NEW OWNER >> Myhnae
Basic Info
Name: Schneewittchen
Barnname: Schnee, Snow
Breed: Trakehner
Gender: Mare
Age: 5 Years
Height: 165cm
Discipline: Cross country, show jumping
Owner: Hampshire Stable
Former Owner: //
Rider: Hampshire Staff
Breeder: //
Colour: Black splashed white overo
Genotype: Ee aa nSpl nOv
Markings: Splasehd white, overo pattern
Eyes: Blue
Personality: Eager to work, sociable, intelligent, energetic
Worst Fear: Plastic bags
Herd Mentality: social follower
Handling: Easy for experienced equestrians
Favorite Treat: Pears
History: Schneewittchen was bought in Gemany as a surprise from Viktor Elfwood after he visited a local foal auction near Hannover. He fell for her beautiful markings and her energetic personality. Since then Schnee is living with the Hampshire herd and always seems to be close with Feline. She also has some talent in jumping thanks to her long legs and her energy.
Sire: //
Dam: //
Bloodline: STARTER
------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
-------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
-------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
-------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
-------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------ DDD: Unknown
Breedingstatus: Closed
Available for TB and German warmbloods.
Breedingslots: text
1. Reserved for me
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open
Offspring: //
Competitions: Competition - discipline - placing
[RNG] - MFS Mini Events: Foal Halter & Halter - Foal Halter - 3rd Place
Breedings: //
- Foals and Pasture
- Hey...what are we doing here?
- Photobomb
Gifted Artworks:
- Vodopadove
Tack: //
Worth: 100 dA Points STER
Total: text
Art © by Minarie
No References used