hesitate to pull trigger, friends or foes even a passing by creatures -as long as they’re alive- doesn’t matter (Main reason why he retired and move to HTT).
>He has a high tolerance with alcohol and is a smoker (he’s trying to quit so sometimes you can see him sucking lollipop instead cigarettes).
>If you found him alone, smoking while sighing means he just killed someone (aka he just lost his scarf, he got it back then feel guilty later).
>He often misleads people’s lives with his motto, which is: “never postponed anything you wanted to do, live is short so if you have something you want to do. Do it before it’s too late” and some way or another it could end up as “so if you wanted to confess or even try liquor go right ahead!”.
>He hesitated in having intimidated relationship since he couldn’t fully let go of his lover’s death. But maybe a certain someone could try to open him up (officially promoting open space to become his lover here 83).
>His scarf used to be his lover’s and the red trace at the edge of the scarf is his lover’s blood (he purposely leaved it like that). Also one of his dog tags belongs to one of soldier he stationed with and Vy considered him as brother, sadly he pass away at W.A.R.
>He wanted to applied to be P.E. teacher if there is any school at HTT and could become a hellish military teacher he used to be if he didn’t used his scarf.
>He always brings his handguns and sniper rifle (hidden by jacket). The W.A.R. leaved him uneasy feeling to walk around without them (one of his bad habit).


It become long somehow. I hope I didn't wasted your time TTwTT
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Comments: 50

MunkoNiyoriWeeaboo [2017-04-29 02:52:39 +0000 UTC]


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Maype-Soundsame In reply to MunkoNiyoriWeeaboo [2017-07-23 14:38:19 +0000 UTC]

Oh gosh, sorry for not replying back.
I had been hiatus-ing from DA since last year and only just recently decided to come back;;;

Thank you for your complement, really appreciated it
H-here! Wipe your nose with this O v O;;;
*pass your a pack of tissues

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KoalaTrancy [2014-07-15 03:18:11 +0000 UTC]

Damn.....he's cool

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to KoalaTrancy [2014-07-15 08:13:12 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you

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KoalaTrancy In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2014-07-15 09:04:20 +0000 UTC]


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blaze0597 [2012-07-31 00:56:08 +0000 UTC]

Ryan: *finds a scarf* well... time to burn it *burns it*
Scar:... that looked like his scarf
Ryan: so?
Scar:... never mind

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to blaze0597 [2012-07-31 02:10:53 +0000 UTC]

Vy: *losing his scarf currently searching for it then saw Ryan n Scar from a bit far*
*growl* ...big mistakes bastard... *took his rifle out and about to shot*

Wow,wow,wow!! easy wolfie! D8
that's not yours okay! here is yours! *knot Vy's real scarf on his neck*

(btw,I've check your gallery and might trying to read your fiction OvO)

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blaze0597 In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-31 09:57:07 +0000 UTC]

cool, I'm blaze404 on there

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to blaze0597 [2012-07-31 12:19:50 +0000 UTC]

Alright gotcha in my list OwO
I will leave review once I've time to read everything XD

Keep up the good work

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blaze0597 In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-31 12:34:51 +0000 UTC]


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Iythos [2012-07-15 09:56:02 +0000 UTC]

OC apa ini???????????????????????????????

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to Iythos [2012-07-15 14:45:44 +0000 UTC]

Hng...Tau happy tree friends ga?? 0,0

kalo tau,yah buat fanfiction itu =w=

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Iythos In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-15 14:52:25 +0000 UTC]

gak nonton happy three friends.... itu kartun barat???

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to Iythos [2012-07-15 15:42:45 +0000 UTC]

Yoyo,cartoon sih tp bloody and gore =w="

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Iythos In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-16 03:05:58 +0000 UTC]

jgn bilang kartun lucu imut-imut cuman full gore bloody gitu??

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to Iythos [2012-07-16 16:50:49 +0000 UTC]

mustly =v="
Ibaratnya cuma kehidupan sehari-hari tp ga "sengaja" terjadi sesuatu di tiap episode yg bikin mereka kebunuh semua

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Iythos In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-17 13:39:24 +0000 UTC]

tpi lucu2 gitu???? Huh!?

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to Iythos [2012-07-17 13:57:09 +0000 UTC]

Yoyo lucu tp...*shrug*

Yah jd intinya mereka pasti mati2 (secara gore ato tragis) trus,tp di episode berikutnya mereka kembali hidup semua =v="

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Mira3Lawlz [2012-07-12 04:21:41 +0000 UTC]

So now I can use teh com.....


Ahem. Now I can continue with the second progress of: Gender Bender Maid and Butler edition

And VY.... why you no friend Sai or Moku??

Still, if he did, he would've pobably gotten into fights with mah OC

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to Mira3Lawlz [2012-07-12 05:56:58 +0000 UTC]


asdfgh~~<3 thank you,thank you~~~

Yeey~! I wonder how Vy look like when he become "she" and wearing maid outfit XD

That's because I don't know if Sai or Moku in W.A.R. or not D8 and I haven't ask your permission
(I've already ask Silent and since Filvia involved in W.A.R. they could meet each other 0__0;; )

And Happy Tree Town will become a war field XD

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YumiRuin [2012-07-12 00:33:04 +0000 UTC]

AWEOMENESS! So awesome on drawing!

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to YumiRuin [2012-07-12 01:11:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much

You're gallery are great, there are a lot of HTF and animals pictures XD

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YumiRuin In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-12 02:24:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

Well, I like animals, and nothing against human, but I just don't have that... bond with them. I'd rather draw/make little animals, instead of humans.

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to YumiRuin [2012-07-12 14:44:06 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

Ic,Ic, I'm envy you. I wish I could draw such a lovely animal like you 8'3

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YumiRuin In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-12 18:48:47 +0000 UTC]

Dude. I can't draw. The colored ones are from bases.

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to YumiRuin [2012-07-13 15:28:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh, you're not the one who made the base? O___O
I'm sorry I thought you made your own base then edit it into many kind of picture OAO;;

Still that's so creative of you to made a different kind of character from single base only 0v0

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YumiRuin In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-13 15:29:32 +0000 UTC]

I wish I did make the bases. That would've made me happy.

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to YumiRuin [2012-07-14 16:41:51 +0000 UTC]

Why don't you try to make one then?? 83

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sparklycholo [2012-07-11 22:49:40 +0000 UTC]

He-He's so cuuuuuttteee!! Q o Q D'awww!!!~

Smoking's bad Virost, still, he's fucking adorable!



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Maype-Soundsame In reply to sparklycholo [2012-07-11 23:38:49 +0000 UTC]

Naaa~~aaw thank you

Yeah,it's bad and he can't stop,bad wolfy D8<
And many thanks for you

*click the link*

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sparklycholo In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-11 23:55:41 +0000 UTC]

No problem.

Yush.... you need to stop Virost. < <

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to sparklycholo [2012-07-12 15:06:58 +0000 UTC]

Lol XD

I've tried to =3=
I even call him dummy but he didn't stop smoking D8 that's why I kicked-- I mean moved him to Happy Tree Town so he can found someone to stop him OvO
and hope he could be revived over and over again if he die out of lung's sickness XP

(Wonder if Samiee could do something about it?? 83)

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sparklycholo In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-13 04:20:40 +0000 UTC]

*smiles* I BET he can! xD Is it okay if I add Vy to my story?

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to sparklycholo [2012-07-13 15:13:25 +0000 UTC]

I thought you no longer accepting OC!?
OH YES,YES~~! PLEASE DO~~!! XD That would be a big honor for me

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sparklycholo In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-13 16:39:17 +0000 UTC]

Hey hey hey, it's my story. xD I can unadd and add any OC I want. I will then.

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to sparklycholo [2012-07-14 16:37:16 +0000 UTC]


Can wait to see him there XD
(but don't worry I won't rush you so just take your time 83)

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sparklycholo In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-14 19:25:21 +0000 UTC]


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SilentSketcher22 [2012-07-10 13:24:37 +0000 UTC]

You, this drawing, and Virost are AWESOEM! OuO!

the way he's trying to not smoke is cute XDDD
Instructor huh? ouo looks like filvie's not gonna like this..

Anyways, this so AWESOME! XD [again]

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to SilentSketcher22 [2012-07-11 09:44:53 +0000 UTC]

Not as awesome as you, you drawing and Filvia~

Glad you like it 83 Too bad he won't stop smoking and will die out of lungs' disease XP /slap/ jkjk XD

Yup,he is. Daa'aaw why not?? Vy love her ya know,right Vy~~?? 83
Vy: who? The scarlet princess? Yeah,I love her ^^

Double thanks for you then

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SilentSketcher22 In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-13 11:41:19 +0000 UTC]


Well, he's lucky he found Happy Tree Town, where he'll die a thousand times XD

Filvia: I dont like it when someone is superior than me. -.- but.. -looks at Vy from head to toe- ..i think we'll get along.. eventually -evil smirks-

>.> -facepalm- bad way of making friends Filvia..

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to SilentSketcher22 [2012-07-13 15:02:12 +0000 UTC]


you got that right XD that exactly the reason why I kicked--I mean moved Vy to HTT
He will be revived forever

Lol don't worry Vy will take care of her just fine XD

Vy: sounds interesting to me ^__^ You're a brave girl and I believe you're a good girl deep inside *about to pat Filvia's head*

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SilentSketcher22 In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-14 09:56:39 +0000 UTC]

XDD lol.

Filvia: -blushes and flinches- =//=* .....dont touch me.

Oooh c: xDD

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to SilentSketcher22 [2012-07-14 16:29:15 +0000 UTC]

Vy: Oh,shouldn't I?? I was thinking to at less do a handshake *chuckled*

Yup just fine as long as he has his scarf XD

*wind blow harshly and a certain worn out purple scarf fly away*

....uh oh O___O

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Mira3Lawlz [2012-07-10 12:06:54 +0000 UTC]

I CAN'T MAKE LONG COMMENTS OAO (what did I put in there?!)

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to Mira3Lawlz [2012-07-10 12:59:26 +0000 UTC]

W-why not?? 0A0;; You can put it one by one each time QvQ

(what do you mean?? O__o)

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Mira3Lawlz In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-10 13:39:15 +0000 UTC]

B-but I'm using my phone! QAQ

(Damn useless thing. Nvm, fprget I asked that)

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to Mira3Lawlz [2012-07-10 14:19:53 +0000 UTC]

Why don't you use computer then?? O__o
if you can't put a long sentence just put as much as you can and send it to me I will connect them all 83

(alright then 0A0;; )

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coffieee [2012-07-10 08:10:35 +0000 UTC]

Aw he's so cute

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Maype-Soundsame In reply to coffieee [2012-07-10 08:30:17 +0000 UTC]

Thanks glad you like him

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coffieee In reply to Maype-Soundsame [2012-07-10 08:43:13 +0000 UTC]

Np bbby<333 \(;//7//; )/

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