Michelle-JA-McIntyre — Water Dragon

Published: 2005-01-18 02:27:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 990; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 85
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Description A 12x9 colored pencil illustration (Prismacolors) on Strathmore Artagain paper. Part of my dragon art series.
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Comments: 6

AzureFalls [2009-12-18 17:47:43 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this is brilliant! Love the tail, and the eye. =3

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jeanxmitsu [2007-03-18 07:55:41 +0000 UTC]

I it!!Amazing design n contrast of colours!!!

In my it goes!!!

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Kth-dragon [2005-01-19 22:23:25 +0000 UTC]

What a cutie pie! This is my favorite of your pieces so far. The textures and depth are wonderful, and I like that you didn't fill the whole space with color. The way you ended the water was very natural and ripply, and you ended the sky in a fade, which both look really nice... though I'd have liked a little more sky.

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GothicAngel1987 [2005-01-19 19:24:37 +0000 UTC]

Again I comment on the scales. They are absolutly wonderful and the colour looks marvelous! The sea and the sea colour has been done very well and I really like how the eye is the only non seaish colour in this piece, well not including the paper. This well done Dragons just make me want to go and experiment with fantasy creatures again. Yet another I'm afraid

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Blacklotuscomic [2005-01-18 10:57:34 +0000 UTC]

I just saw nobody commented on this one, that's ashame , I like the way the scales get smaller from the back till the tummy and i like the colors of the scales, some are purple-like , some are blue-ish makes a nice mix of colors , and that gives a nice effect... What i really like is the orange eye, (complementairy colors against the blue ) it also looks like a gem nice and shiny, I can't find any faults or things I don't like, thus this piece is extremely good and beautifull in my eyes, I haven't seen many people that can draw realistic dragons as good as you! I like the way you made the water and the sky end, so you can see the texture of the paper, but it would have looked bigger of you would have colored it completely, spacier, wide panoramic (and sorry for my bad english) Greetingz from -LD-

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Michelle-JA-McIntyre In reply to Blacklotuscomic [2005-01-18 17:20:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for your comments! It's been my style to leave paper showing. I occassionally will fill the whole page but more often than not I don't. hehe.

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