Megaloceros-Urhirsch — DLdH Animal

Published: 2013-02-02 15:16:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 8253; Favourites: 129; Downloads: 0
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Description Huhu ^ ^

I want to show you a couple of creatures from my Story DLdH.
Hope you like them. ^^

GERMAN: [link] hier muss es aber noch Freigeschaltet werden. °xD


Morba are Bloodthirsty creatures that exist in the world, especially in forests. They are in Wore swarm move. With her ​​loving charming appearance, seduce Morba individual animal and human beings come to this in the forest stands in the midst of their flock. As piranhas, the victim is dismembered by the Morba and eaten.
Morba who live singly and in villages and towns are only satisfied when they get a cold ham. They are harmless and will do anyone to suffer. They can also feed on honey and cereals, even if they get a ham. They come and go whenever they want. When they get to eat good, they keep the house in mind or nest on.
But normally you should go out of their way. You never know whether they lead one into the forest to feed.
One can distinguish males and females difficult. Although females have breasts, but are nearly flat. Depending on the location, the Morba have special wings in order to camouflage themselves well, since they are favorite food of reptiles. They can lay up to 100 eggs. Some females have even no wings to stay through the body coat Plump and need protection as in their village.
If you despite your own risk rescues a Morba, get this out of their magical powers, luck-bringing properties for some time. Some have also had an unpleasant gift from a Morba get that this could only get rid of by certain conditions again. They are about big as a half thumb.


Gandur are the descendants of the simple rabbit. After the impact of an asteroid, the rabbits had no real enemies. They had to survive and not edible plants. They now had to do what they would normally never do. Hunt insects.
Their ears were small and pointed teeth. Their legs were long and tripled their speed.
They took over the role of a predator and is one of the dreaded creatures. From a frightened rabbit, was a brave animal that can lure of noises. Although they have 4 eyes, they can see no duns images. Their view is black / white / gray. They can see Struck doors, but only hunt those who are moving. For then the Gandur is sure this is their prey no small tree.


Magidar with Kunfaku Relates. Apart from their large relatives, they can climb as Treecreeper, the trees Up. But to get back on the floor, they have to let yourself fall Undaunted. To prevent an injury, they can plushes, until they become a fur ball. The most successful when they sneeze or have afraid.
Their loud like a guinea pig. They are mainly kept as pets by the girls, which is really difficult. Magidar that are kept as pets stay, mostly stick to the ceiling.


Kapoka is the descendant of a kakapo. Kakapo can not fly because they have become accustomed in the course of time working on race. Especially since their forests were cut down totally. Not die out, they had to devise a new strategy to survive as they can. The kakapo decided to work in groups to protect their eggs and predators to lure away. Their little feet suffered harm many. But after centuries they evolved into small Strauss(Bird) After the end of humanity, they survived by participating in a different area and ventured to feeding on many fruit. In the new place, her body was bigger and stronger. Soon they were even bigger than an elephant bird.
The Satyr and Elbanel use Kapoka as their mounts to quickly arrive at the destination. Although Kapoka are very powerful, they are so peaceful like a daddy longlegs. But that costs a lot of riding time and effort, because the rider has in mind one with his animal. Similarly, when one rides one of the giant phoenix. If you have made to ride the animal, which is kapoka a faithful companion. Their attraction can feel when one is pushed by their powerful legs around. Wild Kapoka masquerade as oversized flower by having her family together do to hide from Gandur or other creatures. The eggs are hidden under a tree root. Males as females can be easily differentiated from each other. The males have two additional stripes on the neck.


The development of a Kiwubi was just like the Kapoka. They are the descendants of the small kiwi. Is proceeding in the development, they have no wings more. Not even a little claw.
Kiwubi also be used as mounts. Adults are Kiwubi hardly be restrained. So you have to get a tame animal, train them from a young age. The reasoning for the Kiwubi also plays an important role as one Kapoka.
Since Kiwubi the favorite food are some creatures, their pens were dyed to match their surroundings. Males and females look alike.
The eggs are buried under the earth because they are too large to be well hidden. The mothers go to their nest every two hours to make certain that the chicks hatch want to liberate them from the earth.


Nephilako are one of the most popular animals. They left the countless silk, for which you need for clothes, blankets and more.
Nephilako are the descendants of the silk spider Nephila. As the world after the disaster has again full of oxygen, were the tiny spider on the big eight-legged.
The character's the spider remained normal. Depending on the treatment they get from their owners, they can be affectionate. They trust their master / mistress then so much that she even volunteered to repair leaky roofs with its very stable thread. However, if the Nephilako treated unkindly, they are eaten by them.
The brains of this spider have become bigger and they can think, act and distinguish the good from evil. Whether they have ears, you have not yet investigated. But it looks as if the Nephilako sometimes understand what you tell them.

Gnargh! >___<
My english sucks!
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Comments: 33

MariEsposeets [2018-11-03 21:43:50 +0000 UTC]

These are awesome creatures!  I actually think the Nephilako is my favorite. I like that they're smart, helpful, and can be kind. But also will eat their master if their master is unkind! This is great new angle on spider-like monsters. 

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to MariEsposeets [2018-11-03 21:53:40 +0000 UTC]

Haha xD
I also like them.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MariEsposeets In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2018-11-03 22:00:17 +0000 UTC]

 Also the gandur is pretty rad. Never would have connected it to rabbits until you pointed that out!

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to MariEsposeets [2018-11-04 16:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Well, i think i should remade Gandur. I am unpleased. °xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MariEsposeets In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2018-11-04 16:49:47 +0000 UTC]

Really? I think it looks great! And I can see the rabbit origins now. I just didn't before because the Gandur is so fearsome. 

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to MariEsposeets [2018-11-05 13:05:56 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, well... it's kinda old and i have other bad animal ideas. ^^

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Pencilsketches [2013-02-28 00:30:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh really nice! lots of creativity in your work!

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to Pencilsketches [2013-02-28 18:26:32 +0000 UTC]

Aww thanks. >///<

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FreyaAbendstern [2013-02-04 14:59:46 +0000 UTC]

wow die schattierungen sind echt der hammer

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to FreyaAbendstern [2013-02-04 19:49:09 +0000 UTC]

Echt? Hab eigentlich nichts Schattiert. x°D

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FreyaAbendstern In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2013-02-05 21:47:55 +0000 UTC]

naja finde es wirkt so wegen der farbverläufe

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to FreyaAbendstern [2013-02-06 12:56:25 +0000 UTC]

Achso. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FreyaAbendstern In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2013-02-06 13:46:58 +0000 UTC]


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somebodyoranybody [2013-02-03 19:03:59 +0000 UTC]

Magidar is cute :3 I alwasy loved those furballs no matter their origin... But i like the design of the Kiwubi the most. The colour-combination is nice.
As always, awesome textures and anatomy!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to somebodyoranybody [2013-02-03 19:12:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much. >///<

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manaista [2013-02-03 03:08:16 +0000 UTC]

Really cool concepts! I especially like Gandur

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to manaista [2013-02-03 11:47:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. xD

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manaista In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2013-02-04 03:27:16 +0000 UTC]

You are most welcome

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kargaroc586 [2013-02-02 23:03:43 +0000 UTC]

These are very epic! I love the style <33333

I consider them adorable as well :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to kargaroc586 [2013-02-02 23:23:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. >///<

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kargaroc586 In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2013-02-02 23:23:43 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

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Ganjamira [2013-02-02 16:15:10 +0000 UTC]

AWWWWW!!! Kiwubi and Kapoka are soooo great!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to Ganjamira [2013-02-02 16:51:56 +0000 UTC]

thanks. <3

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WaterdragonWave [2013-02-02 15:33:46 +0000 UTC]

Also ich muss sagen, es gefallen mir alles außer die Spinnen Q___Q Ich amg keine spinnen, die sieht aber dennoch cool aus!

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to WaterdragonWave [2013-02-02 15:47:25 +0000 UTC]

wirst du aber nen Kleid tragen das von der Seide gemacht wurde? xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Irbis-Cyta In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2013-02-02 15:54:12 +0000 UTC]

Für gewöhnlich wird da aber die Seide der Seidenraupe verwendet ;D *klugscheisert*

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to Irbis-Cyta [2013-02-02 16:00:11 +0000 UTC]

Das weiss ich längst und... ist doch egaaaaal! xD

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Irbis-Cyta In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2013-02-02 16:00:53 +0000 UTC]

Hahahahaha, aber Spinnenseide ist verdammt teuer xD

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to Irbis-Cyta [2013-02-02 16:01:52 +0000 UTC]

Nicht wenn man eines als Haustier hat. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Irbis-Cyta In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2013-02-02 16:21:03 +0000 UTC]

Dann viel Spass beim melken x'D

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to Irbis-Cyta [2013-02-02 16:51:14 +0000 UTC]

Ich Melke doch schon ein kankanuri! Übernimm du diese Rolle! xD

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WaterdragonWave In reply to Megaloceros-Urhirsch [2013-02-02 15:50:24 +0000 UTC]

Das ist was anderes >_<

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Megaloceros-Urhirsch In reply to WaterdragonWave [2013-02-02 16:00:23 +0000 UTC]

Wollt schon sagen. XD

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