MiraKHall — Chester Valentine

Published: 2006-02-12 02:32:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1589; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 46
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Description Too... Hungry... to think... of a better...title...

Uh, I still couldn't sleep after tucking myself in, so I grabbed my blue-grid pad and started sketching this idea that suddenly popped up in my head. I THOUGHT I was gonna go to school to work on my background project some more, but, uh, I got carried away watching more SBEmails and inking, then sis got bored with herself and played FMA 1 and 2, and I came to watch. For some reason, that kind of 'distraction' really helped me focus on my blending with the Copic Markers/Sketches.

I love it; it's perfect. He's so... effeminate, and my sis coins it. He is Chester, after all, ain't he? I'm more proud with the fact that I got it DONE before the 14th of this month, since I'm so usually late with holiday specials

Once again, Happy V-day, you guys!

Media Used: Sakura multiliner, Copic sketch markers, white gel pen, construction paper.
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Comments: 13

madgus [2011-06-28 23:12:35 +0000 UTC]

In love perhaps...

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ponychops [2011-06-21 10:54:14 +0000 UTC]

Very nice use of copics!!

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ardashir [2011-06-15 02:46:39 +0000 UTC]

Yay! It's always nice to see some art of Chester the Ringtail.

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Magenta-Fantasies [2011-06-14 23:36:56 +0000 UTC]

Feminine guys are the best kind of guys, IMO. I especially love his eyes.

By the way, what is he from? (I'm just curious, since I saw this was under Fan Art)

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MiraKHall In reply to Magenta-Fantasies [2011-06-15 06:39:36 +0000 UTC]

From an indie comic book called Havoc, Inc. They've been around for a while, but I heard-see that Radio Comix is featuring the original pages on their site: [link]

Still prefer them in print format, but what are ya gonna do? I seriously should talk to Terrie about the sitch, because the publication issues are confusing me.

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RavanVellington [2011-06-14 16:41:21 +0000 UTC]


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ringtailmaster [2007-07-24 04:03:16 +0000 UTC]

wonderful piece of work, simply lovely

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Heyblibber [2006-11-29 09:18:22 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that's a great-looking Chester! *adds it to his collection*

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VulpineVampiress [2006-02-15 05:17:09 +0000 UTC]

Waieee! He's so...so beatiful! XD Honestly, those eyes are just lovely. ^^ You know, when I look at this...I think anthro-bishie. lol DA needs more anthro bishies!


And btw...it looks lovely as your avatar.

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Jackalopette [2006-02-12 14:03:22 +0000 UTC]

wow! you're such a pro with those markers!

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XxFallenYoshixX [2006-02-12 05:23:27 +0000 UTC]

Aww mah Lady! XD He just looks OH so pretty with the pink frilly BGness. It goes with his, efeminetness ( Doesn't know spelling or meaning of word but is pretty sure it must have sumthing to do with how chick like Chester is. XD ) The silkyness was a great idea, fo REAL! ^__^ This looks like it should be a V-day card! And his eyes just look so fetching!! ( HA! I said fetching! XP ) Naw but seriously, they do. Just the whole almond shape, curly lashes, and well blended crimson sprakling eyes where the first thing I noticed. Just that TEENY bitta red corresponds ever so nicely with the pink in the pic. AND IT'S JUST SO SHINEY!! Happy V-day to ya mah Lady!! ^________^ I am in LURV with your copic marker blending skillz!

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MiraKHall In reply to XxFallenYoshixX [2006-02-12 06:37:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for that wonderful comment, Mastah I've been dying to get praises over this aside from my eternal mother (who will love anything I touch with a marker), and I've never felt so inspired to work a lot more in goal-preperations for the next big furry convention to come this way. Remind me to send a copy to Terrie so that the distribution on my part is legally permissive...

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XxFallenYoshixX In reply to MiraKHall [2006-02-12 06:41:14 +0000 UTC]

naw problemo loff. ^_~ I'll note cha on it!

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